
  1. D

    is my duck okay ?

    I have a duck, shes about maybe 2 months. she just had a very weird moment. her body looked wide and flat while running around. then 10 mins later, her body was completely ruffled and stayed that way for awhile. im now seeing her neck looks alittle big and thick, is like closer to her body, if...
  2. C

    what breed is my duck?

    my mother and I picked up this duck with a few others at TSC, im keeping this one whilst my mother is taking the rest to her home, it will be kept as a pet inside alot ( i want to buy it a diaper when it gets larger so i will not have to worry about poo on the floor when it gets large...
  3. Aliamelody

    How can i make a Strong duck food?

    we live in special duck food Being made and Buying from fauren online shops like Amazon is so hard and can i made need of my ducks body with Homemade food?
  4. K

    5 new Pekins ducklings

    I just got 5 pekins ducklings that hatched two days before I went and picked them up. I got them home and into their brooder but they are terrified of people. I have tried giving them treats and handleing them normally. Is there any thing I can be starting to do now that will make them friendly...
  5. Zolamarie

    SICK duck

    Hey everybody. This morning I noticed two black poops in my duck run. I checked peggy and she had a little black poo around her vent, so I know it was her. She wont eat her pellets, but ate some scratch grains, dandelion, and tomatoes. But she won’t drink much at all. I don’t know what to do. I...
  6. Zolamarie

    New duck update

    Yesterday I adopted a duck. I posted about it last night. He doesn’t look like he’s in the best shape(poor baby) and he was terrified of me yesterday. It’s clear he isn’t used to be handled. He is not quite as scared of me today, but still doesn’t trust me yet. I know it’ll take some time...
  7. Zolamarie

    Trying to get a new duck for lonely pekin

    Hey guys. I’ve been trying to get another duck for my single duck. My other duck was taken by a fox 12 days ago. I found a place that would sell me a duck, and was going to drive over there tomorrow, but something came up and I won’t be able to go till March 6. That’s 15 days away... I feel so...
  8. Zolamarie

    Duck run flooring

    Hey y’all, I hope you are having a good day!:frow I’m going to build a small duck run this weekend and can’t figure out what to line the floor with. The run I have right now is just a fenced in area with a dirt floor... or should I say mud floor! :sickIt is sooo gross and I keep cleaning it...
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