
  1. TaylorGlade

    Is this a worm? Poop photo

    We set up poop boards yesterday and today I was scooping and noticed what I think is a worm. David thinks it intestinal lining And one of my chickens did this too!
  2. Mcmchick

    What did my chicken just poop out?

    Hi! I am attaching pictures of what my chicken pooped out this morning. Yesterday I made a thread asking for help as she's still been sick. I'll attach the link to that thread here if anyone wants background. But I wanted to get this picture some attention with a new post to hopefully get an...
  3. MissLivia

    Lethargic Chicken: Help?

    Hello, everyone! I've spent far too long reading posts on here trying to figure out what's wrong with my hen, so I decided to post and get advice for my specific situation. My Dominique hen yesterday started exhibiting lethargy; she was standing around away from the flock. She didn't seem super...
  4. freckledfairy

    Leg injury + other symptoms

    Hi! I need some help figuring out how to support my sweet girl. Friday night, when we went to put our girls up for bed, Florence was laying in the coop, and did not get up to greet us like normal. Upon further encouragement, she didn’t get up either. 2 hours earlier she was just fine and...
  5. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Space requirements for Red/Freedom/Rainbow Rangers

    I have 7 Rainbow Rangers on order from Meyer Hatchery for September. My question is how much space do they require per bird when free-ranging in order for it to not get too poopy? And, how much do they poop compared to CX? I think my plan is to brood them for the first 2-3 weeks. Then do 2-3...
  6. bacibeau

    Bloody poop in day old chick

    I just got two easter egger chicks and they are two days old today. I noticed that one has some blood in her poop. Does anyone know what it could be? Is it coccidiosis? Could they just be some weird poops because she's so young? She hasn't really been eating yet and her sister has normal poop...
  7. D

    Please help! Why does my duck sometimes struggle to poop?

    I’ve noticed this while watching her, but sometimes she seems to have a hard time pooping. She’ll poop about half of it then stop for some seconds and poop the other half out after. Please help, any help would be greatly appreciated. Is it serious? -She’s a Pekin duck -She is a year and a half...
  8. D

    Is there undigested food in this duck poop?

    I’ve been looking at it for awhile now, but I can’t really tell. I don’t believe there is any, but there seemed to be some earlier, so I want to make sure just in case. Any help is appreciated! -She is one and a half years old -She is a Pekin duck -She’s only been eating Manna pro duck feed...
  9. JLoWil

    Runny chick poo

    I have 3 buff Orpington and 4 silkies. They are seven weeks old. They have only been inside and not transitioned outside to their coop yet due to the heat wave of 100°+ for a week. They eat non-medicated starter feed, their indoor “coop” has large pine shaving & they have fresh water and food...
  10. aliciawrenn

    Poop unsure what is wrong

    I have 36 hens now of various ages and the second group is pooping some not so pretty things. I am not sure what it is. I was hoping someone could tell me please!??
  11. B

    Is this poop normal?

    One of my 2mo. old pullets is having runny poops pretty consistently and acting more sheepish than usual. She used to be the one that liked being held the most but over the last week or so is the last to come up to me. Does this poop look normal?
  12. C

    Help my sis pick a spot for her coop!

    So, my sister lives in a small Florida suburb that allows backyard chickens, and she and her husband are considering keeping two or three. She's not sure about which breed, yet, but they want to keep them for eggs and fertilizer. The house in question has an unusual structure, specifically...
  13. A

    Very watery chick poops

    We picked up 8 chicks from TSC on Wednesday. Yesterday they started with loud chirping and some watery stools. Attached is a picture of some of their stools underneath the brooder plate. Any suggestions? They all seem to be eating and drinking well and are very active birds.
  14. Olive_Egger

    URGENT - 2 week chick having trouble pooping

    Nearly two weeks old, she has had a slightly sour smell from her mouth for about a week now. We haven’t figured it out until now but it started a couple of days ago, when she tries to poop it takes her a while and her wings hand a bit, when she pushes she chirps like the strain hurts, although...
  15. divineangel94


    Hey guys it's me back with ANOTHER issue with the SAME hen. A couple of weeks ago she had an egg break inside her no shell just a little fluid. Went to the vet, got her some meds. Started doing well the 5 days ago stopped eating and drinking on her own. Yes, I didn't the whole egg binding check...
  16. W

    Chick Poop

    I have 6 chicks. 3 are approximately 3 weeks old and 3 are approximately 2 weeks old. Atleast one of them has had foul smelling chocolate brown runny poops. Any advice on what could be causing this?
  17. W

    Chicks straining to poop

    Hi all, I have 5 chicks, 12 days old today. 3 are thriving. One had pasty butt and has been straining to poop. I’m worried it might be a prolapsed vent but she is still hanging in there. I’ve done 2 soaks and have moved to preparation h to help with swollen vent. It’s been 3 days and you can...
  18. KimMMXVIII

    How to stop girls from laying on the couch

    My girls love the patio but pooping on the couch is not good behavior. How to stop the girls from either using the patio - or pooping on it? Can i teach them to poop somewhere else?
  19. G

    Chicken poop! White runny! Help!

    Need some help..here’s the details on the chicken in question. 2 year old lavender Orpington Hasn’t been laying Very lethargic White stringy poop (doesn’t look like worms but not sure 100%) Eats/drinks very little Giving nutri-drench and electrolytes Eats some apples, blueberries Very...
  20. AMont17

    Runny Poops (warning-poop picture within)

    I noticed a fairly large runny poop this morning. Not sure which one of my chickens is responsible, but they’re all acting normal with no other signs of distress. Any suggestions on what may have caused this is appreciated!
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