poopy butt

  1. A

    Is there such a thing as a chicken just having a cold?

    When humans get colds and flus we wait it out and it ultimately makes our immune systems more robust, and makes us healthier. Do chickens get seasonal viruses like humans do, that ultimately makes them healthier? Or is everything a death sentence for the flock unless treated with antibiotics...
  2. CarlaCo

    Poopy butt or infection?

    Hi all. One of our 5 girls has had diarrhea on and off and a poopy butt. I finally help in holding her while I clipped away as much as I could and asked a bit. We have no experience with this. She even squirted some right out as we worked. Yuck! I did not see any bugs or mites. But as you can...
  3. D

    Poopy bottoms

    I have two 3-year-old Golden comets which have very dirty bottoms. I've soaked them in warm water to clean them, but it comes back. They act normal (eat, peck, poop), one lays very large eggs, but the other hasn't laid any eggs in about a month. Is it because they are considered "old" for their...
  4. N

    Easteregger hen is lethargic and has a poopybutt and I’m not currently able to get to a vet.

    I noticed our hen was lethargic last night but put it down to me closing them in their coop later than normal. The other hens were already roosting but she was on the ground next to the waterer. She doesn’t always roost up high, she’s larger than our other hens and older. She’s about a year old...
  5. S

    Pasty butt- Silkies

    I have 5 silkies chicks that I bought from Rural King last Friday. I’m guessing they were a few days old when I’ve purchased them. Anyways, they have all had pasty butt nearly every day. It’s not super bad, but I’ve been having to clean their little butts twice a day. Some of them have crushed...
  6. R

    Reoccurring Dirty Chicken Butt and Blood in Eggs

    One of my hens has been getting poop stuck in her feathers continuously. We trimmed her butt fluff down a little bit and we give her Epsom salt baths regularly but it keeps happening. She is also the only one of my chickens that has blood in her eggs, although I don't know if that's related at...
  7. J

    Chicken butt...

    Hello One of my hens (they are several years old) seems to have a poopy butt and bugs crawling all around her butt ... she isn't walking around like the others, laying down some when she usually doesn't, and seems to be uncomfortable by the way she does walk. I have not handled them from...
  8. Artchickenlover21

    Bad diarrhea, poopy butt, flecks of blood, hiding in nest box

    I have a hen who has been getting lots of issues lately. First, a few weeks ago, it seemed she had sour crop, but then it went away by itself before I had a chance to treat it. Now suddenly she's unhealthy again. She's been hiding in a nest box all day and this morning it looked like she was...
  9. sammi_lynn12

    Baby chick poop

    Should I be concerned? It’s only a little bit and looks like it just got stuck when she pooped but I did get them from rural king and I have been seeing a lot of people having issues. Mine have been completely healthy since I got them three days ago. I was able to just wipe it off with a paper...
  10. Sparrow-Song

    Sick hen- Poopy butt, irregular stool, panting, lethargic

    Ok, so I said that my next post would be introducing my flock, and I got so many positive responses so I’m really excited to get around to that, but unfortunately it’s been delayed a while and in the meantime I have a hen that needs help… I am hoping that someone on here will have some idea...
  11. A-Chicken-Person

    Sick chicken

    My sweet girl Dixie was sluggish and sat down when she ate she also had this really bad poopy butt. She is getting better, she is still slow but not waddling by feeling her keel she seems to have lost weight compared to other chickens. She still has the bad diarrhea and I wash her behind with...
  12. TheBirdBabe

    Hen with poopy butt & sluggish

    I have a hen that has just been acting... off. She has had some runny poo that's now stuck on her feathers. Also, she's been acting sluggish. Still eating & drinking, but she's walking with her tail pointed down instead of up, like all my other girls. 🤔 I don't entirely blame her, it's been in...
  13. TheBirdBabe


    I just bought these babies & this one has a serious spot on it! I thought it was poopy butt, but when I actually got in there I saw the poor thing has (what looks to be) a scab! This particular baby has been very sleepy. I chalked it up to being, well, a baby. It eats, drinks & runs around for...
  14. YellowRoseFarm

    Easter Egger or Cream Legbar? Also, is there a thing such as "Runny Butt?"

    Hello! No longer on the sidelines, we're chicken owners now, yeah! We got our chicks from TSC which, I understand, can be sort of a mixed bag. The brooder we picked our Easter Eggers from also had Cream Legbars and Lavender Orpingtons. We pointed out the chicks we wanted, my kids gave each one...
  15. E

    Chronic Diarrhea in Hen

    I have a 3 year old Easter egger who has always had runny stool. As a chick she was healthy and clean, but she had runny stool. She’s still acting fine and laying fine, but her feathers around her vent are caked with poo and I can’t get it out. She’s been to the vet and did a round of...
  16. H

    Hen with poopy butt

    So, I have a hen (just turned 1 year old) with runny poop, and I'm not sure what's causing it, but wondering if I should trim off her poopy butt feathers? It first started happening last fall after I gave the chickens some apple pulp from my juicer, and then happened intermittently throughout...
  17. C

    Poopy Butt on week old Chick - Advise pls!

    4 chicks came home last week, they were 2 days old when I brought them home. Two had poopy butt. Warm water to break it up slowly. Next day just one had it. But it has persisted now on that one for 4 days. I've added neosporin after cleaning her as her vent looks puffy. I'm being careful...
  18. Microwave Girl

    Boarding chickens with Poopy Vent, Purple poop? Not getting better...:(

    About two weeks ago, P and K got extremely stressed out, (I put them outside in a dog crate while I was cleaning) and didn't truly calm down for about 12 hours. A few days later, the poopy vents started. Sloppy poop on the run floor, poop encrusted around the vent and in the feathers, won't...
  19. tiawieclaw

    My Chick Won’t Let Me Clean Her Pasty Butt

    I have a chick that has a little bit of pasty butt and I have been cleaning her and watching her and when i clean her she won’t hold still so I can’t get all the poop off. Eventually she just pooped on me but there is still a little gunk on her butt. It doesn’t cover her vent and since i got her...
  20. R

    Poopy Butt, Lethargic Chicken with swollen belly

    We have a sickness that seems to be spreading through our flock very slowly. We are working with 2 mentors to get through this but, I wanted additional opinions. It started off, I noticed some poopy butts. This is abnormal for our flock. Then, I noticed a buff orpington (3yrsold) standing on her...
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