
  1. pattijoiner

    Blue Slate Turkey poults

    I have several poults, a week old now and more on the way! Healthy and doing great, hens and Tom are both on site and were raised by me. Located in Carnesville, Georgia. NE part of state
  2. savvychickz

    Will she get lonely?

    I had two poults that I raised with 9 salmon faverolles, 3 almost 4 months old. one of the turkeys died yesterday (predator, dealt with), Will the remaining turkey be lonely being the only turkey or will it be fine with the salmon faverolles?? They don’t perch together since the turkey likes...
  3. CALB00

    Sick Turkey

    I have a 2.5 month old turkey who's been acting sick these last couple of days. Hunched over/droopiness, ruffled feathers, pale, definitely weak and not as active as usual, some weight loss (from loss of appetite), and this weird green diarrhea. She's such a sweetheart I would hate to lose her...
  4. H

    Turkey poult dying please help

    I need everyone’s advice. Brought home some turkey poults not even a week old. One of them started doing like a gag motion and really weak. Won’t eat. Sounds stuffy when it breathes. It died. Now a few days later another one is getting symptoms. Doesn’t sound stuffy but it keeps closing its eyes...
  5. mldoublee

    Baby with Bulging Eye?

    I have a three day old turkey poult that I hatched. Its right eye is bulging. It actually looks like the fluid behind the lens is increasing. I don't think he's eating, but his siblings are. I am concerned he might have more going on that I don't know about, which is one thing...But I'm also...
  6. tielie135

    raising the dumbest poult?

    i swear to god this thing is going to be the death of me, got a pair heritage ridley bronze poults and i brought them home, the younger one ( about 12 hours old) took a second and figured out what to eat. the other one (about 1 or 2 days old) started eating wood shavings, after awhile of trying...
  7. M

    Hatched a poults that mom abandoned at final hour

    I just had to bring a poult in to hatch and help it because mom left the nest and didn’t return. It was peeping and crying a lot more than a normal hatch so I helped it just a little but it did most of the work. I have never had a brand new one inside. I don’t have an incubator. I have it...
  8. lunaticfishboy

    Unusual looking chick- is she a poult?

    So I recently got 2 Barred Rock chicks, and one of them looks very different from the other. Definitely not a BR then. Her eyes are more bigger then the others, her beak is a different color, shes bigger than the other, her legs are black and only toes pink, and her neck is slightly longer. I...
  9. R

    Hen with severe leg injury

    One of our two roosters jumped on our smallest hen and did something to her leg. I imagine her leg is out of the socket or something. It's literally resting on the ground behind her. I cant feel anything obviously wrong with it but I'm no professional. She also has poop butt pretty bad come...
  10. F

    Can somebody identify this turkey breed?

    Hey guys! I have this turkey breed that I just cannot figure out what it is. I bought turkey eggs that were all supposed to be Rio grande. Once they hatched I realized that half of them looked like the Rio grandes but they were lighter. They’re 4 weeks old now and the lighter colored ones have...
  11. Chrifister

    Leg twisted 170 degrees?

    It's a batch of 4 turkey poults that are 6 days old. They hatched with some other chicks. They all seemed to be doing fine, everyone looked okay although I haven't closely examined all of them yet. Today my father notices one of the turkey poults seemed to have his leg stretched out behind him...
  12. ninja333pirate

    Turkey poult

    So I work at a local humane society and today animal control brought in a turkey poult. I have backyard chickens but never raised turkeys so I am not sure how old he/she is. And not sure on what is fed to young turkeys. I did have someone bring me some of my all flock feed pellets as I didn't...
  13. G

    Turkey Poult Necrospy

    I received my turkey poults 4 days ago and nearly half of them have died. The healthy ones are doing great, but those who died just faded and wouldn’t eat or drink despite being shown where food and water was. Figured it was the stress of being shipped across the country… I cut two open and...
  14. 907poultry

    Vitamin e supplement suggestions? How to help sick/injured poult?

    I have a (Royal palm?) turkey poult hatched 03/14 (~3 weeks) He/She weighs 119 grams. The others weigh 357g, 312g, 245g, and 253g. His/Her neck is held severely sloped to the side, it runs backwards in circles, and chirps incessantly. The neck started a couple days ago, it arrived small and has...
  15. 907poultry

    Sexing Turkey Poults

    I did a search and surprisingly didn’t find another thread; I was told it can’t be done. There is a hatchery that sells sexed turkey poults, but only BB. Tell me your methods, old wives tale or otherwise. Some percentages (rough, not exact) on how many you got correct using x method would be...
  16. FathertoFeathers

    Is this poult blind?

    I had a poultry hatch day and noticed his eyes were noticeably different from the others. At first I thought maybe I was overthinking things and maybe it was the lighting so I left him alone for a bit but lo and behold they are still the same. They’re this milky color. Sorry the picture isn’t...
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    Turkey egg awaiting incubator
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    Turkey egg Broad breasted bronze
  19. Joyfillednomads

    Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey Poults hatched

    Our Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey Poults hatched. Of the 10 eggs we had... 6 were fertilized. Two pipped and failed. One never pipped. We have 3 turkey poults. So in love with these little guys. One is quite loud, guessing that one is the girl, jenny 💃 Love these guys.
  20. Joyfillednomads

    Turkey Eggs Hatching & Poult Survival Rates

    Turkey Eggs Hatching & Poult Survival Rates We have done so much research on every type of turkey and incubating them. Anyone have any tips? We have RH Relative Humidity Guage in this particular incubator. I'm not sure how to calculate the difference between wet bulb, relative humidity, dew...
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