
  1. S

    New member experienced poultry homesteader

    Hey there my name is Melinda and my family raises chickens,ducks,turkeys and Guinea’s We live on 40 acres and have been hatching for a year. We started with 22 $1 ducks and now have over 200 poultry….lol I have pretty much every chicken breed-Murans,Olive Eggers,Speckled Sussex,Brahma...
  2. GlicksChicks

    Poultry/Fowl Raising Simplicity Easiest to Hardest?

    I am planning on having a variety of different poultry/fowl and I want to work up from the simplest to the more complicated species. At the moment I only have chickens. I want to go one species at a time and get those established and feel like I have a grip on their care and then start with...
  3. talkinboutchickens

    Poultry obituaries; post them here for everyone to read about your beloved passed chicken(s)

    Hello everyone! I don't think there has ever been a thread like this one before, so I made one. What you do is you post one or more separate obituaries for your passed on loved ones (your chickens) or any other kind of poultry for everyone to see and read. This thread is meant for you to share...
  4. A

    Huge Rat Attacked Quail at Night

    Story: So I go outside to check on my flock since I’m kind of traumatized (more paranoid than traumatized) to make sure the previous incident doesn’t happen😢, and I check on all: they’re good, I think till I was about to leave but I think why not check my solo quail buddies (have been trying to...
  5. P

    Intro - Moving from MO to MI

    Hello everyone! I'm new here and I came across this site while looking at reliable places to get pigeons for pets. I'm an almost 30 year old woman with a toddler. I live in Mid-Missouri right now but in December (a month from now) will be moving to Michigan. I've homesteaded on a small scale...
  6. chickens4life_13

    Hi everyone!

    Hi everybody! I'm new to this website but I've seen it advertised often while searching about chickens and other poultry. I'm not sure how to start this intro, so I'll just let these questions do it for me 💗 (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I've had chickens my...
  7. M

    Coccidia treatment

    I’m on my third round of hatchlings and this round is getting hit hard with coccidia and Corid just isn’t touching them. I no longer feed medicated feed. They aren’t on wire flooring anymore and I usually will automatically start them on Corid for about 5 days when they are on the floor the...
  8. Ozarkhomesteader

    Anyone else have LGDs?? I am in serious need of advice!!

    There is not much on here about livestock guardian dogs, but I figure some people have them, so here goes! Literally any advice is appreciated. THE BACKSTORY: ok, so I've wanted and LGD for years and years. Was never ready, but have been researching them for years. I've read every article I...
  9. A

    Bantam Assorted Chicks from TSC: Help Identify

    Hi I am not sure if this is the right place to post but I got 6 chicks from tractor supply and have waited some weeks. I am curious if any of you know what breed these chicks are?
  10. Amazons

    Sharing my Poultry art! Snowhillfarm.net

    I finally got things set up! Poultry focused art shop, stickers and things of the like that highlight and show of different poultry breeds pride! All orders are on demand right to your place and online so its easy peasy! It opens this weekend, and ill be emailing about coupons and new art, so...
  11. The duck father_

    ((GORE WARNING)) Necropsy findings, Swollen gizzard.

    Any hypothesis on what could've caused this? Swollen gizzard, shrunken and purple heart, pale organs, and extremely underweight. There was no fat anywhere on him including his heart. He ate plenty, but started collapsing every month until he suffered a seizure and died. He was a rescue and...
  12. Jaeden Mckinley

    Waterers and what works best in the winter

    Hey Everyone, this is a question I have been wanting to ask since I got chickens. What is the best way to get nice clean water to my flock every day without having to clean the water because the chickens kick dirt and dust into it? The Plan The plan was to buy some 10-15 gallon rubber tubs...
  13. H

    Antibiotics for Poultry

    I need some info on how to get antibiotics to have on hand for my poultry. What type do I get? What can I get without a prescription (no poultry vet here!)? This is what my local feed store has available (image below). I think only one is labeled for poultry but requires a prescription (which...
  14. kaylyntheweirdginger

    Mink proofing problems

    We had been having predator attack issues for the past couple months. Every now and then and sometimes multiple days in a row. We would find a bird or two completely neck and headless. It would happen just as it got dark right outside the coop. Hubby and I just finished putting up a 50x50 coop...
  15. Aprilxoxo

    Common knowledge that an inexperienced person should know?

    Hi everyone I own a very small flock (2 turkeys, 4 chickens, some quail and recently newly hatched chicks) I am very new still to owning poultry and theres alot i do not know, but when i initially decided to get them i did alot of researching of what they needed, diseases, common problems, how...
  16. Dfarago

    Incubating with multiple hens

    I have two jersey giant hens and an evil rooster. Last clutch we had he murdered several chicks before I could intervene (they were new for us and I didn’t realize he would be so aggressive with his own chicks. please don’t judge too harshly 😭) so we got an incubator. So I’m wondering, since...
  17. J

    Geese Scaring Chickens from Feed

    Hello! So we have two Embdens that we got as guard geese for our flock of 16 chickens. We have seven chickens that are six months old and nine chickens that are two and a half months old. The guard geese are not quite two months old. As of the last week the guard geese are chasing the chickens...
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