praire bluebell egger

  1. C

    Praire Bluebell Eggers

    Hello! I got 4 straight run Bluebell Eggers from tractor supply. I know they are way too young to sex BUT does anyone have pictures of what their grown roosters look like so I know what to compare them too? I am nervous I got all roosters lol hoping for some hens! There is not much info or...
  2. S

    Bluebell Easter egger

    Anyone know what this bluebell Easter egger pullet will look like when she gets older? Or have any good guesses? Lol first time seeing one so unique with silver/white/blue wings
  3. W

    Who’s laying this egg?

    We have 18 hens that are starting to lay, as of this past week. So far we have 3 ladies laying consistently each day. We have silver laced Wyandottes and Prarie Bluebell Eggers. I was under the impression the SLW would lay a cream/ light brown, and the PBE would lay a light blue. So to my...
  4. Azulette

    Weekly Growth

    Hi there! I've much enjoyed stumbling upon threads of weekly chick growth/progression so I figured its finally time to throw my hat in the ring! I purchased all sexed pullets and I'm pretty sure I have 1 or more cockerels on my hands (so it goes). I'm a first time chicken owner in a residential...
  5. konachicks

    October 12th Hatchdate Hatchalong🐣🎃🐣

    Aloha from the Big Island of Hawai’i ! I started 34 eggs yesterday between my Nurture Right 360 and my Kebonnixs . My Kebonnixs is all gorgeous BCM eggs and my 360 is a mix of BCM, Prairie Bluebell eggers and a barnyard mix (shown in pic of nine eggs in box) so those will be my surprise babies...
  6. konachicks

    Getting back into chicken keeping after years

    Aloha from Hawaii! I am getting back into chicken keeping now that we own our place and can finally have them again. I was going to order chicks but Hawaii is strict and won’t let anything come in out of Ohio right now so our plan B is incubating eggs which I started today! We have a Nuture...
  7. NRHobbyFarm

    Update pics of my 3 week old Lavender Orpington girls and their week old Americauna and Prairie Bluebell egger sisters

    I put them all together last week. At first my lavenders were scared of the babies, then the babies were scared of the big girls. Now they live in harmony although the babies are super messy scratching bedding and food all over the place especially in the water!
  8. M1ss3s

    Prairie Bluebell Hen or Cockerel?

    Hello Everyone!, New to this forum but I have 4 already laying hens for a little over a year now and just recently got 4 more "hens" but I am questioning my Bluebell Prairie that is about 6-7weeks now. Cleo is very friendly and curious, loves to be held or roost on your hand, and gets along...
  9. C

    What kind of chicken breeds do I have?

    Ok, I know some are starlight green eggers, the white are amber links. So we have sapphire gems and prairie bluebell- but how do I tell them apart? Also the one with the number 1 and a circle around it what is that breed? And the black ones with white… they were almost completely black except...
  10. maarijke

    21 chicks for a new Parker, Colorado farm

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We are new and got baby chicks last Friday and Saturday. 6 days ago. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 18 chicks. 2 hens( a rescue and a gift) 3 babies died. One immediately despite our extreme lifesaving attempts...
  11. MochaLatte

    6 week old Prairie Bluebell Egger and Starlight Green Egger chicks

    Good Afternoon! Backstory: I got a group of 15 chicks of various breeds this year. 12 of my 15 pullet-sexed chicks turned out to be roosters. When I contacted Hoovers, who supplies chicks to the store, they were quick to apologize and send new chicks of my choice. That would *definitely* be...
  12. L

    Prairie Bluebell Egger Gender?

    I purchased all pullets, can you confirm this is a Prairie Bluebell Egger pullet? She’s 19 weeks old. Hasn’t crowed or laid yet. But her feathers are a little pointy compared to my other other one. I’ve had some Roos crow at 10 weeks so I’m hoping she’s a pullet.
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