
  1. Draconic

    Was there a reason?

    So my seven eggs hatched today, but, there was a lot of complications and I'm just wondering why that might have been. They all managed to survive, as of now at least, but this morning they all started to crack out of their eggs, some actually made really large cracks in their shells, and one...
  2. R

    Looks like intestine was sticking out and wrapped around leg.

    Does anyone know what this is? When the chick hatched (assisted hatch) there was some blood and after a few moments. I realized the leg was wrapped in what looks like an intestine. I've gotten the leg unwrapped but there's still something sticking out. Should I push it back in or leave it alone?
  3. C

    What's up with my silkie's head?

    Hi! I'm new to chicken keeping. I have three (for now) sex-linked silkie hens. They are about three months old. I noticed that one of them has a couple of red spots underneath her chin and on the side of her head. The other two don't have this so I was wondering what's up with that? Is she okay?
  4. S

    King quail with strange eye shape

    I have a female king quail who today I noticed was being picked in by her male. He’s always been super sweet so I don’t know what got into him, but she’s a bit roughed up. While I was checking her out, I noticed both her eyes seem to be a bit strange, it almost looks like the top eyelid has been...
  5. D

    Why does my duck sometimes struggle to poop?

    I’ve noticed this while watching her, but sometimes she seems to have a hard time pooping. She’ll poop about half of it then stop for some seconds and poop the other half out after. Please help, any help would be greatly appreciated. Is it serious? -She’s a Pekin duck -She is a year and a half...
  6. D

    help! Does anyone know if Purina duck feed is allowed into Toronto/Ontario’s borders?

    My duck really needs a proper, sufficient duck feed again, but the previous duck feeds I ordered didn’t pass the border because it contained “meat.” Does anyone know if duck feeds like Purina duck feed is allowed into Toronto’s borders? Any advice would help, thank you!
  7. D

    Why did green liquid come out of my duck’s vent?

    This is the second time it’s happened. This happened once awhile back, but we believed it wasn’t a very big deal since it was the first time it’d happened and nothing showed up online. She seemed fine and she does now too, she doesn’t seem particularly unwell after pooping this, so we’re not...
  8. T

    Need help figuring out what went wrong

    I am new to incubating chicks and had a first batch come out decently so I am on a 2nd batch now. Its almost lockdown time but when I went to check the eggs that were alive almost a week before, half of them were not developed almost since then. The eggs were accidentaly stored blunt end down...
  9. S

    Help My Chickens Stomach is bloated!

    My chicken is suffering from lower adomal bloating. Her whole lower abdomin is severely bloated, and feels like a balloon full of air. She is normaly a relatively skinny chicken but now wattles when she walks. Other then the bloating she seems pretty normal and doesn't seem to have other issues...
  10. D

    Please help! What Fluorescent Lamp is good for ducks? How many uvbs is good for ducks and how much is too much?

    My duck is one years old.
  11. D

    Is it normal for my duck to have diarrhea 1-3 times everyday?

    She eats well and drinks well. She has snacks like tomatoes mixed with eggs once almost daily, but often a few times everyday. She eats Manna Pro Duck Layer Pellets everyday as her main feed with calcium being high. She’s usually quite lively and messes around a lot. Her poop is usually okay...
  12. Cnjecker

    Previous Layer Not Laying but in Nesting Box

    I have a 2 year old Ameraucana who would leave me a pretty green egg each day. She hasn’t laid in about 4 days but I find her in the nesting box each day- but no egg. All of my other hens lay brown eggs so I’m not confusing her eggs for another or vice versa. I’ve had a broody hen and she’s not...
  13. Quacking ducks

    What’s wrong with my Pekin?

    Hi I picked up my female Pekin duck this morning and noticed the orange Bear spot on her belly any idea what it is? Thank you
  14. Chrifister

    Leg twisted 170 degrees?

    It's a batch of 4 turkey poults that are 6 days old. They hatched with some other chicks. They all seemed to be doing fine, everyone looked okay although I haven't closely examined all of them yet. Today my father notices one of the turkey poults seemed to have his leg stretched out behind him...
  15. K

    Duckling semi-hatched, yolk still present...Please Help!

    Hey everyone, first time ducky mummy here! I've never hatched anything before and have been a panicy mummy this whole time! We have 6 cayuga eggs (which we're unsure if anything is happening with them) and one mallard, which was laid by a wild duck and abandoned so we tried to incubate. She's...
  16. Joyfillednomads

    25 NEW Quail chicks HATCHED!! YAY!!

    25 chicks hatched!! Yay. Hoping more do. See a few have pipped. One is trying to break shell. After 2 days of being hatched, it was time to pull a few out. Yay!!!
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  18. Puddingtheamericana

    Americana spits up foggy light brown substance!

    Our americana, Pudding, spat up this weird foggy brown substance today. i went into the coop today to check on a previously injured chicken who miraculously healed suddenly and i had gone to pick Pudding up while in there. i’m holding her on my side and she suddenly just drools out this foggy...
  19. -Flash-

    Incubator Stopped Turning!

    Hi, I'm incubating Coronation and Light Sussex's, Plymouth Rocks and Silkies and I believe that my incubator has stopped turning the eggs... for about a day... maybe? Will the chicks still be okay?! They've been in the incubator for about a week. How many times a day will I need to manually turn...
  20. E

    4week old chicks not growing at same speed as siblings and seem weak

    I have 7 chicks and 5 of them are growing nicely but 2 of them are way behind (about half the size as the rest) And one of them seems a lot less energetic I separated the 2 smaller ones out but they are still alive at 4 weeks old so I’m assuming they are eating and drinking so just a little...
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