quail as pets

  1. CaliGal03

    Quail All Around Advice

    Hi guys! I just joined and I'm looking to get myself some quails. I live in California and I'm looking to get some fertile quail eggs, hatch and raise them. I only want them to keep as pets and for eggs and I'm looking at what would be appropriate for my area. We have three female Khaki Campbell...
  2. G

    I need help

    Hey there I'm having trouble with my Cortunix Quails. They have always been very calm but this morning I found out that several quails were brutally injured on their head area. I'm scared. What may have caused this behavior? Background information : I'm a first time quail keeper. I hatched...
  3. C

    Any quail egg sellers near me? (Bucks County Pa)

    I am currently looking to raise quail chicks or incubate quail eggs but I’m looking first for a seller near me. I live in Bucks County Pennsylvania. If anyone has any available please comment below.
  4. aticiabray

    Button Quail - Seeking Info

    Hello all. I have been thinking about getting some button quail and not having a ton of luck finding care info. I have some basic knowledge but my main question is how to house them indoors and if that is ok or not. If it is ok to house them indoors, what kind of set up would I do? I am...
  5. KaleDaDuck

    Which one is the female quail?

    I was given these special quails that were a male and female but i dont know which one is the male and which is the female there are two of them a white quail and a brown quail look at the photo below. Thanks.
  6. D

    How to keep your quail's feet clean?

    This is my first time owning quail, and I've loved every second of it, except for this one problem. It always seems that my button quail keep getting their own poop stuck on their claws, turning them into little orbs of fecal matter and feathers hanging off their feet until I clean it. I've had...
  7. C

    What are we doing wrong with our chicks?

    Hey everyone! Am new to this forum and made an account in the hopes that someone might be able to help with these issues we've been having with our Japanese quail babies. We're still pretty new to quailing in general and hatched the first chick on Nov 10. The first 2 chicks we got died...
  8. S

    Getting a quail soon

    Getting a quail Friday I don't live in an area where feed is easy to access so I was going to make my own using ingredients is this ok for a mix ( I'm getting an adult). Cornmeal Oats rolled Lentils Sunflower seeds And some fruits and vegetables every now and then
  9. L

    Will a single baby quail be lonely?

    Actually I had two baby quails, one of them was very weak since he hatched, he couldn't stand on his own and slept all the time. I tried to give him some food and water but he shut his eyes every time. And the day after I found him dead, now that only one quail left alone, i wonder if he will be...
  10. M

    Foot problem with little quail... please help!!

    We have been keeping quail for just short of a year. They live on the ground with a board to prevent rats and “easy chick” bedding. Some time ago, early July we noticed one of the smallest quail (we only have 6) had a swollen foot. By mid-July we were worried enough, because she limps a lot, to...
  11. Chick dayz

    What quail breeds are best??

    I have had chickens (4 silkie hens) for a while now and decided I wanted more chicks but when I thought about it I thought, why get more chickens what about another type of bird... Then I read about quail and decided I wanted some but I have no idea what breeds to get!!! I kind of want button...
  12. SemiQ

    My quail can't get along? URGENT

    I have two female quail that are having trouble getting along. For context, I have a wild coloured one called Rigby and a Italian coloured one called Butter (Rigby is slightly larger in size). They have laid eggs so I know they are both female. Rigby was hand -raised alone, while Butter was...
  13. I

    Help identifying female button quail call

    Our female king / button quail laid six eggs and seems to be trying to hatch them. She makes this call every once in a while. Any ideas on what it means?
  14. K

    Sharpie on Eggs???

    Is it safe to mark X’s And O’s with a sharpie marker on quail eggs before incubation process??
  15. I

    Need help caring for my new Quail

    Hey all! My girlfriend and I bought a quail recently to care for, and we're quite concerned that we might not be giving him the best care. I have a few questions regarding how to properly care for him but before that a bit of information and background. -We bought him from a pet store and he...
  16. Doathing

    Canadian quail newbie

    I got two birds from a guy who was super shady. He had tonnes of them but wouldn't let me see the coop. I argued him down to 5CAD for two. They are 'cortnix' I'm mostly blind but they look bright white to me. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I've raised chicks but...
  17. CoturnixKeeper

    Quail fighting very strangely

    Hello, for the past couple of months I've been raising three Coturnix quail in a roughly 18 square foot outdoor enclosure. Recently they have been fighting but not in the way you'd expect. The two females seem to be bullying the male as he is the only one missing feathers on his head when I go...
  18. L

    Air bubble on baby quails neck

    one of my chicks has an air bubble on its neck. The skin is pretty thin and it’s kinda yellow if you look through it, kinda like it’s food. I thought of puncturing it but if it’s the crop that would be bad. Also, it’s chest skin is pretty thin and it has been opening its mouth kinda as if it was...
  19. R

    Japanese quails- help!

    A few days ago I received 3 female quail which I very highly suspect one is a male! I’ve never owned or raised quails so forgive me if some of my questions seem silly! We were told they will be fine in a small chicken coop so we purchased one that has a lockable hutch that has a ramp going into...
  20. Allisonlovesnancy

    New baby quail!!

    Hello BYC family! I went to 4H yesterday and my leaders assistant surprised me with three baby quail! I have wanted quail for a while now and asked her to hatch me some (she offered first) but I had never heard back from her so I had no clue I was getting them! What should I know about quail...
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