quail eggs

  1. RenegadeSkate3

    Humidity and how much? For day 14 quail eggs!

    I have 13 quail eggs that are all in great condition to hatch, I use a hovabator 1602n and I just recently filled up both tray areas for the humidity rise, since it is day 14, and it’s lockdown time, I’m just confused.... do I filll both compartments of the water tray full or halfway for both, I...
  2. Bates

    HELP - Incubating Shipped Coturnix Eggs

    I bought some Coturnix quail eggs a few weeks ago and have been incubating them with a Brinsea Maxi II Advance. It’s the 20th day and there’s been no progression. What should I do? Here is the timeline: June 13th - I collected the eggs from the post office. They weren’t packed very well and I...
  3. HomeHatcher22

    Humidity Problem!!!! Help!!

    This is my first time hatching quail eggs, I have a medium sized incubator and I just can't seem to be able to get the humidity over 45, I am on day 15 and can't seem to get the humidity up for lockdown!!!!! PLEASE HELP!
  4. CapricornFarm

    Coturnix Hatching eggs

    I have James Marie Jumbo Browns, Texas A & Ms, and a few Silvers ( just starting to lay). Eggs are $5 a dozen plus shipping, whatever that is these days to where you are. I use Priority usps. Fertility is great, they are hatching like crazy. I collect eggs several times a day.
  5. C

    Incubating first time. Temp 107!!!!

    So I am incubating for the first time. Doing coturnix quail eggs. Today is day 2 but I noticed yesterday at some point the temp got to 107! I fixed it but is there any hope? Are the eggs cooked? I only have 20 eggs in. I have been keep track of the temp the past 3 days before I put eggs in and...
  6. allielavonne

    My 1st quail egg! Now what?

    So a couple days ago my oldest girl gave me my first egg!!! Soooo exciting! But I haven’t seen any since... is it normal for it to be sporadic in the beginning? I added a picture because I must say she makes a darn pretty egg!
  7. G

    Legal Issues With Bonwhite Quail

    My 12 year old son has begun using an incubator he got as a present. Someone gave him some Bob white quail eggs and they hatched really good. We live in Virginia. He wants to sell the quail he hatched and hatch some more. Should I be concern about any legal situations associated with selling...
  8. P

    Great Quail Experiment Part 1: The Build

    I will shortly be starting to raise my first animals...quail! I have done a ton of research and lots of planning, probably too much! I would like to document everything here and get opinions and thoughts as I go down this journey. This is part 1: the build. I decided on an above ground wire...
  9. Livinmontes

    My Texas A&M laid a white egg, is that bad?

    My Quail are just a few days shy of 8 weeks. They have started laying eggs and so far all of the eggs are the colored beauties I expected. This morning though I found a completely white egg. Not one mark on it. Should I be concerned? My Quail also seem to lay at a particular time everyday...
  10. R

    19 days and no movement on quail eggs

    This is my first time incubating quails let alone anything. I actually bought them from my local asian market and to my surprise 5 out of 20 were fertile. Two quit on me. One was cracked so I was suprised ot had made it this far. But I am on day 19 Idk the type of quail they are but I have heard...
  11. wowlss

    Button Nest

    I have a pair of button quails and the female has laid an egg every day for 12 days now. At first I took out the eggs but I’ve left the last six and she has laid them all in the same nest then she covers the eggs a bit. Could this mean she wants to brood? I’m concerned about leaving the eggs in...
  12. A

    How many eggs do quail typically lay in a clutch?

    I Have a trio of two males one female, (was NOT planning on the second male), and my hen has been laying an egg a day for over a week, and stopped yesterday so i now have a total of 11 Texas A&M eggs. I will put them in the incubator after i have some geese clear out and get a quail tray. But i...
  13. iwanaplae2

    New to quail

    A little background... I used to be active on this site back when I started with chickens. That was a little over 4 yrs ago. Since then...I still have chickens for eggs, but almost 2 yrs ago started raising meat rabbits. Now I have added Quail to my ‘micro farm’. We are raising for both meat and...
  14. 2

    Fertilized Quail Eggs

    I live near Boston and am looking for quail eggs. I am seeing prices around $12 a dozen. I am new but that seems high. Does anyone know?
  15. backyardhomestead


    I am incubating quail for the first time. I had 58 eggs in a forced air incubator with my chicken eggs. On day 13 I moved the quail eggs to a still air incubator for the lock down. I did have one temp spike when I accidentally moved the knob; it went up to 104. Its day 20 and none have...
  16. PirateGirl

    Taste Test: eggs from different fowl, participation encouraged

    I finally got my first duck egg and I'm preparing to do a taste test and I'm proposing others join in. I plan to cook a duck egg and a chicken egg the same way and compare the two. They both have the exact same diet, so it will be interesting to see, side by side, exactly how different they...
  17. C

    Raising Backyard Quail

    Hello, I've been raising backyard chickens for a bit and thinking about raising Quail. I live in NC and wanted to gather opinions on the best breeds based on the weather here and return on investment for eggs and meat. Do you find it worth while to raise quail for meat and/or eggs? Are they...
  18. Justy0

    Advice on heating pad incubator for quail eggs

    So I have never had quails before and I have an incubator on the way so I ordered some eggs that were supposed to be shipped after the New Year, but they were shipped before and somehow the postal service got them all the way here already and my incubator is still on is way! I believe its going...
  19. chloemae

    Help with incubating baby button quail....

    Happy New Year :). Hi Everyone, I have a question. I have 7 button quail eggs in the incubator. I have followed the guidelines for hatching then both in regard to humidity and temperature and turning as well as lockdown. Today is day 16-17. I got anxious, which is totally my fault. I did a float...
  20. hunterlj

    Weird Quail eggs

    So I’ve got a couple eggs in the past week from my coturnix Quail with some really weird coloration. They don’t have a whole lot of spots and they look kind of cracked but they aren’t?
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