
  1. chickenchicklady

    Please help! Sick meatbirds

    Hello! I have a flock of 25 meatbirds. I posted the other day asking if my chickens is coccidiosis with no response, they’re showing new symptoms and what I thought was bloody stool, wasn’t. So I’m ruling out coccidiosis. Their new symptoms are sneezing and wheezing. They all seem to be eating...
  2. TheTitanHens

    Hi I’m new here!

    Hey everyone I’ve been stalking the site for so long for so much info about chickens. I now have six! Three Buff Orpingtons: Themis and Rhea and three Speckled Sussex: Mnemosyne, Tethys and Phoebe. They are about 14 weeks now and free range most of the days, but they have a big run and coop to...
  3. KindVonDerMond

    Muddy Run

    We live in a rather rainy area of the United states, and water tends to stay for a couple days after it rains. We were planning on adding soil to raise the area so water doesn't collect there. Any suggestions on soil type or irrigation systems?
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