
  1. Fluffington23

    It’s a Rat thing

    Tonight I caught on video a rat in my run, a couple weeks ago one died by drowning itself in a bucket of water behind my shed. I have H/C a foot underneath all around underneath my run and I filled any holes I saw in the ground with moth balls, how do I prevent it from getting in?
  2. Chickensaurus Rex

    Getting ahead of a rat problem before it starts

    So I live on several acres about half of which are forested. There is a large one acre pond. We DEFINITELY have field mice I've had to seal out of the main house. There's also an old barn and a shed on the property that at least harbor field mice but would make nice rat homes until I can repair...
  3. Anime2lover

    Rat deterrant and trap suggestions please!

    We have a bad rat infestation. We have started picking up food at night several weeks ago. The rats have become desperate and are killing our chickens, so we closed them up completely at night as well. Now recently they chewed their way into our rabbit hutch and killed one of our big bucks! (We...
  4. Anime2lover

    Best way to rid myself of foot long (not including tail) rats??

    We have been battling these rats for close to two years now and it seems like their only getting s.arter. we have tried live traps, jaw traps (worked once on a mouse only), and poison (worked on two mice, and one rat just recently). Can anyone recommend any really good affordable rat traps...
  5. MissGreenJeans

    One rat in the coop: should I decon?

    Hi, wise chicken friends! I’d love your 2 cents about a first for me: a rat coop intruder. I have a small-ish coop and 7 chickens. I modified the coop with a crazy amount of thick hardware cloth and thought I’d made it virtually impenetrable. No holes anywhere wider than 1/4 inch. (I’ll put a...
  6. MountainUp1

    Dump dry cement through hardware cloth floor to help discourage rats?

    Built a coop with hardware cloth floor, which has worked well keeping snakes and those sorts out. But this year is our first we've been overrun by rats. Tried the bucket, and poison (in protected bait stations), both to no avail. They won't go up on bucket, and they aren't eating bait. I even...
  7. Barredrocker99

    What is digging into my coop???

    Help!!! I went out to get my chickens all stocked up with food and water before I go to my family’s house a few hours away for three days… when I went in the coop I noticed a hole had been dug in from the outside. Honestly, I feel like a moron for not noticing this sooner… my dog has been...
  8. Lacy Duckwing

    Rats, but not chipmunks?

    Today I saw a rat run out and drink some water from my hens' water. This is the first time I've ever seen a rat that wasn't dead on my property, so therefore this is the first rat problem I've seen. I have a trap picked out at my local feed store, and if I'm not able to get it, I'll be asking my...
  9. H

    Is this rat damage?

    Hi! This morning I found one of my silkie roosters was missing a large patch of feathers on his head/neck and was bloody. I don't know what could have hurt him so badly. It looks like something pulled out a bunch of feathers and broke some others (maybe some new ones too that hadn't fluffed up...
  10. Top 10 Chicken Predators

    Top 10 Chicken Predators

    From aerial to ground predators, chickens often fall prey to many of these. There are many different things that happen from the most obvious to the least. No matter what, it seems like they're always getting into trouble. But we can limit predator attacks if we know how to prevent them. From...
  11. Dylan Lambert

    How to get rid of rats in the coop

    I have auto feeders and waterers so i am sure as long as i have access to food and water they have no reason to leave. I have tried rat traps(both mechanical and electric) and also even built a barrel trap. I have gotten a few but i am still seeing rat poo in the nest boxes. I have also tried...
  12. ShrekDawg

    Raccoon broke in but left the chickens? Or did it steal from another animal???

    Soooo I went out to check the chickens today and let them out and I discovered a bunch of empty egg shells on the ground outside the coop, appears to be about 6 eggs with yolk still pretty fresh in some, and what appears to be raccoon prints on top of the nest box??? But I cannot for the life of...
  13. T

    Chickens Eating Small Amount of Rat Poison

    Hi there, today we discovered one of the rat poison bars that our landlord put out was out of the rat box and on top of the coop. We're unsure how it got on top of the coop, but our guess is that one of our chickens picked up and brought it up there. It doesn't look chewed up much, but it is...
  14. MageofMist

    So... I almost got attacked by a rat today.

    I was outside on the doorstep with my hens petting and cuddling them and enjoying the weather, when they started doing disturbed clucking and gathered in front of the gate that separates the concrete part of the yard from the dirt part, and is only a foot away from the doorstep. I looked and...
  15. drdvmd

    Ground squirrels! How do I keep them out?

    We live on a property with a large number of ground squirrels. Our chicken run was built with hardware cloth extending as an apron 18" out from the run walls, and yet ground squirrels have tunneled under these aprons into our run and are creating massive holes and tunnels everywhere. I am at a...
  16. DatCrazyChickenLady

    Very sick rat

    Hello all! My friends eat is very sick, and she’s thinks it might be Mycoplasma but Sheba Ian unsure. The symptoms of the rat include the following: Very lethargic Mostly normal breathing, but a bit labored. Cold. He is slowly getting warmer but is still very cold. He gets excited about food...
  17. SniperGoose

    Ways to get rid of rats?

    Recently we've been having a rat problem in our chicken coop. I'd say it started maybe 1-2 months ago? We've been trying to deal with them, and have killed a few here and there, but they just won't take the hint. Just the other week we patched up all the new rat holes they chewed in the coop...
  18. Poultry4Health

    All my Quails Killed

    Found all of my 6 quails dead an hour ago. All but one had heads missing and good 2.5 inch whole in the wire mesh cage with wires pulled inside. One bird was eaten in a two inch diameter others just had missing heads, could not find the heads anywhere around.What could it be? Rat, Mongoose...
  19. BirdBarnPam

    New to Chickens, already in love!

    New kid here. I'm 54 years young, an animal lover since birth. I have had everything from horses and dogs to snakes and rats. I recently moved to NH and got lucky enough to land on a farm! yeah for me!! There was an empty chicken coop and I gained permission to move right in! I have been...
  20. BirdBarnPam

    Chickens laying in the field

    I have 9 chickens... 1 EE, 6 NH Reds, 1 Leghorn, and 1 black (I really don't know what she is, but she's the smartest one!!). There's a 17' by 48' enclosed area, an 8' by 8' Coop, and 3 acres of fenced area to roam 10 hours a day. I am renting an apartment on the property. My upstairs neighbor...
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