
  1. Papaye

    Rooster has a nostril cut in half

    Hello. In the afternoon, I have noticed one of my roosters - Rocky - has a nostril cut in half...!! Here is a picture : I actually don't know if I have to do something for him : Rocky is not in pain, and his cut is not bloody or nothing... ...I am afraid he would hurt himself - because...
  2. C

    Hen or rooster

    I have 7 splash laces red Wyandotte chickens, it’s my first time having chickens. They are a little over 2 months old, and I have one that has more developed facial growth and is much bigger and aggressive then the others, did we get a rooster? I have attached two pictures of it and a third to...
  3. S

    Free Rooster in Woodland CA

    Chicken showed up on my door step few weeks ago and was taking care of it. Turned out to be a rooster and needs to find a new home.
  4. R


    This rooster has 10 ladies in play & 5 have raw backs? i need to decide whether or not to eliminate him from the flock. Right now he's separated. 1 is in currently in home hospital because of weakness.
  5. K

    Dislocation on rooster

    Our son was checking on his flock this morning when the rooster attacked him. He kicked to keep him away. In doing so the rooster seemed to dislocate his leg. Our son feels just sick about it, even though he was protecting himself(the rooster still got his claws into him). He’s not sure what to...
  6. D

    need advice - neighborhood rooster found with head injury/exposed skull

    Hi all, about a week ago i noticed one of the neighborhood roosters in my yard with what appeared to be black gunk all over his head (my first thought was someone did something cruel and dumped something hot on him but honestly idk). he looked wretched, but at the time i was not intending to...
  7. R

    Rooster’s eyes pecked out by predator

    Hi all, I’ve had backyard chickens for 3 years and had my third hawk attack last night. Lost one of my 8 hens. When I found my rooster, he was tangled up in the fence and appeared to be dead. I realized he was breathing but called a neighbor to come put him out of his misery. But when my...
  8. M

    Heart Murmur Rooster

    Hi there, I got a 3 year old serama rooster with a heart murmur diagnosed when he was 1 year old almost. He has been doing well with it just needed more care an attention then any other animal I had. But lately it has been getting slightly worsen, he lost sight in 1 eye and really can't not...
  9. Elspeth Dinsmore

    My Rooster's Legs Are Red (Non-Emergency)

    Hello, all! I am a first time chicken keeper. I had a question about my rooster. He is a 9 month old, 7 lb. Speckled Sussex named Alek Ross. In the past two days I noticed his feet were very red. His feet have always been redder than the hens, but it wasn't enough for concern. It just struck me...
  10. C

    HELP! Rooster with no comb??!!

    Weird question that probably is really dumb - I have this chick that is now around six weeks old that I thought was a pulley the whole time, but now I’m second guessing myself. It struts like a rooster constantly, is definitely “in charge” of the other pullets, is a bit aggressive towards me...
  11. M

    Cockrel or Pullet

    Just curious on these NN. Thank you.
  12. C

    Rooster Crow Suddenly Weak/Strained

    Hey there, Going on my third year of raising chickens. I have a rooster that we hatched nearly a year ago. I was out of town for the weekend and upon my return, I noticed his crow sounded different. His usual strong and loud crow now sounds weak, similar to when he was learning to crow, as if...
  13. RobbJarrett

    My Hawk Problem Solved.

    A short video about how I solved our hawk problem!
  14. T

    12 week hand raised silkie roos central Kentucky

    Hi! I have at least 4, possibly six young silkie cockerels to rehome. They’ve been hand raised and we spend a LOT of time holding them and cuddling with them. I really need to find them homes quickly, they’re starting to get very annoyed with each other! One of them has a curved beak, but he is...
  15. T

    Lavender Orpington - Rooster?

    Hello first time poster here! I’m a new chicken owner and am unsure if we have a rooster. 7 week old lavender Orpington (on right in picture). Slightly heavier and larger, redder comb and displays dominant behavior vs other Orpington and 2 Easter Eggers. Any help is appreciated!
  16. ChickChic00

    Gamefowl Rooster Comb Type

    Any idea what comb Type my game rooster has? Thanks a lot! These are the best pictures I could get so far.
  17. C

    Need help…hen or rooster…?

    Any ideas? It is a four week old Golden Laced Wyandotte and I thought it was a pullet but now I’m thinking maybe rooster?
  18. Charlotteandfriends

    HELP! Polish Rooster Head Needs Help!

    Hey everyone. I have a sweet little polish rooster (Named Rod Stewart.) and he is constantly having problems with his head. The hens constantly pick at his sweet little head and i'm not sure what to do to stop it. I bought this chicken lotion that is supposed to taste bad to stop the pecking but...
  19. C

    Rooster making weird noise

    Hello! I’m new to chickens, and was wondering what this noise my rooster was making? Is he scared of the dog, or is there something else going on?
  20. Batman Silky rooster

    Batman Silky rooster

    When we got Batman he was just a little chick. We brought him with his sister which unfortunately passes way and Batman was devastated for a few days and then became a boss. He watches out for the hens and chicks, he crows in the mornings and flaps his wing to "assert dominance".
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