
  1. Emrosenagel

    Are my chicks too young to deworm?

    Hello! About a month and a half ago I had to deworm my older birds (they had a mild case of roundworm). My four chicks were way too young at the time, but now I’m worried they might have roundworm now after being outside. They are 7 1/2 weeks old Jersey giants. The only thing I noticed wrong...
  2. Timbers Happy Hens

    Roundworm treatment

    So I went out to my coop this morning and found this in some poop. I know it’s a roundworm and that I need to treat the whole flock then. Are there any methods someone could recommend for treatment? There isn’t really anything available for chickens at my local feed stores and I really want to...
  3. L

    Please help! Worms and impacted crop

    Hello everyone, I am new here as I’ve only had my precious hens for 6 weeks but have found all forums extremely helpful so thanks in advance for any replies! Unfortunately one of my babies (ex battery Rhodey) has impacted/sour crop and worms. After feeling a hard lump that didn’t disappear...
  4. Winchikn

    Deworming with Ivermectin (Canada)

    Hello, I have an approx 1.5 yr old hen who seems to struggle with roundworm load. I’ve dewormed my whole flock with pirazine twice this year (spring and fall) but found 5 worms in this one hens droppings this morning and want to try something different. More limited options in Canada but I got...
  5. 6

    Equimax Horse Dewormer for Roundworms??

    I’ve used the Equimax for treating tapeworms (which worked great by the way) and was wondering if it would be as effective for roundworms? It’s been wet and muddy for a while, and I saw one roundworm, in a hen’s feces. I’ve used straight up ivermectin before for roundworms….But I was...
  6. ErvinFlock

    Poo with Roundworm delivered to back door

    Our curious white leghorn named Pinky (due to the pink zip tie around her ankle so we can tell them apart) came up to my second deck door and deposited a poop with a round worm sticking out. Until this moment I have not found any worms. Still looking. Posted are some other pictures with some of...
  7. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Crop Not Emptying Fully (but not impacted nor sour, yet?)

    Bear with me, because this is a complex issue that might have multiple factors at play. I appreciate anyone willing to take the time to read and respond to this. My 27 month old EE has recently started having issues with her crop not fully emptying at night. She is overall healthy, but does have...


    Hi. My chicken has been recently been treated for tapeworm, maybe a month ago, and today he had tape segments in his poop again. I wormed him using worm out gel 50ml and that worked. I was wondering if I can use it again in less than the three months treatment period safely? He is about 3 months...


    Hi. My chicken has been recently been treated for tapeworm, maybe a month ago, and today he had tape segments in his poop again. I wormed him using worm out gel 50ml and that worked. I was wondering if I can use it again in less than the three months treatment period safely? He is about 3 months...
  10. 1

    roundworm treatment help!

    Hiya, So I have a small flock of chickens (3 hybrids about 8months old and 2 pekin bantams about 6months old) and all has been fine until today...I was cleaning the coop out and noticed some liquidy poo which I thought was just ceacal poo - I look in it and saw a few large worms inside! After a...
  11. H

    Roundworm medication question

    Hi there, Reading through the posts regarding worming hens I am wondering about using Wazine 17. I have 8 backyard hens, how do I know if they each drank enough of the medicated water in a 24 hr. period? I put the gallon of medicated water out in the am, in the evening there was still half of...
  12. dbblaine

    Is this cocci? (poo pictures)

    We have two 14 week old pullets waiting to join our existing flock. The pullets have been eating, drinking, playing, but act lethargic at times. I saw what I thought was blood in their poo last week and started them on Corid liquid, but didn’t know I needed to make a fresh batch every day. I...
  13. thiggins


    i found two of these worms on the poop board this morning. Google says this is a roundworm? How do I treat?! I have 4 week old baby chicks (they still sleep with momma chicken in their own area, no worms there). Do I treat them as well?
  14. TabbiMae

    Need deworming help! Chickens, ducks, and ducklings

    Just found out our roommate's dog (4 months old, never had a vet appointment and is a Rez dog, aka no prenatal care or puppy care) has round worms. He poops in the backyard where my entire flock free ranges. I'm furious, I'd rather get rid of the dog but it's not my decision so now I need to...
  15. chickachickayea

    2 y/o hen w/roundworms (pics)

    Found roundworms in my 2 year old hen's poop Tuesday am (figured out it was her by checking who was roosting where through the night). I treated the whole flock with Safeguard equine paste Tues pm, Weds pm and Thurs pm. She has passed a worm nearly each night, and last night she passed 2. They...
  16. wifeyschlegel

    Puppy with roundworm

    We got a puppy on Monday night, as soon as we got him home realized he had roundworms, took him to the vet Tuesday morning and got him on medication(they gave one dose and sent me home with 3 more once a week doses). He hasn't pooped in about 12 hours now, he hasn't eaten much either, just a...
  17. B

    Is there an emergency treatment for roundworm?

    Hen not eating or drinking, she is now now moving. Might be full of worms? Spotted round worms in a different chicken's poop today. They have been on flubenvet for 2 days, (today is the 3rd). Such chicken has been given pureed flubenvet in syringe since yesterday, but now her eyes are closed and...
  18. M


    I am confused because I have done a lot of research on medications to treat roundworm. Many Vets state that Wazine (Piperazine) is NOT safe for Laying hens that produce eggs for human consumption. Then... I see tons of people and "experts" recommending using said product for treatment toward...
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