ruffled feathers

  1. B

    Ruffled Feathers

    Hello friends! One of my Magpie ducks has had their feathers ruffled for at least a week now, probably closer to two weeks. Outside of that, he/she seems fine. I’m not sure on poop because we have 10 ducks so it’s hard to tell who did what. But all the poop I’ve seen in general seems normal. I...
  2. R

    strange behaviour in one of my hens

    i got this hen a couple years ago so she’s 2 or 3 years old. it looks like she never lost her baby tooth (i think that’s what it’s called? a small hook on the tip of her beak) i looked it up and it said it was fine so i left her since she was too skittish even if i was supposed to trim it or...
  3. L

    Sick chicken with creamy yellow poop with a orange looking thing in the center

    I have a chicken that I noticed yesterday acting sick. I brought her in to separate from other chickens. She ate a little yougart last night nothing today. She will take water from a dropper. Yesterday she pooped several times clear,white, with green it was watery. Today she pooped once creamy...
  4. M

    4 week old chick not eating- please help!

    Hi! I am a new chick momma. I have 17 - 4 week old chicks and they were all doing well till yesterday. One of my ancona chicks became lethargic and stopped eating. I separated her from the flock but I am not sure what to do to help her. I put scrambled eggs, meal worms, chick feed and water with...
  5. H

    New member hello

    Hi! Posting from Alberta Canada. I am new to raising quail & have some questions for which I can't seem to find answers. Hoping a like-minded community can help! I have 6 lovely little ladies who are about 4 months old. They lay beautiful eggs everyday. Recently the feathers on a couple of...
  6. yukonbeck2020

    Weird hunching over/ruffled feathers/excessive quacking in my female mallard

    This is Becky, my mallard. She has always had a very spirited and sassy personality, but lately, she has been very stand-offish, doing some very gruff quacking and hunching her neck down/ruffling her feathers every time she sees me. In the picture, you can see that her neck is hunched down—I...
  7. K

    Chicken balding all over

    Hi, I am still a newbie to chickens and this chicken has been just not right on and off. In desperately need some wisdom. She has had a bald patch on her back towards her tail for a while now. I took a pic to the guy at rural king that seems very knowledgeable. He seemed to think nothing of it...
  8. rebeccasl

    Ruffled Feathers, Head Shaking

    I have a 10 month old Dominique hen who is currently living in our house after a bad bout with mites (based on our vet's assessment). After the vet gave her a dose of revolution for the mites, she has grown back her lost feathers, gained her lost weight, and is almost back to normal. However...
  9. KaleDaDuck

    Reupload: My baby chick is seriously sick.. Please reply.

    I have 3 baby quails that are 2 weeks old i moved them from thier brooder yesterday and put them in my kitchen in a dog crate.. And two of the quails are seriously sick.. They all eat and drink very good but one of the quails is sneezing his feathers are looking weirs.. He doesn't run and he...
  10. hayleyasaurus

    Ruffled feathers, curl in tail feather, should I be concerned?

    hey everyone! A few months ago my 8 year old female Cayuga developed a curl in her tail feather that made her look like a male duck. She has been acting completely normal so I wasn’t too worried about it and was hoping it go away after her next molt. Instead she actually developed a second curl...
  11. Goldnmine

    Sick chick or not?

    New to the chick world. I have 4 pullets. They are about 3-4 weeks old. They are active but I have been noticing diarrhea in the pen (dark brown color) I am feeding medicated starter feed, I notice from time to time to of them looked kinda ruffled feathers and off to themselves. I was reading on...
  12. Goldnmine

    Ruffled feathers and diarrhea

    My 3 year old hen started yesterday ruffling her feathers and just kinda sitting there. She just got done molting last month. She has poop on her feathers. Her abdomen feels not hard or extra soft and squishy. She did eat some yogurt but doesn’t seem to want feed. I brought her in and gave her a...
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