
  1. T

    Ammonia burn or beginning of Bumblefoot?

    I have a Lavender Orpington that was recently broody, has since hatched her chicks and is still separated with them. They are sleeping in a small crate but free range all day. There are two black spots on her foot that I don’t really know what it is. There is no swelling and their living...
  2. H

    Missing eye

    Hi all! Just woke up to find my girl looking like this! Is she missing an eye? I’m so upset I feel so awful. She’s seems fine otherwise, eating, drinking, running around. I have separated her from the others but am worried this will stress her out as she has two buddies she has a strong bond...
  3. G

    What is this lump?

    Ok so I got this chicken about a month ago and noticed she had a hard scabby lump on her neck/ chest area. She does not act like it affects her eating or drinking she is not laying of course from molting and not sure how old she is anyway. But she runs around fine with the other chickens and...
  4. Emrosenagel

    Bantam not eating, not as active

    Hello! I have a mottled cochin bantam (Gil) about 18 weeks old. She lives with two blue Andalusians that are the same age. Yesterday when I let them out, I noticed that none of them were really eating very much. The blues did a little bit, but Gil didn't at all. She ate grass and whatever bugs...
  5. Greystone farm

    Scab or dirt in old wound

    Hey! So I was just completing my first health check in a while on my flock and I found what appears to be an old open wound (most likely caused by my roo) on the side of one of my hens. It seems to have been there for a while and I just feel terrible that I didn’t find it sooner! The skin around...
  6. G

    Important!! Guinea badly limping, bumblefoot cure not working/ is this bumblefoot?

    My male guinea started limping recently and his legs started shaking, getting worse quickly. When i checked his feet, i noticed these big black scabbish things in his toes. My first thought was bumblefoot, but after soaking in very warm water with epsom salts for at least twenty minutes and...
  7. Launchpad

    Red spots on Pekin duck feet

    Checking my large male Pekin Niles last bought nieces a small scab, didn't look like bumblefoot. Left him in his pen overnight. This morning the scab was hanging off so in went to make a soak. When i finally caught him, he hadv these red spots on both feet, that can be seen on both top and...
  8. Mariosmom

    Red Scabby Spot on silkie chickens chest

    Hello! I discovered this morning that one of my hens was acting sluggish. I did an inspection and found this spot underneath her chest. The area isn’t raised… just a scab. I quickly isolated her and did a thorough check of my other 4. No signs of anything like this! Her vent looks fine and so...
  9. S

    Bumblefoot- week after scab removal

    Hi everyone, I used to have an account here a while back but seemed to have lost my login information. I have a rooster who is a week into recovery from a bumblefoot scab removal on both feet, a vet performed the scab removal. Rooster was born around 2020 (two years old), breed is a polish...
  10. Launchpad

    Male Cayuga - normal feet or bumble

    Frasier is an almost 4 month Cayuga. Today I noticed him standing on one foot two separate times. So we caught him and took some pictures. There was a small cut on the L foot and it's not even visible in the photos which may have been the source. But I noticed the spots and it's the age old...
  11. H

    Sick poult, possible infection

    I have nine bourbon red poults that are about two weeks old. One is not doing well this evening. His belly area seems swollen, there is a scab in that area. He is just standing with his eyes closed and wings drooped, letting the other poults run over him. Could it have an infection? Or be...
  12. E

    Fowl pox in chick 12-16 weeks old; vaccines/treatment?

    Hello, I have a happy, seemingly healthy young chick born mid April. She showed a few black spots on her comb. One quickly became inflamed and scabbed over. Now she has one on her eye and one on her chest. They get bigger daily. Is this fowl pox? If so, do I just use the sprays or vaccinate? If...
  13. Jiffyrocks

    Could this be anything other than Bumblefoot?

    So, I have 7 chickens. None of them are limping. I just happen to to foot checks regularly, and came across the dreaded black scab. 2 out of 7. One Goldie, had it on one foot and GI Jane has it on both. So (after reading everything I could online) I soaked in the feet in epsom salt, and started...
  14. chicken_harpist

    Scab on top of EE comb, help!

    Hey all! One of my 20 week old EE hens has a spot on her comb that’s scabby. I went out of town for a week and had a friend watch the chicks. When I came back, the feed was really, really low and this chicken had a little rough patch. Fast forward a month, and it looks like the picture...
  15. chicken_harpist

    Need helping confirming bumblefoot

    Hey all, I was with my chickens yesterday and saw a black scab on one of my hens’ top of their foot. I think it’s bumblefoot and I’m ready to proceed going that route, but I wanted yalls opinion. She’s not limping, and it’s stayed the same size since yesterday. Thank you!
  16. NatureGirl74

    Big, hard yellow scab on my chicken's stomach

    I was dusting my chickens this morning and found a big scab on my chicken's stomach. It's about the size of a nickel. She is a 2 year old Black sex link. She also has a bald spot about the same size on her side. I have another bird who is missing all of the feathers on his chest and the front of...
  17. TheBirdBabe


    I just bought these babies & this one has a serious spot on it! I thought it was poopy butt, but when I actually got in there I saw the poor thing has (what looks to be) a scab! This particular baby has been very sleepy. I chalked it up to being, well, a baby. It eats, drinks & runs around for...
  18. Angelove

    Minor foot infection with scab not healing

    One of my girls got a minor cut on her foot in the end of February, it became slightly inflamed but no black. I treated it with polysporin, preparation H and a neoprene duck shoe changed before bed every night for 3 weeks. Pretty much all of the swelling went down and and the scab was super tiny...
  19. R

    Scab on my roosters beak

    This is the first time I have seen this in my flock. My roosters beak is dry and has this scab on it. None of the others in his flock have it. It does not appear to bother him. He has minimal dry skin and feather loss on his neck, too. Any ideas what it could be and how should I treat it? Thanks!
  20. mercuhrio

    Large scabs/crusts with fatty tissue/secretion on chicken skin

    Anyone please help me figure out what this is (see pics below)? I'm sure it's not uncommon, but it's hard to steer the search results away from more common conditions. I had removed this kind of "scab" from this rooster when he was 3 mo, and I thought it was just some skin inflammation as result...
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