
  1. SKKreativ

    Weird Behaviour

    Hi everyone, I am probably over thinking this but I have noticed one of my hens has changed in her behaviour. She is a white Silkie, I am unsure of her age as I got her as an adult. I have had her for almost a year now (this is my first time being a chicken owner), she is definitely one of my...
  2. coltgrizzz

    Ducks scared of me?

    One of my ducks was killed by a dog today (I have 2). Sadly it was my favourite duck who was friendly and calm whilst sitting on your lap. I got another duck today (8 week Khaki) so the other one wouldn’t be so lonely. Both of them are very afraid of me. They’re both around the same age. Is...
  3. Laineybug

    Kinda Terrified!

    So just read a bunch of terrifying posts about New Castles in Az on FB. It's in Coconino county and I am in Pima which is in vail/Tucson. However, it kinda has me scared for the Fair we have coming up in about 2 weeks. Would they cancel the shows if it got close? And is there any prevention...
  4. B

    Scared Chicken

    Hello everybody! We have a Dominique chicken, who is at the bottom of our pecking order of 9 guineas, 7 chickens and a rooster. We got her from a family with three times as many birds, and frankly she wasn't given any special care or attention and was in bad shape when we got her. Her health...
  5. cluckmecoop7

    What's the prime time?

    Hi everyone! I have a question about chicks and the outdoors. well, let's get right to it! My question is: What is a good age to start letting your young chickens sleep outside in the coop and, well, live in it? I am going to be very nervous the first few nights they are outside at night, any...
  6. Trimini

    What's got my boy spooked?

    Hello. I live in a rural part of Chile on a small farm by a river. I have a pet peacock named Kevin, whom I raised from a peep, upgrading his enclosures as he grew. He is now two and a half years old and he lives in a spacious aviary with a built-in hen house on one end and a secret grass garden...
  7. K

    When will they be comfortable?

    I just got 3 new chickens (my first ones) a week ago. They are 2 Australorp pullets and 1 silkie x frizzle pullet. I have been picking them up once a day and feeding them a few mealworms by hand, otherwise they eat and drink from feed dishes. They will come up to me and eat out of my hand but...
  8. M

    New to all this, scared birds

    Hi I just recently converted my shed into a chicken coop with run and this morning got two hens. I currently own four chickens that live with my dad's flock two hours away and they are being moved up this evening to live with my other two (we've only had them two weeks so still young) The two...
  9. OhGoodness

    Dog and Chicken...

    So, the other day I was training my dog outside. We where doing our usual commands, when I dropped a treat. My chickens are very curious and friendly, so Tammy decided to investigate what I had dropped. My dog went to bite her because for some reason he thought her beak could take a dog treat...
  10. alexthefarmlady

    I’m freaking out help!

    Omgosh I’m freaking out These are silkie eggs and it’s day 19!!!! I’m freaking out and also freaking out wondering if the egg is cracking right
  11. Keeperoflock

    Timid Rooster... Future Problem?

    One of my 6 week old chicks is gonna be a rooster. He's so timid and acts like.... well, a scared chicken. Always is the furthest away from me. He winds up in the corner of the brooder with his head in the corner. Avoids me at all costs. Steps over all the other chicks to get away from me...
  12. ChickenOwner2313

    Bullied Chicken! What do I do?

    Today when I went out to our chicken coop, there was one of our hens huddling in the corner, I was sure she was dead because she wasn't moving, so I tried to pull her out, but the second I touched her she jumped up and started running away. The second she got her head out of the corner the rest...
  13. Emojikitten

    Chick forgot how to chick! Please help!

    Hey! My baby chicken, Henrietta, got poop all over her butt and forehead, so I decided to wash it off with a washcloth. I wiped the poop off her forehead and her butt and dried her off with a towel. I put her back in the cage with a heat lamp and she started screeching at the top of her little...
  14. S

    *please help* chicks scared of water and won’t eat chick feed

    Hi, so about two and a half weeks ago I found baby chicks hiding in my yard. My cat outdoors was trying to hunt them down so I collected the ones I could find and returned them to their mother. But after a while after the mother hen had left, I found two baby chicks that were left behind! Afraid...
  15. PaigeK

    Sudden bully!

    Hi there! I have had my 6 hens for almost 3 months and they had all been getting along well. I put in a heat lamp a week ago as it's getting cold and their water was freezing. I noticed some blood in the coop the next day and one girl had some blood on her comb. I figured they had just pecked...
  16. ben0125


    5 days ago we got some hens, We only let them out this morning and they didnt escape or even try during the day, (to busy dust bathing and looking for worms!). But I went to go shut the door for the coop at dark but I couldnt find them anywhere! The whole family came out searching with torches...
  17. Chickens Are Cute

    My Chick is Scared of Me!

    This is my first time owning chicks, and One of them, Abigail, seems to be scared of me, and others too. Whenever anyone picks her up, she begins to panic. Her wings flutter like crazy and she chirps loudly. Will she warm up to us? Will she continue to be this way? I would really appreciate it...
  18. SpaghettiJo

    Hen stopped laying and has runny poo??

    One of my girls, wilma, started laying about a week or so ago, laid about 3-4 eggs, and then stopped, and hasn't laid one since.. I have been gone on vacation and just got back a couple of days ago, our chicken sitter kept an "egg log" and listed all the egg colors and quantity of each.. she...
  19. NikolasGuy1234

    Dog attacked my black australorp Hen. Help please

    Hello. My name is Nikolas. i have a small flock of 15 chickens. only one of which is a rooster. well, my grandmothers dog, Jesse attacked one earlier and i found her laying in the grass surrounded by her feathers. so, i sprayed some saline solution into the would and she 'Seems' to be OK. but...
  20. barred2rock

    Ran off a fox!

    I was just out on my deck, just happen to look over at the chicken run. As I looked over a fox looked like it was just arriving at the run and made a quick U-turn. I pretended to chase it, but obviously it was way ahead of me by then. Do you think I ran it off for at least the day or are foxes...
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