
  1. TheBirdBabe

    Are the chicks comfortable?

    I took these chicks from mama hen tonight because she has a staggered bunch.. plus it's going to be chilly. I have this set up (see pictures) inside our summer dog pool. It worked for me last year, however, I didn't have the brooder & there were loads more chicks to help keep each other warm...
  2. katie_94


    Obviously this time of year there will be less daylight and in FL we may have more sunlight but it's less around this time regardless. My question is: What counts as sunlight for the quails? I've read on here that quails need about 14 hours of sunlight each day to keep producing eggs...
  3. How To Set Up A Duckling Brooder

    How To Set Up A Duckling Brooder

    I made a PowerPoint all about raising ducklings so I decided to share this information with you. I hope this helps any one with their setup and I'm open to any questions. Supplies: •Box/x-pen/kiddie pool •Heat Lamp •Thermometer •Food •Feeder •Water Bowl •Cookie Pan & Rack •Bedding Setup...
  4. confettifarm

    Hello from Oakland!

    Hello chicky friends! Super excited to be here! My fiance, our poodle, and I are about to embark on our backyard chicken adventure. We've just moved from downtown to a more suburban spot with a big half acre -- ripe for raising chooks and growing veggies :) Tonight we're headed to the local...
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