sick 1+ year old hen

  1. MiriPoe

    HELP! Chickens are sick, droopy, weak, tail down, head back, eyes closed...

    Hi, I'm tying to find out what is wrong with two of my chickens. My Silver Laced Wyandotte looked droopy and tail down yesterday in the evening, seemed she was weak, closing her eyes. I thought she was egg bound and gave her a 20 minute bath with Epson salt and herbs twice yesterday, keeping...
  2. D

    Help! I don't know what's going on with my hen

    Just yesterday we got 18 adult laying hens from somebody we know. Their living conditions were just awful and are expirenceing several deformities (twisted claws, missing feathers, ect) we have a much better setup for them now but I went to the coop to check on them this morning and one hen was...
  3. T

    Sick barred rock

    I have a 1year old batted rock hen. Showed no signs until today of illness. Her poop is pure water she seems very skinny and appears to be hot to the touch but we are suffering with a heat wave right now. I've brought her inside to administer probiotics and electrolytes. I have been treating my...
  4. E

    Chicken has a problem on skin

    Hi everyone! Today I was out with the girls and found that one has this pimple like thing on her skin. I tried cleaning the area with hydrogen peroxide and it did bubble meaning there was an infection. Has anyone ever experienced this? Thank you for all your help.
  5. CmmwlthAbbey

    Separating hen from flock after/while on Clavamox

    Hi, I have an 8-year-old gal, Mother Clucker, RI Red, who came down sick (lethargic, staying in the coop, diarrhea). After an inconclusive trip to the vet, she has been on Clavamox and a pain-killer for a week. The fecal came back normal and the ultrasound didn't show anything other than some...
  6. strawberricatt

    My Hen Has Welts On Her Face And Is Acting Strangely

    I have a hen named Olive who I raised from a chick, she will be a year old on the 25th of August. She is a silkie/Easter Egger mix and has been very healthy previously. This morning I went outside to let her out of the coop, she shares a coop with two silkie hens and her two chicks, and noticed...
  7. Georgeschicks

    chicken has a purple floppy comb and is not laying

    hello! I have a two year old bcm hen. she has not been laying recently but I didn’t think anything of it because she has always been a bad layer. two days ago i noticed that her comb is purple floppy and I am wondering what is wrong. her activity has been weird lately too. she often stands stock...
  8. Georgeschicks

    floppy comb?

    hi! my almost two years old bcm has a floppy comb that is also a weird color. is she ok? what should i do? usually her comb stands up.
  9. ClucksAndCombs

    Recent Lethargic Senior Hen

    Hello, Just today, I noticed one of my Cinnamon Queens of five years acting a bit weird. After a few quick inspections, I brought her inside, thinking a crop issue. She (reluctantly) ate the nystatin, probiotics cheese mixture. Afterward, she seemed to be straining as if to poop or lay an egg...
  10. awyman

    Chickens Butt Infested In Maggots.

    I have a hen covered in maggots. They are everywhere on her butt. I’ve bathed her once in a tub full of fly spray and water. Then another time in water and vinegar. It seems like she has a ball of raw flesh coming out her behind. There are still a good bit of maggots on her butt. What do I do...
  11. F

    Help! Droopy hen

    Hello! New here! We recently decided to (FINALLY) get some chickens for our home. We have 24 young chicks still, not laying yet- and we were given 2 chickens (a rooster & black rock hen) that are a little over a year old. They have been through a stressful situation (they were part of a 30 bird...
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