
  1. K

    Unwell Silkie rooster- please help

    Hi everyone- this one’s a bit of a puzzle! I have a 2 year old Silkie rooster, he is my absolute favourite chicken he’s super affectionate and friendly as I hand reared him, and him and his brother lived in a seperate coop from my main flock for the majority of their life- they were a great...
  2. dialuann

    Please help my Silkie Showgirl. She can’t walk.

    Hi! My hen/rooster (I am unsure of the gender since she is only four months old, but it may be a hen), who is a Silkie-Turken-Showgirl, has been acting rather strange. When I opened up the chickens, I found her laying down in the middle of the coop. She usually sleeps on a roost with another...
  3. B

    duck with protruding what seems to be keel bone

    my female duck has this bone that sticks out where her neck is and it is very sad to see her like this please help. She cant walk as normal anymore and is very slow compared to her male partner. her wings seem droopy as well. the lower part of her touches the ground and the part where it sticks...
  4. A

    Sick chicken can’t stand up

    So about two weeks ago my chicken’s comb started flopping over and I assumed heat stress (it’s very hot here) and gave her both antibiotics and electrolytes but she kept getting slower, following me everywhere I went, wouldn’t eat unless I hand fed her, and eventually two days ago collapsed. I...
  5. C

    Please help! I think my flock is experiencing a respiratory infection

    So a few days ago I made a post about my rooster Steve making a very strange moaning sound. Well today, one of my hens is sneezing and making wheezing sounds. She is still active and has no nasal discharge but I think it’s a respiratory infection going through my flock. I have never treated for...
  6. C

    What The Heck Is This Sound My Rooster Is Making?

    Hey everyone, I have one rooster named Steve. Steve is a rumpless rooster who is seven months old and has never grown a tail. Tonight I heard him making this strange, moaning sad sound. I have never heard a chicken make this sound before. Steve has been separated from my hens for a few weeks...
  7. MedusaSnake

    Chicken not coming down to eat, what could be the problem? Help wanted!!

    hello BYC! One of my girls hasn’t been feeling well for about a week now. She are and came down from the coop yesterday and the day before but now she won’t come down to eat or drink. I saw that she had some mites and I sprayed her in the morning but I’m not sure if the mites are causing her...
  8. CreativeChicken08

    Groggy chick. Need help!

    So, we hatched a bunch of eggs on October 30th and 31st, and one of them, who might be half golden laced wyandotte, has been acting groggy lately. He stands kind of huddled and fluffy up, he stays by himself sometimes, when I give water to him he won't drink. He also wobbles when he walks, and...
  9. A

    Blind sick chicken found alone in park help

    Very underweight Both eyes swollen shut Did not run or try to escape when picked up What do I do?
  10. Quacking ducks

    Sick drake duck

    Hi, my Silver Appleyard drake duck is not doing very well. in the last couple months, I have already lost two female duck that had some of the same symptoms as what my drake duck “Ducky” has… his symptoms are runny nose and eyes ( his eyes watered enough yesterday that his face was all crusty...
  11. sacredsycamorefarm

    My hen is making gurgling/gargling sounds.

    Today, I woke up, and when I went to release my goats from the barn, my chicken had been left inside the barn somehow. But something strange is that she was making gurgling/gargling sounds like she was gargling water as a human would. She is usually more skittish, but she barely moved when I...
  12. T

    Please Help, I don’t know what to try next!

    My olive egger, Gertie, is about 18mos the old. About a month ago we started having issues with her - lethargic, losing weight, not eating much if at all and excessive thirst when she would drink. She started molting but seemed a bit extreme compared to the others. She was also having diarrhea...
  13. mav5140

    Help: rooster feeling sick

    Last night as I was putting the ducks away, I saw the rooster next to the pond and then he just dove in :eek:. grabed him out the water, He is on quarantine now, made some electrolyte drink and scambled eggs and scratch mix. Got 4 females and him. got some little chicks now (8). I try to place...
  14. Z

    Hen's Eye with Pus

    Hi! I have 4 young hens (about 3 months old) and my sisters noticed the other day that one of them had a reddish pimple near her eye. I was chilling with them today and her eyes had like a whitish pus/bubbly thing? I'll insert a picture. She's acting normally and eating like normal. Only weird...
  15. F

    Sick hen, worried about flock

    One of my silkie hens started acting lethargic two days ago. Yesterday, we found her with yellow crust completely over both eyes, yellow nasal discharge, and her feathers felt stiff/clumpy/greasy. She did not make it through the night. I am worried about the rest of my flock. I have 9 other...
  16. fannymae

    20-month Silkie can't walk, one leg seems fine

    Hey all. I am having an issue with my Silkie Pamela, looking for some help. She's about 20 months old and going through her first molt. My husband and I noticed about 5 days ago that she didn't want to come back into the coop - she was under it. He got down and was able to scoop her forward with...
  17. M


    Hello! :) I have a pair of Show Silkies about 8 mths old. They are very lethargic, coughing and snoting🤧. Won't open eyes all the way. I can feel how bad they feel. Started with Corvid 5 day treatment. Didn't help, picked up VetRx added to water for 5 days no corvid. Poor things are getting...
  18. S

    Hen lethargic and weird poop

    For a about a week this hen has not been doing well, she was walking around ok but slowly it started to decline. She's not able to walk anymore and wobbles. At first I thought it was an impacted crop, which it probably is too, but now she sits and sleeps. She is also malnourished from the...
  19. xKaitlin

    INJURED DUCK! Please help!!

    So almost a week ago, a fox attacked my 7 ducks and I thought i came out as it was just started since noone seemed to be badly injured. Although by the morning they were all silent and most of them limping. In the daylight i saw two of my babies had some sort of injuries that made them unable to...
  20. H

    Is This A Tumor On My Chickens Neck? If So What Could Cause This?

    Hello again everyone. This has been a rough week. Thank you for everyone’s advice about helping my sick chicken & questions on deworming my flock. This community has been a god send. As I was deworming everyone I discovered another one of my Polish chickens has a big golf ball-sized lump on the...
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