sitting on hocks

  1. J

    Need help: Slipped tendon??

    @Lenny loves chickens Hello everyone: Hen had clear vit b deficiency, was treated with B complex, and some other vitamins in addition to upgrade to higher quality feed. Seems to have recovered in that regard. Went from curled toes and sitting back on hocks to walking and all. Definitely has...
  2. D

    Wobbly Chick, Possible Vitamin Deficiency?

    Wobble is an 8 day old unsexed white Plymouth Rock or Deleware (I ordered both and can't yet distinguish between the two). It was vaccinated for Merck's and coccidiosis. Since Wobble arrived at my house 6 days ago the poor thing has struggled with, well, wobbling. The chick is in a brooder/ICU...
  3. caitybird

    Brown Buckeye - Feathering not complete, sitting on hocks

    Hi all, looking for advice. I've read through everything I can find and I just come up with a lot of "maybes". I have a Brown Buckeye hen who is going on approximately 14 weeks. She started out great - the biggest of all the chicks, active, etc. About a month ago she started going downhill...
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