Wobbly Chick, Possible Vitamin Deficiency?


In the Brooder
Apr 6, 2022
Wobble is an 8 day old unsexed white Plymouth Rock or Deleware (I ordered both and can't yet distinguish between the two). It was vaccinated for Merck's and coccidiosis. Since Wobble arrived at my house 6 days ago the poor thing has struggled with, well, wobbling. The chick is in a brooder/ICU in my house. Eating commercial non-medicated chick starter sprinkled with grit. I have a brooder plate, half of which has a heating pad underneath so it can choose where it wants to be. Current bedding is an old towel.
  • It continues to eat and drink, but often does so sitting on its hocks.
  • Possibly a little lethargic; sleeps a lot in comparison to my other chicks, but when it's awake it runs around, scratches, and appears bright and alert.
  • Its poop appears normal (both firm and ceceal droppings; no blood)
  • It can run, stand, and sometimes walk but afterward plops down on its hocks. It sways slightly while standing, and often used its wings as balance while turning or to break a crash landing.
  • When knocked over it has a hard time righting itself, and sometimes gets stuck on its side. It seems to have a hard time getting its legs underneath itself to push up and right itself. Most of the time when it's scurrying around it struggles for a moment (lots of kicking and cheeping) and then manages it, but when it can't it will just give up and lay there. In that case, I help push it back onto its belly.
I did a lot of hunting for an answer and came up with about three options; genetic, vitamin deficiency (symptoms similar to but not exact with B1, B2, or E deficiency), or avian encephalomyelitis. Since the only one of those I could treat was the vitamins I diluted a 1/4 tab of B Complex vitamins in 1/4 gallon of water and offered that to the chick. After 24 hours it showed some mild improvement. Walking, when it could only run and sit before, and standing while drinking and eating. It is still very shaky and prefers to squat. I bought some PolyViSol (no iron) yesterday and gave it one drop of that. Was planning on another today. I've also tried placing it in a coffee mug lined with a paper towel to encourage it to stand and build muscle.
For three days I had a chick-specific vitamin/electrolyte supplement in its water, but I wasn't seeing any change with that and didn't want to increase the dosage because it contains fat-soluble vitamins.
I feel I should also mention its toes are not curled and its legs appear straight so I don't think it's a slipped tendon or splay leg.

So far no one else from my shipment has shown symptoms. Wobble has not slid significantly backward. No signs of paralysis or swelling, just a general lack of coordination and weakness. I'm sometimes not sure if I'm imagining its improvement. I don't have a vet I can see (I tried, no one would see Wobble), so I am on my own. I'm willing to continue trying to help Wobble so long as its quality of life is not deteriorating.

Does anyone else have an idea what this could be? Any diagnosis I missed?
Has anyone dealt with a vitamin B deficiency before? How long to correct it? Do I need to lower the dosage?
Is there anything else I should be trying or doing to help the little chick? Any suggestions are appreciated.

I am a little concerned about continuing vitamin supplementation without seeing solid results because I don't want to poison the little thing with excess.
Can you post a picture of the chicken at eye level to see it’s legs? I would use B complex tablets 1/4 tablet daily crushed into a spoonful of water or in a small bit of food (egg or similar.) Just make sure that whatever supplement you use contains riboflavin (B2) on the label, and only a small amount is needed daily for a deficiency.


I apologize if these are blurry/hard to see. Wobble was not being particularly cooperative. Let me know if you needed something else.

So a 1/4 tab of B-Complex in about a teaspoon of water just once or every day until something changes?
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I apologize if these are blurry/hard to see. Wobble was not being particularly cooperative. Let me know if you needed something else.

So a 1/4 tab of B-Complex in about a teaspoon of water just once or every day until something changes?
How is your chick doing? I found this as I am going through the same thing.
Out of my 4 hens, one stayed smaller, poor feathering and lack of balance. She got really bad, then I started nutritional yeast + some liquid vitamins in her water. She is getting better I think? Still wobbly and clumsy. But can walk and run like normal. Baby down still on her head/neck. She’s on her 2x4 roost I made her for the first time in her life.
Not sure how much longer to wait and when to bring her out to the coop with her sisters

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