vitamin b deficiency

  1. M

    Niacin Deficiency in Baby Geese

    Hey everyone, I ordered two baby geese, and they arrived today (less than 48 hours delivery) and one of them has bowed legs and curved feet-there was a great post on the duck forum about niacin deficiency that pictured the same foot curving. I called the hatchery before I found that and they had...
  2. ChickenNugieuwu

    My chicken was acting weird and now can’t stand

    Hi, I hope whoever this reaches can help me understand my hen better! I’ve never had this happen and naturally, I investigated on Google, lots of sources lead me to Marek’s disease, which I’ve never even heard of up until now. I’m really concerned, triple eve. The hen is my mother’s, but due...
  3. H

    Chicken suffering from Vitamin B deficiency/chicken sling

    it’s been about 2 weeks i’d say now. Boots my cochin mix chicken, was unable to walk one morning. So i immediately brought her inside and set up a chicken box for her. It went from her being able to jump out of the box and wake up next to me to her not being able to move at all. She definitely...
  4. Dixie0831

    Rapidly Declining Bird -- Paralysis?

    Hello, First of all, thanks for any help. What type of bird, age and weight. She's a buff orpington 12 weeks old, and weighs around 1.5 lbs. Question of FTT due to small size since birth. What is the behavior, exactly. Yesterday afternoon she was behaving normally. I went to bring her into...
  5. C

    Duckling With Overlapping Legs!

    Hi everyone, I have a mallard duckling with protruding hips which causes him to keep his paws on top of each other when standing still. He struggles to move and trips because of this malformation. I hatched two broods inside a homemade incubator and three ducklings had crooked necks which I...
  6. A


    Hi! We have a 9 week old chicken that is walking on her hocks. She has been for about 1 1/2 to 2 weeks. Her toes are curled inward on one foot. She seems to be using her wings for balance. We have been giving her vitamins because we thought it was a deficiency, but no improvement. There are no...
  7. A

    The Lame are Walking !

    Hi! We are raising meat birds for the first time. Freedom Ranger Color Yield. Somewhere in the last week and a half, we noticed we had a bird that kept losing balance and falling. We thought it was because of uneven ground or weak legs. We got her out away from the flock and tried to let her...
  8. M

    Chicken can't stand, leg injury or disease?

    Eight days ago, while letting my birds out of the coop, one of them made a particularly high jump from her roost that I thought was concerning; she did not seem at all bothered and showed no signs or injury, walked just fine the rest of the day and even roosted again that night. Seven days ago I...
  9. D

    Wobbly Chick, Possible Vitamin Deficiency?

    Wobble is an 8 day old unsexed white Plymouth Rock or Deleware (I ordered both and can't yet distinguish between the two). It was vaccinated for Merck's and coccidiosis. Since Wobble arrived at my house 6 days ago the poor thing has struggled with, well, wobbling. The chick is in a brooder/ICU...
  10. M

    Rooster with curled toe paralysis?

    Hi everyone! We have a bantam rooster that just started walking funny a couple of days ago. One of his feet now has curled toes, therefore he is walking on his ankle. He gets around ok, it doesn't seem to be getting worse (yet), and he's able to use both of his wings. He shares a coop with 4...

    Too much Vit B?

    Is it possible to give to much Vit b as in If given over a prolonged period of time can it build up and be too much in a ducks system?? I know the correct dosage is important. May be a dumb questions to some but I cant find anything online to answer this question!
  12. 3cousinsfarm

    Lame Duck

    I have a Jumbo Pekin Drake who just came up lame yesterday. Barely using his right foot or leg. I picked him up and saw no visible damage. I've read that Jumbo's can have leg problems. I know no reason he should be limping except perhaps genetic deficiency or maybe hurt himself getting in or...
  13. C

    Balance problems

    I have a young speckled Sussex chick I could really use some advice on. I've tried lots of suggestions I have read on other threads, but nothing seems to be working. So we got this chick at the first of the year, and the first week she was running around just fine. Then we noticed a slight...
  14. Just Rosie

    How long until curly toes get better?

    Hello, I recently picked up a chick after a long chicken hiatus. At the feed store was a lone chick on its back, who could barely walk. The owner ended up giving it to me since he didn't think it would survive. Well, after some research, based on the chicks behavior and actions, I believe it has...
  15. Lazy Farmer

    vitamin/electrolyte toxic levels?

    • Is it possible to overdose from prolonged use of a vitamin & electrolytes solution? • If the vitamin & electrolytes solution is from a concentrated batch, can the chemical properties change into a toxic mixture if not used in a short time period? • How many days in a row should the vitamin &...
  16. Baby_Annie

    Wry Neck... Stargazing... Call it what you like- it's terrifying!

    Hello all... I'm brand new to this site- first forum I've ever joined! I live on 6 acres in Northern Alberta, Canada and have a flock of 19 very spoiled chickens- 11 mature laying hens and 8 juveniles. One of my 8-week old silkies (Her name is Ninja) has "wry neck", and I have been scouring your...
  17. NessaM

    Curled Toes Recovery Time/Possible?

    While I was on vacation, it seems that our 6 week old Speckled Sussex might have developed a vitamin B deficiency. She stopped moving around and just wanted to sit. Wasn't really eating or drinking. She was moved to a box to recover away from the others. One of her feet has curled toes. We are...
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