
  1. I

    Chickens face smells really bad, never normally this bad.

    I've got this silkie chicken that I've had for almost 5 years now, I've recently noticed(while picking her up) that her face absolutely stinks, at first I thought that maybe she needed a bath, but the rest of her body smells fine, its just her head, as I said I've had her for almost five years...
  2. RoosterJuice

    Bought a pigeon coop to use for chickens, safe?

    Hello, I bought a used 8x14’ shed to use as a chicken coop. It was previously used as a pigeon coop. It has excellent ventilation and has been cleaned well. There haven’t been pigeons in it for many months, possibly a year. It still smells but I’ll try to fix that, not that it won’t smell with...
  3. Slothinc

    Incubator offgassing

    Hello all! I purchased one of the new Chickcozy incubators and have my first batch of eggs in it. (And shipped eggs no less - urggg!!) Love the design and everything about the incubator except for the SMELL. It smells like horrible chemicals from offgassing. I’m scared all of my eggs are going...
  4. J

    Rotten egg broken under broody hen

    Broody Hen sitting on 9 eggs I check periodically. She is due to hatch any day now. now there were only 5 eggs, that are all covered in gunk and it smells totally rotten under there. Poor thing, it really stinks. this could have been like this for a few days already. Should I remove...
  5. H

    Flies in the chicken yard

    hi everyone, so I’ve got my ducks and chickens in a fenced in yard about 1600 square feet. It’s all dirt at this point after they’ve eaten pretty much any grass. I’ve noticed that I’m starting to see a lot of flies in the area probably from the ground being compacted and there waste sitting on...
  6. Lolaish


    Question: Im ready to move them from brooder into guinea pig cage which 14in x 25in. They are week old now only four quail. My question is how do you clean out cage if they are flipping out? Do I remove them every time or just work around them? Planning to do the bedding method any tips of...
  7. rjmyooper

    Seal concrete floor or not?

    I looked for an answer for this, and didn't see it, if it's there. I'm using an existing storage area on the side of my garage for a Duck coop. It has block walls up most of the way, (not all the way so there will be good venting) and a concrete floor. Should I seal the block walls and floor...
  8. F

    Stinky, Stinky birds. Smelly Sand!

    I decided to raise quail this year. I have 30 healthy jumbos I hatched from eggs out in a hutch. They are nearly four weeks old now and fully feathered. Anyway I'm a little worried. Half of the hutch is on wire and the inside part I have a pull out tray (little over two inches deep) that I...
  9. K

    5 week old Pekin smells dirty/sour. Please help!

    I have two ducks that are about 5 weeks old now. One is a Pekin. They’re both going through their feathering stage and it all seems to be going very well. However, yesterday I noticed for the first time that the Pekin is a bit smelly. It’s a sour laundry kind of smell. They both have bath time...
  10. Joyfillednomads

    Bad egg might have messed up hatch. Today is hatch day

    We had one smelly egg that we removed and candles the remaining eggs more than a week ago. Today is hatch day and we haven't even had a pip yet. So worried. A whole month of turning eggs and fretting over temp and humidity...
  11. DuckDuckJuice

    Weird Egg?

    Hi, all. We have a strange egg situation that I thought I’d get ideas on. I went to collect the eggs yesterday and noticed the largest (presumably from our Pekin) had a pale green shell. I didn’t think much of it at the time, as our Khaki Campbell lays the occasional tinted egg. My daughter...
  12. A

    Best Ground for UncoveredRun?

    Ok, so I’ve been going outside this past week after light rain and the run SMELLS! it is plain dirt, and never smelt during the summer. I rake it every once in a while. Even after taking today, it still smells. My neighbor keeps overwatering their yard and flooding my chicken run (the drain is...
  13. P

    Foul Smell?

    Just wondering as a first time quail owner what’s the norm regarding quail smell? I know it’s important to clean frequently because they are known to smell, but I somewhat assumed it’d be from the faecal matter build up, like in chickens and ducks. My quail chicks are starting to develop their...
  14. A

    Quail stinking it up more than usual

    I have a 4 fully grown quail, 3 hens, and a rooster. Their droppings usually never smelled that bad however recently it's been unbearable to the point I have no choice but to fully clean and disinfect their cage every day. I have been feeding them manna pro gamebird feed all their life, water...
  15. FathertoFeathers

    How can I keep my brooder from reeking

    I am currently raising 10 jersey giant chicks who are about three weeks old. Today when I got home from school the brooder smelled bad! How do I keep the brooder smelling good?
  16. Bigbluefrog

    Peee eeeew! smell- help!

    Sat on paper in the coop and didn’t see the poo! oh man is it smelly!:oops::sick My favorite jeans- my only non hole jeans! How do you get the smell out? Washing 2 times! Showered twice- don’t laugh but I reacted by brushing my hand on it... ewwww! Wash wash wash! Tips please.... sigh...
  17. abbya12

    Smelly Coturnix Quail Incubator

    Hi again! Boy oh boy have I already posted a lot of questions :rolleyes: But everyone has been so helpful, I thought I'd ask another. I have 10 Coturnix quail eggs in my incubator right now. Today is day 13 and I plan to lockdown tonight. However, I've been noticing a bad smell coming from my...
  18. carlyducks

    Duck pen smell!

    Hello, I have my duck pen on cement with a thick layer of straw. When it gets wet, it gets this strong swamp like smell and it can be bad. Does anyone know a way to help this? Maybe something different than straw? Do coop deodorizers really work? Thanks!
  19. mego21

    Egg Box in Garage

    I’m building a new home. It will have an attached garage. I have an idea to make an egg box built into the wall of the garage (kind of like a dog Door ;). My plan is just to have 3-5 chickens in a shed just outside the garage, and the egg box will be in the wall of the garage. My contractor is...
  20. emu6200

    Emu Egg smelled like rotten eggs, not anymore?

    Hi I have an emu egg and it was smelling like rotten eggs since last week, but about 2 days ago, I changed the water that I put into the incubator for humidity. I was using water straight from the sink. But 2-3 days ago, I started boiling the water to get rid of contaminants, I let the water...
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