soft shell

  1. leighks

    Normal molting behavior?

    My barred rock Willow is going through her first adult molt (she’s 18 months old). She had bare spots on her back from the rooster over the summer, which have filled in nicely since she’s been molting since maybe mid August and the rooster is now separated. She recently lost her tail feathers...
  2. jonalisa

    Help please on possible egg bound hen

    Hi, my black Australorp, Agatha, presented this morning with a messy backside. I brought her in for a warm bath, and pulled out a piece of soft shell sticking out of her vent. I added Epsom salt to the water and cleaned her, realizing her entire abdomen is hard and swollen. I checked about an...
  3. BD69539D-A119-4485-AE64-5CF73E2B0B4D


    First time layer, soft shell egg. From either my EE or OE.
  4. rozentals

    No egg for weeks, followed by a soft shell and diarrheoa

    One of my 18 month Y/O White Star chickens hasn't laid in weeks and this morning I noticed that she laid a soft shell egg like I've never seen before (see picture) and she's had poop around her bum for a few days. She doesn't look underweight, is moving around ok, though has just gone back into...
  5. Bekalodon

    Hen had a soft shell egg break inside her

    This morning at wakeup, we noticed that our 4 year old Easter Egger, Esther, was acting abnormally. She was fluffed up and quieter and moving slower than usual. Then I noticed she was trying to void but she squawked like she was in pain and I saw a clear liquid, like an egg yolk, dangling out of...
  6. SavKel&RynKel

    She finally did it!

    After twenty weeks, she finally did it!
  7. Berryslippers

    Help! My hen is sick!

    HELP,!!! My beautiful ex-battery hen, Brittany isn't doing well. She is sitting around puffed up with eyes closed and seemed to be sitting in egg white but I couldn't find the shell. (I've been dealing with soft shelled eggs for weeks and giving her extra calcium, but she lays eggs at a rapid...
  8. Little Coop on Salt Creek

    15 month old EE with laying issues

    Howdy everybody, We have a 15 month old Easter Egger (Rose) who has been a very consistent layer since she started laying last summer. I am going to start by saying, I forgot to get a picture of her eggs as I thought it was a fluke! :rolleyes: On Monday, I got an egg from her that was laid...
  9. chadley718

    Hen laying 2 soft eggs a day

    Hi everyone, I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this: I have an EE that has been laying for about a month now and for the last week, she has been laying 2 soft shell eggs a day. She had previously laid a few double-yolkers, but now it's 2 separate eggs that are soft. They get...
  10. Lizzy456

    HELP! Ducks laying thin-shelled/shell-less eggs - 1 death

    So we have been having a problem with our ducks laying soft, thin-shelled or shell-less eggs, and we often find them broken or crushed in the coop in the morning when we let them out. We bought oyster shell to sprinkle in their regular layer feed and have been doing so for a few weeks, but their...
  11. Rosieoflynn

    Soft egg shell???

    My hen had a soft egg shell coming out of her that had busted open inside of her. I needed to pull it the rest of the way out. Is there something I should be doing for her??? She is almost 5 months old.
  12. Foristers

    Diagnosis Help Needed

    I went out to check food and water this morning and AmiJo, one of my top hens, was dead in the run near the fence. I have checked her for predator damage and have found none. I admit that a few other things have been going on lately that have caused temporary changes but given the odd mix of...
  13. ozarkchickens

    Why do I ALWAYS lay softshell eggs?

    My RIR Ginger is 2 years 2 months. I can't remember when she last laid a normal egg. Every egg is soft shelled to varying degrees - from a soft collapsed spot to almost shell-less. My hens get mostly layer feed, one small 'meal' a day (cottage cheese, yogurt, tuna, scrambled eggs w shells...
  14. Aryetheral Waalburgus

    Hen With Really Weak Feathers and Soft Eggs

    Hello! I have included many photos at the bottom. I have a two and one quarter year old Red Sex Link (named Ariana) who has always laid enormous hard-shelled eggs. In the last two months, however, she has laid continually worse eggs. In mid-April, she started every two days or so laying eggs...
  15. S

    Egg deformity

    I found what I thought was my first soft shelled egg yesterday but when I pulled it open this morning it was not like any egg I've seen. I have 8 hens who are just over a year old and no roosters. I have one EE who hasn't laid since early January. She has always been rather finicky about...
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