
  1. C

    Run extension - electric fence?

    We have 6 chickens (would like to get 3 more). We have a coop that is 6' x 8'. The run is 6' x 13'. We will be extending the run by another 8 feet this summer. In the meantime, I'd like to give the girls more free-range room if possible. Has anyone done this for day use with an electric...
  2. J

    Eglu Cube XL - joined 2 together for more space

    I wanted to share some modifications I made to expand my Eglu cube. I'm entirely new to chickens, and I bought an eglu cube, 10 chicks, 1 guard goose. I swear, before I ordered the cube, I thought I'd read that it would hold 10 chickens, but after building it I realized I wouldn't be comfortable...
  3. Over-Sized Isn't Just For Sweaters

    Over-Sized Isn't Just For Sweaters

    Everyone who has existed on earth long enough to experience more than a single fashion cycle has seen them come in and out of style, oversized sweaters with hems that droop to mid-thigh, sleeves that hang past the fingertips, and enough room in the body to hide a couple fugitive cats in there...
  4. My Newbie Questions, 10 Years Later

    My Newbie Questions, 10 Years Later

    I was looking at old threads as far back as 2009 and thought it would be fun to revisit my newbie questions in light of what I've learned. So MANY questions -- some having turned out to be critical and some trivial. I hope that you will find my trip down Nostalgia Lane will be at least...
  5. 3KillerBs

    When Should We Have More Than the Minimums for Space?

    I'm collecting information for an article on the usual space guidelines and want to be able to help people understand both why those guidelines are guidelines, not rules and when having extra space makes sense. Two things that came to my mind this morning were: Flexibility -- because I have...
  6. Harmoni

    Run, space, layout

    Looking for some recommendations or advice on our chicken space. Our coop is 5.5x6 with an attached secure run that is 5.5x10 plus a triangle that is 6 feet long (the secure run and coop are retrofitted to our kids playhouse. We added a daytime run that is 15x12. We currently have 4 mature hens...
  7. The chicken nurd

    How much space for ducks and chickens?

    Hi this is my first post on here so I’m not sure if it’s in the right place but I have a question for you guys I have 6 hens and 6 chicks where building a new coop because my current coop isn’t big enough for 12 hens so I was wondering if anyone could tell me what was the best size coop/run for...
  8. Cheeping Crazy

    Eglu cube and Brahma

    Hello, I have a question about the Eglu cube and whether or not it will fit a brahma? I currently have x2 silkies, welsummer, wheaten maran and a legbar. Would a brahma be able to fit in the cube with them comfortably? And does it have any problems nesting and getting in and out of the cube...
  9. N

    Huge run, small coop... what next?

    I have a run that is over 460 square feet. I live in the city, in Arizona, so it's pretty hot here and the amount of space isn't terrific. But my run had a pretty significant amount of grass and it's 100 percent gone. I have 12 hens, and at the minimum 4 square feet per hen, that's quite...
  10. Chickie friend

    Space and ventilation questions?

    I have an old play house that was converted to a coop. Its 17² ft (how do you get 17² feet you ask? by having a tree go though the middle of course) currently there are 4 chickens in there. There are 3 windows that provide 8 feet of ventilation, but only during the day. Is that enough? My dad...
  11. T

    Assistance with coop height.

    Hello! I need some advice from experienced hen keepers.... I have built my coop and I am raising it off the ground to allow the hens access underneath for shade during the summer and dry land during the winter. It currently stands 1 foot (12 inches) off the ground. Is this enough room for a...
  12. Lyranonamous

    I think our coop is too big. Ideas?

    When we bought this house it had a coop inside an old barn (concrete floor, real walls, a ventilation window covered with hardware cloth, and two doors) I thought this was great but now looking at coop pictures on BYC I think it's too big and there is no way our chickens can keep themselves at...
  13. Coop Health: Designing and Maintaining a Healthy Coop

    Coop Health: Designing and Maintaining a Healthy Coop

    What is a healthy coop? A healthy coop breeds healthy birds. It's one that offers your flock the best environment to thrive and live a healthy life. How much room do chickens need? Is my coop predator proof? Does it have enough ventilation for good health? What sort of bedding is best for my...
  14. Sussex123

    Muscovy Duck Management

    I have been asked to produce around a 1000 muscovy drakes per month for a few people who sell them to fellow customers of theirs. I was wondering what was the best way of letting them hatch there eggs as I have not had good luck with them hatching good amounts the most I have got was 8 out of...
  15. M


    Hello all! I just joined this community today after finding the link via a google search for how many chickens I can fit in my new enclosure. I currently have 12 chickens, 2 we thought had disappeared with an older group of ours, so we picked up 10 more from someone downsizing their flock, a...
  16. CanadaEh

    The minimum height under nesting boxes and other things for chickens to use that space?

    What is the absolute *minimum* height I could hang the nesting boxes inside the coop for the space under them still be usable by full size chickens and would not have to be deducted from the total floor sq. footage calculation? Also my coop is converted shed with interior OSB walls already put...
  17. Emmaxx

    Bantam space requirements

    I find the whole minimum space requirements thing quite confusing with all the things you have to take into account. Also the things I have read usually give recommendations for pekins/heavy breeds, occasionally call ducks, and only one that even mentioned bantams as needing slightly more than...
  18. Keeperoflock

    Baby Chicks and Pecking Order Establishing

    About when do chicks start establishing their pecking order? Do I intervene during major squabbles or let them duke it out? Is it a sign that I need to offer more space? Will that help?
  19. J&Kfeatheredfowl

    Space requirement for different birds?

    hey all! What would you recommend for space requirement for... Dutch bantams Call ducks Standard ducks Smallish chickens (e.g silkie) standard chickens (e.g RIR) I know this may be a basic question, but there are soooo many different answers out there it’s ridiculous. Please give inside...
  20. Chicken Lover!

    How much space should a chicken have?

    Hello everyone, I own two chickens, (Soon going to get another 1 or 2) and I was wondering how much space should chickens get in their coop? How often should you clean out their coop? Thank you, I appreciate all your help :)
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