staggered hatch

  1. Ashcole

    Help broody hen & hatching

    Can someone please help. I have a broody hen who was determined to sit so we let her. I tried to make sure all eggs were from the same day so they’d hatch at the same time I even marked them with an X. I go to check a few days later and found 6 extra eggs. My daughter apparently added a few...
  2. Frodo the Pekin

    Should I place an extra egg under my broody chicken after 3 days?

    Hi! Here I am with another one of my silly beginner issues. So as you might know from my last post, I have a broody chicken that has been sitting on 4 duck eggs for about 3 days. I fear 3 of the eggs might not be fertile, a realisation which had stupidly not come to me till yesterday (more on...
  3. Pressure Canner Incubator for Rescue of a Staggered Hatch

    Pressure Canner Incubator for Rescue of a Staggered Hatch

    As a newbie to the chicken world, I made the classic mistake - I set eggs in my new incubator, and then I kept adding to them, giving me a staggered hatch for my first incubation. One day after I set 21 eggs in my Nurture Right 360, I threw in a tan one because the hen was an excellent layer...
  4. FathertoFeathers

    Staggered Hatch

    I have a turkey hen sitting on a clutch of eggs rn. I thought both of my hens were broody but it turns out one of them had still been laying and my other hen would just put the new eggs under her. I didn’t know until a few days ago when I candled them and noticed the differences in development...
  5. CanadaEh

    replacing infertile eggs in incubator (instead of removing them)?

    With 1:30 roosters to hens ratio I am afraid there will be below normal fertility at my next hatch. I am wondering if instead of removing infertile eggs I could replace them with fresh ones and by that increase number of eggs that will develop. I would have to do it as early as possible. So...
  6. daenerysmotherofchickens

    A very early chick under my broody

    Hi all, So, I was experimenting with a home made incubator because at the time I had fertile eggs but no broody. I started incubating the eggs and then my hen went broody about half way through their incubation! I figured the best chance they would get is if I give them to my broody, even...
  7. A

    Very late egg - will mama hen accept it!

    Nine beautiful chicks hatched between yesterday and today. One egg left - but it’s very late. It looks like its on Day 15 when candled - but it’s the same age as the others (I’m pretty sure). It did get cold at one point. It was moving a lot when I checked it. Anyway. My plan is to keep it in my...
  8. D

    My first hatch update/story

    hello everyone! I am happy to announce that my first hatch is nearly over! It has been a long and stressful road. From an unclear start date of natural incubation, to a finnicky and somewhat unreliable incubator and thermometer. To begin, I was unsure what the start date of incubation was. Mama...
  9. S

    Is this a safe way to stagger my duck eggs?

    Hi all, This is my first time hatching. I have a Nurture Right 360 set up and ready to go. I ordered some shipped duck eggs and also bought some other duck eggs locally to fill the rest of my incubator. I had carefully tried to avoid this exact situation, but unfortunately my shipment is...
  10. S

    Staggered Hatch Date Worries

    Hello Everyone! This is my first time incubating eggs! Technically it was my parents endeavor but I have been home from college and seemed to be the only one interested in researching the best incubating/ hatching tips! We've had chickens several times but never incubated any eggs (we...
  11. Just Rosie

    Staggered Hatch of Chicken and Quail Eggs?

    Hello all, I am curious if this would work. I set some silkie chicken eggs 4 days ago. That means they have (roughly) 17 days to go. Could I put some Coturnix quail eggs in there as well, now? Since they will have 17-18 days til hatch, it’s not really even staggered. I would lock them down on...
  12. operachicken82

    How to successfully have a 3 day staggered hatch?

    Greetings! Question for all my chicken folk! I put 3 eggs in the incubator Sunday night 03/08 and then put 6 shipped eggs in the same incubator the following Wednesday early morning 03/11. A difference of about 3 days. Trying to figure out when to put the eggs on lockdown and how to work the...
  13. aliciaplus3

    Acres Poultry hatching thread with aliciaplus3!

    Howdy folks! I have been having trouble keeping track of where I have posted and where I have not in response to hatch a longs, so I have decided to create a thread where I can (hopefully) keep a running dialog going about what is currently hatching. I have 4 (or 5?) incubators going for the...
  14. Z

    Staggered hatch - need help

    Hi, I am a newbie and accidentally started a staggered hatch. They are four days apart, and the first batch has 2 live eggs, whereas the second has 5 (eggs were delivered and in the first batch 4 were delivered dead). The first batch is on day 14, and the second is on day 18. The eggs seem fine...
  15. Chickhatchfever

    Staggered hatch help please...

    Another hen joined in on my broody hen about a week after she started. Two eggs were laid at some point. The original hens eggs hatched. Both hens came off the nest and are sharing the chicks. I took the two remaining eggs and candled them. they’re both alive and maybe a day or two apart. I’m...
  16. JinxieJem

    4 day staggered hatch lockdown

    Hi everyone, I have silkie and pekin bantam eggs due to go into lockdown in 2 days. In the same incubator I have various large fowl eggs that are 4 days behind. I don't have another incubator, so when the first set of eggs go into lockdown would it be OK to not turn the other set until the...
  17. Shellebelle920

    ISO: incubating specialists

    Alright everyone, I need some brains to come together and tell me how they would manage this hatch. Sorry I’ve been feeling very needy of all of you recently. Lol! I have 12 silkie eggs arriving (shipped) tomorrow. I was planning on waiting 24 hours before setting. However, I will also have 6 or...
  18. S

    Staggered hatch and crushed eggs Help!!!

    So we have a staggered hatch and unsurprisingly it has not gone well. Over the last 3 days we have found 3 hatched dead chicks and one crushed egg with a fully formed chick in it. The most recent chick was shoved to the edge of the nest and I am worried that perhaps the nest might be the...
  19. MROO

    Broody Hen Charged With Egg-Theft! Do I need to prepare?

    Hi! I have a first-time broody who has been stealing eggs from her sisters. Pepper started with five, and over the course of the next week, added 5 more, two and three at a time. I marked the first eggs, but not the second, thinking she was done. Then the third batch arrived. Now I have no idea...
  20. SpinningJenny

    Advice on staggered hatch?

    TL;DR - I've got 20ish eggs due May 2 and 2 due April 24th and one incubator. How do I do lockdown for three days for the two eggs, while the other 20ish are still in there needing the turner going? I thought about taking out 2 rails of the turner, so they have some hatching space, or building a...
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