stopped laying

  1. D

    My other leghorn thinks she's a big shot

    So I had one bully leghorn that chased the others then I isolated her and she's been calm although quite lethargic and then the other leghorn who's the youngest started beefing with my amber star who's submissive and then I put that leghorn with the bully leghorn and she was instantly sized up...
  2. V

    Ducks Decreased Egg Laying : Season? Molting? Mating?

    I know there are a ton of posts about decreased egg laying. Thanks for your time. It's late Feb in Willamette Valley Oregon with warm weather 40s-60s. Collection of and mixed breeds; 12 female ducks, of which 7 are almost a year and 5 are 'a few' years old; 6 adult drakes, 3 of which are were...
  3. S

    My Chicken Stopped Laying

    Hey all! I have a Cream Legbar chicken that is 7.5 months old and lays beautiful blue eggs. She usually lays an egg every other day or every two days. It’s now been about 6-8 days since she last laid. She is my most skittish of the flock, so not the easiest to get, but she generally seems to be...
  4. K

    Marans stopped laying

    Hi everyone :frow This is my first post and I appreciate any help I can get!! A wee back story: I have a hobby farm with ducks, Guinea fowl, blue azure hens, silkies, lavender Orpington and Marans. I have multiple poultry houses and chickens in different areas of my farm- they aren't...
  5. S

    1.5yo Heritage breeds 3 months no eggs

    Hey guys thanks for any help here I have 5 chooks all heritage breeds Australorp Wynadotte Orpington Plymouth rock Silkie All are only 1.5years old and I haven’t had a single egg for over 3-4 months from any of them. I find it super weird that all just stopped at the exact same time. They...
  6. lillydragon19

    Started laying and then stopped?

    I have a black australorp in my 5 hen flock that started laying and then stopped. She’s just over 5 months old and is with 4 Americaunas who are 6 months old. The other girls started laying all blue eggs so I knew any brown egg would be the australorp. So I was happy to see the little brown egg...
  7. kaywelton

    New Rooster on the Block

    So, the neighbors behind us have a rooster and chickens now. And since the rooster came, our hens have all but stopped laying, one is extremely broody (she literally isn’t sitting on any eggs either but won’t leave the boxes) and another is looking egg bound now. We were getting so many eggs...
  8. Kakaruk

    Elongated Fairy Egg - Any Thoughts? This is when she stopped laying.

    So I got this elongated fairy egg. Anyone ever seen one like this? This hen has been a great layer for about 3-4 years, she did molt once. She laid eggs even through the winter. Then this spring, one day she laid a normal fairy egg, then this elongated fairy egg, then she's stopped laying...
  9. unbaked pegga

    I really need some advice

    I posted here several months ago because a raccoon got into my coop and killed all but 2 of my hens. And of the 2 left I was afraid one of them would not survive. I posted pictures here and most everyone agreed that she didn’t look like she would survive. But I nursed her and fed her and tried...
  10. SDocheff

    I've already lost one duck!

    Two days ago I found one of my only two ducks, I raised together since they were ducklings (two years old now), dead in the their pool. Two weeks prior to that she stopped laying eggs, and then started losing feathers like crazy. Otherwise, she seemed completely healthy and normal, eating and...
  11. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Vague Signs of GI Issue - Best Course of Action?

    Hello! My 3 y/o Buff Orpington, Glory, recently quit laying. Around this time I've also noticed an uptick of shed intestinal lining in her poop, and have observed her eating less than usual (though still eating/drinking enough). Beyond that, her behavior seems normal. So, what is the best course...
  12. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Older ISA Brown Quit Laying

    My 3 y/o ISA Brown, Buffy, has stopped laying and her comb and wattles are pale. Beyond that, her energy and appetite are good, no swelling in her abdominal region, and her poops look beautiful lol. She's not spending any time in the nest box like she's trying to lay either. Should I be...
  13. R

    Determining age?

    We found this girl about a month ago, she had been dumped at a local park inhabited by lots of wild chickens. We took poor Thick Chick home with us and she has laid a beautiful big egg every single day except for the last week. This last week she has stopped laying and then laid fairy egg...
  14. woknrouen

    Duck stopped laying eggs

    I have a 1yr 5mth old Rouen duck. She first stated laying eggs in January and has laid eggs consistently, pretty much every day since then. She has not laid an egg in almost 2 months. The last egg she laid was a soft egg and she laid it in the evening. Since then she has not laid anything. She...
  15. C

    Help! Sick chicken since August! Keeps laying down, losing weight, not laying, lethargic

    A little backstory: I have a Lavender Orpington hen that was born June 2019. She was vaccinated for Mereks by the hatchery before being shipped. On September 2020 she was attacked by a wild animal and survived bites on her back and neck. With a lot of TLC, she was better and acting normal with...
  16. M

    Egg layer strike

    My 5 chickens, Wyandottes and Americaunas and a bantam Brahma, all stopped laying early this September. The Americaunas and one silver laces laid the latest - but now have stopped too. Only one has last feathers and is likely moulting but not the others. Unless they have a stash somewhere I...
  17. H

    Hen stopped laying eggs, its been over a week and a half...

    I have two layers right now, the rest are too young, one lays dark brown and one a lighter brown. I haven't gotten light brown eggs in over a week and a half. Hens seem healthy, eating and scratching. Nothing looks odd. Haven't found any secret nests. We did have two bad wind storms a week or so...
  18. Hanusaur

    All 4 hens stopped laying.

    They’re too young to be molting already, I think. They’re almost 7 months old. My boyfriend and I, the girl’s main caretakers, went on vacation for 4 days. My sister looked after them and said she didn’t collect a single egg while we were gone. Is it possible they were stressed that we left...
  19. itsbrittanypearl


    I am still kind of new to the chicken world. My first and my little baby girl Nugget (profile picture) has not pooped in awhile. Lost a lot of weight, lethargic, and it keeps getting worse as the weeks go on. I’ve kept her separate from the other chickens in my flock for two days now and when I...
  20. CalBickieMomma

    The Great Soft-shelled Egg Mystery ...

    For the past few months or so, I've had at least four girls experiencing egg issues. Three of them were laying soft-shelled eggs, or even expelling the inside of the egg while the shell only made it partway out (where I would have to pull the shell free). The fourth hen just stopped laying...
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