
  1. froggyphore

    should I separate my bantam from the other chicks?

    they’re about 4 weeks and the bantam chick is 1/3 the size of the others. i knew he would be smaller, but i wasn’t expecting this much smaller. they don’t huddle but i’m worried about him getting smothered. should i seperate him? the temp indoors is warm enough that i could have him next to my...
  2. N

    HELP- found hen caught upside down, almost died. What now?

    Hi All, My dear Ellie girl has had a tough go at it the last 10 months. I just found her yesterday afternoon with her leg caught on some chicken wire near the coop and she was stuck hanging upside down. I don’t know how long she was hanging like that for, she was out of the coop in the morning...
  3. mountainmud

    Silkie Pile Suffocation Victim?

    Hello all...(this is actually my first ever post here) I’ve recently (with int the last year) been losing my silkie hens to what I’m guessing is “silkie pile suffocation” and am hoping someone has some suggestions: 1) to prevent silkie piles and 2) what to do with my recent victim. This...
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