
  1. horselove

    When to treat subcutaneous emphysema (ruptured air sac) in wild finch?

    Yesterday I found a finch (adult female) unable to properly fly but otherwise appearing healthy, I kept her on the porch for safety and monitoring, and this morning she had a large air bubble, approximately the size of her skull, on the back left of her neck. This evening the bubble had expanded...
  2. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Salmon Faverolles with Potential Bumblefoot (Pictures)

    I have three Salmon Faverolles (named Brie, Mari, and Debbi) with what I think is bumble foot. None of the other breeds have this. They are 10 months old and in good health aside for the feet. I noticed it first about 1 month ago. We did a ton of research and tried to remove the bumblefoot from...
  3. Thechickentrainer1999

    Stomach cancer cure

    Today I had an ultrasound done on my hen and found out she has stomach cancer which they believe has spread from her reproductive system. Does anybody have any remedies or success on treating/curing this? I've read about success in humans from baking soda water, and some from fenbendazole, but...
  4. WetheringHeightsFarm

    Giant Pekin Drake with Prolapse Phallus

    Today I had to make an emergency trip with our 3 yo Giant Pekin “Jack” to the aviary veterinarian. For a few days we’ve noticed he isn’t able to tuck in his male part and drags it all over the frozen yard as he waddles to and fro. After researching if this dragging was normal - which it isn’t...
  5. M

    How to make a chicken stop laying eggs?

    I have a young pullet who lays an egg almost every day. She does fine with it but she has a massive hernia on her side which was caused by a ruptured air sac when she was a chick. She’s seen a vet and it’s not life threatening as long as it isn’t punctured. She basically has her intestines...
  6. S

    Crop issue - pendulous, sour, partially obstructed? Where to start?

    I'm a little unsure where to start with my chicken's crop issues, so appreciate any tips! We've had chickens for 3 years, first time to have an issue. Chicken (named Banana) is 1 year old, Easter Egger mix of some sort. She has had a large crop that empties slowly for months. I thought it was...
  7. C

    Egg Peritonitis Surgery Aftercare

    Hello, my chicken is booked in for egg peritonitis surgery this week. I just wanted to hear from anyone who has done this and the best aftercare recommendations. Obviously I will have the vet recommended medications, but does anyone have any other advice. Thank you in advance <3
  8. J

    Is Betacillin Drops (Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Potassium for Oral Suspension) okay to give to chickens?

    Yesterday my 6 year old Americana hen had surgery where she had a stuck egg removed (eggbound) but she was also having respiratory issues while they checked her out. At the end they gave this antibiotics, but on the box it says if for use in cats and dogs. We used it before for our cats. Is this...
  9. ShannonSmith44

    Bumblefoot Surgery & Wrap

    My beautiful chicken Louise developed a bump on her foot and she was limping. It was called Bumblefoot when we looked it up. My boyfriend and I proceeded to clean and prep her foot with Epson salt, hydrogen peroxide and alcohol. Using a sterilized scalpel he put a cut down the front of the...
  10. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    SEVERE Prolapse - Need support/prevention advice

    Hello, I'm writing this on behalf of my brother, who is very new to raising backyard chickens (he caught the fever from me!). Yesterday, his 6 year old daughter ran into the house with chicken blood all over her, panicking. My brother immediately ran out to find the injured chicken: a young BO...
  11. Maddog_photog

    Duck boarding

    I am anticipating going into surgery, and will be unable to care for dux for a couple weeks. what is the consensus on boarding ducks when something like this happens? What does everyone else do With their dux for surgeries, vacations, what ever else life throws at us?
  12. GermanKennhuhn

    Second Bumble foot surgery, no pus

    About two months ago I treated my Bielefelder hen for bumble foot. I pulled off the scab and the underside was a bit yellowish, but I didn't see a core or pus or anything. Now, a few days ago, I treated her again because the bumble foot didn't go away. Same thing, the scab was yellowish and a...
  13. lbgreenfield

    UPDATE on 2X Failed Bumblefoot Surgery - Need Advice

    Hi all. See my original post here: It is 1.5 months after my chicken's twice failed bumblefoot surgery. I have been doing twice weekly epsom salt foot soaks and have not attempted surgery since late...
  14. lbgreenfield

    2X Failed Bumblefoot Surgery, What to do Next?

    Hi everyone - I've recently adopted a 2.5 year old California White Leghorn chicken that had a small, 5mm diameter bumblefoot scab on her right foot. For two weeks, I did daily epsom salt soaks and bandaged with gauze and Neosporin prior to surgery to see if the scab would go away on its own...
  15. G

    Bumblefoot surgery complications

    Hi all, a few days ago we rescued two turkey hens. One was immediately limping when we got home and after examining her, it looked like she had bad Bumblefoot in both feet. We now know the other one is just as bad but is lighter on her feet so isn’t limping as much. This morning I attempted...
  16. UncleDougsChickens

    Crop Issue Advice: Update, Surgery Was A Success

    I posted a while back about a chicken with a rather large crop, im talking grapefruit sized. Its been a couple months since then and its still large but shes still alive. Shes clearly in some sort of discomfort since she constantly tries to shift the contents around. I have been calling around...
  17. leighks

    Any luck with surgery??

    My sweet barred rock has an oviduct impaction we have been medically managing (with a vet) for almost 3 months now, but we are getting to the point where a decision has to be made. Surgery would fix the problem, but the procedure is very invasive. I’m concerned if she would make it through...
  18. KittyKat3756

    Bumblefoot surgical removal (advice needed on result)

    I received an older cockerel a few days ago who arrived with bumblefoot (confirmed by me and another experienced chicken keeper). He came off a farm, so the previous owner cannot tell me exactly how long it's been there for. Suffice to say, looks like it's been a while. To treat, I soaked his...
  19. SniperGoose

    First time bumblefoot surgery success!

    Well I had a chicken, Aretha, that had bumblefoot that I just noticed today. It was a fairly large scab, so I operated. I had my mother hold her in a towel and keep her head covered while I worked on her foot. Aretha, for the most part, was very calm during surgery. While I'm sure it still hurt...
  20. SniperGoose

    First time dealing with bumblefoot

    When I was out feeding my chickens today, I noticed one had some swelling on their foot. I picked her up to take a look and it's bumblefoot! In all my years raising poultry, I've never had any with bumblefoot till this one. I've seen bumblefoot surgery done at home before, and it seems simple...
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