
  1. kfsilver

    Fox Attack Questions

    A few days ago I was free ranging my ladies when a fox attacked. I happened to see the attack after two hens had been grabbed, but none dragged away. Based on the footage, it appears the fox grabbed and shook one hen, a New Hampshire Red, but then my Buckeye hen went and attacked the fox. The...
  2. N

    Wing ripped off, serious predator attack wound

    I had this issue a while back and my bird made it through, he's now a healthy pet who will never go to freezer camp. Thought I'd share and help others in this emergency. Unbeknownst to me my juvenile turkeys were roosting on the edge of their water bucket because it was slightly higher than...
  3. G

    Help with chicken PTSD?

    I have a French Black Copper Marans, Blanche, who is unfortunately suffering from some sort of mental trauma. A hawk tried to take her away a few months ago and she has since stopped laying eggs and is anxious to free range, constantly on the lookout for flying birds. (No injuries: the hawk...
  4. A

    Huge Rat Attacked Quail at Night

    Story: So I go outside to check on my flock since I’m kind of traumatized (more paranoid than traumatized) to make sure the previous incident doesn’t happen😢, and I check on all: they’re good, I think till I was about to leave but I think why not check my solo quail buddies (have been trying to...
  5. B

    Rooster has had sudden change.

    I have a rooster thats not even a year old. We have 2 total and one of them was killed by a possum and raccoon and since he wouldn't leave the hen house. The other day he did get out and flew the fence and now is just standing with his head down and tail down. Not responding much to noise. What...
  6. L

    Stolen hen came home!

    While I was out of town and hubby was minding the flock, my largest, heaviest cinnamon queen disappeared! She just showed up this morning! She has been gone 5 days! Needless to say, she has lost weight and looks awful! It looks like something grabbed her on her back, around the base of her...
  7. ItsYelik

    Found silkie lethargic (POSSIBLE SHOCK) with laceration near eye

    I’m not sure how long she had been out there, but we found our 4 month old silkie lethargic with blood in her nostrils. She’s very cold, lethargic, and can barely hold her head up, but she’s fighting fluids by syringe. She was introduced to our flock along with another 4month silkie roo about 2...
  8. R

    Chicken eye excessive tears exposed lacrimal membrane

    Please help.... I don't know why one of my 8month old pullet's one eye is excessively lacrimating with bubbling tears and also a white membrane is covering the medial aspect.... What should i do? But the eye(pupil) itself seems clear not cloudy. Please help.... i don't want her to get blind...
  9. R

    Rhode island red rooster lameness

    Hi My rhode island red rooster about 5 months old has one leg lame, it is usually lying down and walks crisscrossing. Should i cull the rooster? I have tried giving multivitamins and provide calcium supplements, but no improvement. It seems to get worse as the rooster gains more weight growing up.
  10. Hannahnic14

    I need people to take better care of their chickens😣 (Broken swollen toe)

    Yall.......I'm going to just stop buying chickens from backyard breeders.....yall have seen my experience.🙄 Anyway, I have another little one that needs help. When the lady brought her to me she said, "She broke her toe on the way over in the cage", I said ok, I'll doctor her up. I got her home...
  11. KristiM

    Hens not laying after hawk attack

    I don't normally free-range my flock, but with our warmer weather, I figured I could let them into our fenced garden to eat all the winter weeds. I tried to spend time out there with them as much as I could. On Sunday, we were inviting a couple friends over for a social distance backyard BBQ...
  12. M

    Duck Seems to have Extreme Anxiety Weeks after Attack

    My two female ducks were attacked three weeks ago and both survived. They are fully healed and one seems to be back to normal. The other one seems to have extreme anxiety. She constantly quacks very loud and the quack sounds very stressed. She was very comfortable with me and people beforehand...
  13. S

    Angry Hen

    My 6 month old Ameraucana was chased by a dog last week until she collapsed. She had no visable external injuries. I isolated her in the coop. She seemed okay the next day, but subsequently has sequestered herself in a nesting box and seldom emerges. She has been given water with...
  14. DiveyChickens

    Possible Infection?

    As a disclaimer to any dumb statements/questions I may pose, I'll say: We are brand new to keeping chickens. Everything we know has been learned online and/or from a few friends we know who "grew up" with chickens. So, we started with a small flock of only 3 birds. Today marks one full week that...
  15. EastTeaxsChickenMimi

    Broken Wing at Joint! Need An Article or Link to reference

    Five month old cockerel found outside of coop injured. Unsure if attacked at this point. Feathers matted but no puncture wounds found. Wing not functioning. There is blood trauma under the skin at the elbow (?) joint but the bones are not attached . He can move wing and the lower half looks...
  16. L

    2 weeks after severe injury hen still not drinking nor eating effectively.

    Hi everyone. Will write an intro a little later but would appreciate timely insight/advice. 2 weeks ago MY dogs opened the gate to the chicken yard and went after the hens. Maisey who is about 6 months old was the only injury albeit severely; it's now two weeks post attack. My main concern...
  17. Hensley Flock

    Rooster Panic

    I have a rooster, hes about a year and a half old, that was involved in a dog attack on November 1st. His entire back was ripped off and i'm surprised yet grateful he is alive. UNFORTUNATELY, today we let him out into the yard for the first time since and he freaked out and ran to hide. I...
  18. Degg1121

    Baby Chick head trauma/internal bleeding??

    HELP!! I got 8 baby chickens a few days ago from good old Tractor Supply (5 Sapphire Gem, 1 Easter Egger, and 2 Brahmas) my mother has had chickens before but these were my first very own babies. We had them in our house as they are so small and need a heat lamp still, and one of our very old...
  19. ValerieJ

    Two down, one in sick bay...

    On Friday, I shared with you all about the eagles attacking our neighborhood chickens. I lost one and had another wounded. I thought my biggest problem was figuring out how to create obstacles in my orchard, where they live, and put some Veterycin on the quarter sized wound, the only wound I...
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