treatment help

  1. Faisal12

    Newly hatched peachick can't stand up!

    I hatched this chick in an incubator, but unfortunately, it's unable to stand up or lift its body. I've tried various methods, like taping its fingers to improve grip and keeping its toes in the right position, but it hasn't made any difference. It keeps falling to the ground and struggling to...
  2. S

    Is thi Gapeworm?

    One of my chicks had developed a new issue. Tomorrow they will be exactly 3 weeks old. I noticed my largest girl stretch her neck out and gape. This started Yesterday evening. I also noticed that She shakes her head and sneezes. Now luckily none of my other chicks have this issue its just her...
  3. 1

    Ascites Help

    We have an old chicken with ascites. We are planning on trying to drain the fluid to give her some more time and make her more comfortable, but we are afraid of botching it and causing her pain or a more unpleasant death. I contacted a local animal sanctuary to see if they could help and I was...
  4. N

    First time with sickness.... Sneezing & Congestion... How do I treat? Do I treat them all?

    Video link on reddit of chick Tuesday night at end of post (couldnt upload here): 1 week 4 day old chick (we think silkie) started sneezing Tuesday night. We've had her since day one and she's been healthy, energetic, eating and drinking. 4pm Tuesday I did my normal pasty butt check and she had...
  5. Jaimes09


    I have a hen. I think she’s a 5k sweater gamefowl hen and about 5-6 months old. I found her like this 2 days ago. Got told i should give her baking soda in water and it went away at night. Woke up fine on day 2 but in the afternoon that same day i found her with it again and didn’t go away...
  6. 6

    Permethrin Spray in the Winter?!

    I have used the permethrin 10 spray on my henhouse and hens last summer, to kick a bad bout of mites/lice. It worked great, and my hens feathers came back😀 However, I noticed a few broken feathers on a hen….That is what I saw previously, before recognizing a pest at work. So, to be proactive, I...
  7. jBabychickn

    Resp.Symptoms/Plz Check my Treatment Plan

    Hi there; Newbie here!! I’m dealing with a 18wk old Jubilee Orpington cockerel with Raspy breathing sounds, otherwise eating and drinking normally as far as I can tell. He’s acting his normal self from what I can tell as well. — I spend 2-3hrs with my Babies daily. We are a small Flock of #10...
  8. K

    1 week old baby chick with soup crop

    - 1 week old Silver laced Wyandotte chick - sour breath - firm and full crop Possible treatment options? Have any of you guys experienced this with week old chicks? thank you!!
  9. The chicken Hatcher

    Turkey poult occasionally throws up

    Alright, so I have a poult that throws up when I pick it up. It has been eating and drinking, and it isn't lethargic. It only started doing this last night. Any help would be appreciated, Thank you! 1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the...
  10. EggsNchooks

    Cocci?? Help please

    Hi, I live in Australia and it’s heading into winter. We’ve had a bit of wet weather where I live and I was cleaning out my cages and noticed one of my big chooks has had mucus blood in its poo and one of the little pullets. (they live in different enclosures). None of them appear to be sick...
  11. E

    Respiratory illness or gapeworm? Unsure which or how to treat! Help!

    I have four chooks. Three of them grew up together and are 12 weeks old. The other is 2 years old. They are all around each other and live together now. One of the 12 week olds Inari was making some weird noises when cuddling for about a week now. Since she is eating, drinking, and acting...
  12. joella13b

    Swelling around Hen’s Eye

    Woke up to find my 7 month old hen with a swollen eye and face on the one side. She seems more sluggish than usual. I’m not sure if it is an infection or something else. Any treatment ideas and possible diagnoses?
  13. H

    Vent Gleet Help!!

    Hi all. So I have a 2-year-old Partridge Olive Egger hen who has had chronic diarrhea for at least the last couple of months. It almost comes out in a stream and her vent is almost always dirty. At first I thought that that was just her, but after a little more research, I’m pretty sure she has...
  14. MysteryChicken

    Looking For A list Of Best Mite Treatments For Chickens.

    I just discovered my birds have little yellow, & white mites on their feathers. What are some mite treatments that work best?
  15. DatCrazyChickenLady

    EMERGENCY! Hen has BAD sour crop!

    Hello! I am in a bit of a tough situation. My hen was attacked by my dog, and has developed sour crop. I’m not sure if it developed before or after the attack. I am trying to research how to test it but there are so many different treatments I don’t know which one is best to use! I’m very...
  16. J

    Frostbitten Rooster

    Need major advice! we’ve been battling some severe frostbite on our rooster. We live in Northern MN where every now and then our nights get down to -20 F. the other night it got down to -12F inside our chicken coop and that’s when our rooster got severe frostbite. He has had frostbite since the...
  17. Awooten

    Respiratory Treatment for 8.5 lb. Rooster

    I have a 5 year old, 8.5 lb. Ameraucana rooster named Truman who came down with a respiratory infection yesterday. He is wheezing and has labored breathing. Eyes appear clear and I see no discharges. His appetite seems good and energy level is about the same. He's my favorite chicken...
  18. B

    Possible bumblefoot?

    One of my hens has some redness on her foot. She has strange feet anyways...think a birth defect or something?..outside toes turn oddly and she has some kind of growths(had those for a long time-no issues) Not sure if she could have bumblefoot? I don't have any experience with it. Took some...
  19. Spring Fleet Chickens

    20 week old pullets suddenly dieing.

    Good day everyone. So I have been dealing with something that I'm not sure how to treat. I have 3 coops. One with my 2+ year old laying hens. One with my 20ish week old pullets, and one with chicks. My young girls (20 weeks) are not laying yet and I have been letting them free range just about...
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