upside down

  1. Viktoria07


    I have ben Incubating baby chiking eggs for 21 days now and the first one hatched a couple of hours ago, it was doing just fine when i left it, but when I came back it was laying upside down on ist back. What am I supposed to do??? I can't open the incubator bc the other eggs haven't hatched...
  2. N

    HELP- found hen caught upside down, almost died. What now?

    Hi All, My dear Ellie girl has had a tough go at it the last 10 months. I just found her yesterday afternoon with her leg caught on some chicken wire near the coop and she was stuck hanging upside down. I don’t know how long she was hanging like that for, she was out of the coop in the morning...
  3. TashaFrancois

    Other causes of wry neck?

    I bought an Isabella Brahma from a quality breeder I have known for a while now. She was a 3 month Pullet. About a week after we got her she could barely lift her head. I called we discussed what we feed and other variances. We settled that she wasn’t taking the free choice grit and that she may...
  4. cuckleberry

    Upside Down Chick!

    Hello! We are on day 16 of incubating button quail eggs, and we thankfully see 5 chicks pipping! The problem is, one of them has pipped upside down, facing the tray of the incubator. This only happened a few hours ago. Early this morning, there was no external pipping with that egg. When I tap...
  5. J

    Pipping but not zipping

    Help! I am incubating duck eggs for the first time. I went to start lockdown but one of the eggs was an early bloomer and already had an external pip. By the time we turned off the rotator, filled the humidity wells, and put the egg back in the incubator it had been out for about 3 minutes. It...
  6. O

    Chick trying to hatch upside down

    Ok so I am hatching chicks and i've done it before but this time i'm using a different bator. my problem is this chick has started from the bottom of the egg. I feel like that would be fine but the "egg goop" that comes out of the egg when they try to hatch has glued the egg in place. Opinions?
  7. Jmcggnj6

    Eggs shipped upside down...what are my chances

    Ordered a couple dozen paint silkie eggs the first box came crushed in on one side despite being well labeled, with stickers stating: live embryos and with labels stating this side up. :( No eggs were broken but it is obvious they weren't handled gently. :barnieThe second box came the next day...
  8. Clucklandia

    HELP! Assist Hatching!!

    Hello! This is my 4th time incubating! I haven't hatched any though. :( They reach days 18, 19, and 20, then they die!! :hit Today i was getting rid of eggs and I almost through one away! I opened it up in the air sac area and saw no movement! Just then, the chick hit the air sac as if it were...
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