
  1. K

    Vegetable garden/chicken run with Bantams?

    Hey all. I want to fence two runs about 1722 square ft/160 M2 each with fenced 4x8 chicken coop and 215sq ft/20 m2 compost run. In one year chickens will have first run. The second one will be a vegetable garden. One need just to simply rotate vegetables and chickens. I know that standard...
  2. Tre3hugger

    Diy raised beds progress thread

    Hey guys. Started on a raised beds build today. I'd like to use this thread to chronicle the build and the subsequent growing life of the bed. I was going for a U shape. The sides of the U are 12 feet, with the bottom being 6 feet. Almost 50 sq ft of growing space. I plan to fence it with...
  3. PhillyDelcoChix

    Cheap and healthy natural snack for hens

    Hello all, Just checking in on what you guys have found your chicks love, especially fruits, veg, grains, herbs...anything that can be relatively inexpensive and/or even better: grown in my backyard!!! 🍅 🌽 🌶🥒🍎🥬🍓🍍🍏🍌🥕🍒🥭🍈
  4. J

    Quails and gardening

    Hello! I'm having trouble with cats where my crops are, so I'm building a huge cage with chicken wire to protect them (3x10 meters x 2 meter tall). I had the beautiful idea to put a small coop with about 6-10 quails inside the cage. They will help me solve my "mealybugs" or "woodlouse" problem...
  5. RenoHuskerDu

    How high a fence to keep hens out of veggie garden?

    Howdy, I hope this is the correct forum. I searched and only found dead old threads from 2014. We have 9 laying hens, 1 old maid, and 1 lazy rooster. It's time to plan our veggie garden. In Texas, if you wait too late, you get sun-dried dead veggies. I've never seen our chickens fly higher...
  6. SplashyDashyChicksHatchi

    Help me identify this plant please!

    I found this plant behind my house and am not sure what kind it is, if it is edible, or practically anything about it. Can someone give me some information? I thought it was a green zebra tomato at first but it has a lot of seeds inside like a pepper plant. When I took one off and brought it...
  7. lazy gardener


    This thread is for folks to share information about some of the vegetable plants that are on their forever favorite list, and the vegetables that are being trialed. Please, include: Your growing climate, your soil type, and any other info about growing conditions particular to your gardening...
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