
  1. R

    Coop design input

    This is my first dip into chicken raising. My wife brought up the idea years ago when we bought our house but we never put any serious thought into it until this year. I spent about a month researching what should go into a chicken coop, and coming up with a design for ours. I used these forums...
  2. sbutler12025

    Lean to style coop ventilation

    I am nearly finished with my large 16'x8' lean to style coop! My boyfriend and I built it from the ground up with no plans and no prior experience. I absolutely love it so far! I have many small things to do yet and some more predator proofing to do but it has come together very nicely. I'm...
  3. RainValleyFarm


    Best tips for ventilation? We got an 8x8 shed, it has one window that does not open. What’s the best tips for ventilation and tempature control? We were thinking something similar to an attic fan?
  4. 2

    Brooder question

    So I have a question, I had to move my pullets out to my mud room. Because having them this size (5 weeks) was too much. It’s heated stays around 65-72 and also a heat lamp, a electric space heater of it gets too cold. My question is the ventilation. I can’t open the doors because it’s just...
  5. chickenchicklady

    Coop Ventilation?

    Hi friends! I have a 9x12 coop. I’m trying to figure out ventilation. We’re adding it this spring to the coop. Where is the best places to have ventilation? We were going to add windows, but I know that there can’t be drafts by the roosts.
  6. AmberNate

    How Should I ventilate this coop???

    Any advice on how to ventilate and where the roost bar should go?? Bought this coop used, and there was zero ventilation. For whatever reason the person who built it raised the nesting boxes. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I know ideally the roosting bar should be above the nesting boxes but if I do that then my ladies...
  7. B

    Size of air holes in still air incubators. What size are yours for how many eggs?

    Hi, I am transforming a forced air incubator with a broken fan into a still air incubator. I think that the size of the air holes should be bigger, but don't know how much. Could you share how big the air vents are in your incubators, especially for still air incubators? My forced air...
  8. Chickie friend

    Space and ventilation questions?

    I have an old play house that was converted to a coop. Its 17² ft (how do you get 17² feet you ask? by having a tree go though the middle of course) currently there are 4 chickens in there. There are 3 windows that provide 8 feet of ventilation, but only during the day. Is that enough? My dad...
  9. R


    I am planning to build a small chicken coop. I read the article on the ventilation by Patandchicken(?) and it is a great article. I live in Columbus, IN and the summers can be in a week here and there quite hot and humid with temps over 90 F degrees. In winter (it is southern Indiana) days...
  10. P


    Hey guys, I’m new to the whole raising chickens thing and am not sure if I have enough ventilation in my coop. It is 4x4 and there are 4 birds currently in it. I have about a full square foot up top in the back and about 3 square feet up front but semi covered by a gutter. Also by the coop door...
  11. Bunnybryn

    Help with ventilation

    Hi everyone! I'm a new member and need some advice on ventilation as I'm finishing my coop. I live in Central Texas and summers are HOT HOT but winters are surprising cold, windy and often wet (I grew up in Eastern Washington where we get lots of snow and often drop below freezing and Texas...
  12. Pixelsaurus

    The Coop DeVille and Spa (Part 3) - a playhouse conversion / COVID project

    Part 3 of my Coop DeVille project….squirrels, day spa, roost and poop board V 5.0, ventilation and Zen.... June 22. Squirrels! And this was the FB post - a fun notice to the Coop DeVille residents. So all is fine and dandy in the run until the squirrels. They got through the bird netting and...
  13. xtatix

    Enclosed Run Flooring and Playhouse Coop HELP

    First time chicken mama. Need some reassurance or better suggestions for a few things. 1] flooring for the run I have read sand, dirt, pine shaving. What is best?? I was thinking of using a combo of all 3. Yes/No 2] Ventilation the play house has 4 windows will I need more? 3] Two roosting...
  14. Loventheseducks

    1st building duck coop- ventilation concerns

    Hi! We just bought a chicken coop we are turning into a duck house for our ducks. My concern is there doesn’t seem to be any ventilation. We’re drilling holes near the roof- but is that enough? Help.
  15. Loventheseducks

    1st building duck coop- ventilation concerns

    Hi! We just bought a chicken coop we are turning into a duck house for our ducks. My concern is there doesn’t seem to be any ventilation. We’re drilling holes near the roof- but is that enough? Help.
  16. AquaDuck

    Dust allergy and coops

    I write "allergy" since "what to do when you have a bad reaction to coop-stuff" sounded a bit long winded. Not sure where to post this, but since it's housing related, I try here. Anyone struggle with reactions to dust etc? Any tips and tricks? Have you tried different beddings to see what's...
  17. BDutch

    advantages of a window with glass

    A coop with lots of light and ventilation is nice for chickens. There are many solutions to achieve that. And what is needed differs depending on the time of year and the climate in which we live. I myself have more or less accidentally gained experience with an extremely light and airy coop...
  18. Julesstarohio56

    Help with ventilation issue

    This is my first winter with chickens. We had a great spring, summer and fall, apart from a few predator deaths, but they love free ranging. So far this winter I’ve lost two hens straight off the roost. We have a flat corrugated plastic roof, rain tight, corrugated metal sided coop that backs...
  19. DecT

    My Coop

    we brought some land and it had a built-in chicken coop in a brick shed, it has 4 rather large windows some 2 are partially-covered and 2 open, should I cover some???? or just the windows that are directly in front of roost???????? pls, help! Many thanks
  20. Rshumpal

    Coop building and ventilation

    I’ve been waiting for the rain to stop so I could paint my shed pieces and get my coop up. I don’t know if I have enough ventilation, or possibly too much planned. The coop is going to have my house on the one side and then two sections of fence on the other so it is well protected from the...
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