watery droppings

  1. thunder21

    Abnormal droppings

    Hello again! I noticed my rooster mouth breathing was back (no wheezing and gurgle sound). It started when the weather became hot and humid again and when I fed him sweet corn. At first, he has droppings were not digested well. Now, he has diarrhea and this is how it looks. Even his cecal...
  2. moosey

    Respiratory Issue

    Hi. This is my first encounter with a respiratory issue (but I've only had chickens for about 3 years). I've searched on the forums for info, and its all a little overwhelming. I have a 3 yo chicken who makes gurgle sounds when breathing. No mucus/bubbles from nostrils/eyes, no head shaking...
  3. C

    Worms? Tuberculosis? Other? What are these worm-like things? What’s going on here?!

    I’ve been trying for a while to get to the bottom of my hen’s health issue(s). I’m baffled. Symptoms in Buff Orpington hen (rescue, roughly 4-5 yrs old): Watery poop with white streaks or dark green mass (new symptom, past few days) Worms or worm-like matter in some of the watery poop (new...
  4. PopoMyers

    Chicken lethargic, watery, bubbly, cloudy pink stained poop.

    My Brahma that I just cleaned off yesterday is not well. She had caked on poop, and now feathers are trimmed. Her poop is watery, and now some reddish pink staining, urate threads. She isn't interested in eating. Has drank water. I have her inside. She is lethargic, separated herself from...
  5. E

    Clear, watery feces - 2 year old hen

    Hello all! This morning I went to the coop to let the girls out, and my normally peppy, clingy EE was seeming "off". She was slow to the feeder, and wasn't attached to my hip like normal. She did show interest in breakfast, but after just went and sat quietly under a tree by herself. Noticing...
  6. C

    [URGENT] My chicken suddenly became very lethargic, pale comb and wattles, and trouble moving.

    Hi, I have a buff orpington hen and she is just turned four years old. Over the past month or so, my chicken will not eat as much as usual, and sits away from the rest of my chickens on occasion. At first I thought she had an impacted crop, and I have massaged her crop and shes thrown up water a...
  7. m1marin

    Hen drinking excessive amounts of water

    Hi everyone, We have a hen (Gertie) that is drinking excessively and spilling from her crop. She won't stop drinking water. I'm stumped. If anyone has experience, thoughts, or ideas on what path I should investigate I'd really appreciate it. Details and photos below. Thank you so much in...
  8. Morgan Singh

    Watery poop? HELP PLEASE

    My black chick ( 4 weeks old ) is having watery poop. The strange thing is that she poops normally and watery. The watery poops happen every few days or so. Also whenever she has the watery poops she has some chunks of food in the poop. Nothing to mind blowing or serious but you can tell its...
  9. S

    Odd chicken poop

    Hello, i need some help with a chicken in a particular situation. I have a common layer hen that i found months ago, she appeared on my porch, was underweight, had a scar on her stomach and an infection in her oviduct which she was treated for until she stopped laying lash eggs and started...
  10. Grey Gables

    Water belly? 1.5 Y/O Hen - Advice Please!

    Hello - hoping to get some advice. I have a 1.5 year old Easter Egger who has had a swollen abdomen since Saturday (at least that's when I discovered it). I immediately knew something was up, as she didn't exit the run with the other chickens that morning. She is my most skittish chicken and...
  11. C

    Ex battery hen has diarrhoea and sleeps all day

    Hi everyone, I know this will have been covered in a thread already but I’m a bit desperate. Our favourite little ex battery hen is sick. She has always been the scrawniest since we adopted her three months ago and her feathers still haven’t grown back but she is usually very strong, fiesty and...
  12. T

    Sick hens?

    My 2 barred rocks have had messy rear ends for a while and I've tried treating them for worms using garlic in their water. It hasn't helped and today one of them had a yellowish foamy stool and another a watery stool(images of the hens and the stools below. Any treatment ideas? They both eat...
  13. Ceku

    Sick Quail! Please help :(

    Hi ! One of my female quails has stopped laying for a week and she seems lethargic. Today she keeps pooping watery droppings. They are so liquid like almost water. Some of them are yellowish and a little bit slimy and some of them has long lines that i assume intestinal linings. I don't see...
  14. M

    sick baby chick breathing heavy, watery droppings / help!

    Hello, I came here to ask for advice. We rescued a baby chick, it's now 2 weeks old. It was thriving until 2 days ago. It suddenly didn't seen to have nearly as much energy as before. It doesn't eat as much anymore, but it does drink a lot of water. The droppings are very watery. I was...
  15. E

    Clear watery poo from an otherwise healthy hen?

    She’s a 22 week old Easter egger. She hadn’t laid yet and is eating, drinking, running, flying, just being her normal self. I’m not entirely sure if all her poops have been like this, but I have seen some “stains” on the top of the coop that look similar. (She is currently in the shed with her...
  16. E

    Recurring crop impaction, pooing mostly watery urates- is this internal laying?? **poo pics inside**

    First off, thank you to everyone who read my posts about my previous health scares. Alfredo is now up and at ‘em again and even back to laying! This is Curry. Last dewormed with SafeGuard in the beginning of September. On October 20th I found her laying down out in the yard (not in a horrible...
  17. Northern_Kara

    Help! Droopy wings, fluffy, head down

    Born June 19. Born from eggs dipped in Tylan. No known exposure to other birds. In a newly build pen, has not free ranged. Feeding grower pellets. Went to feed the babies and this little cockerel seems off so I isolated him. Next day I have a polish pullet acting the same. Puffy, droopy...
  18. lydiaig

    Poorly Hen - Advice needed

    In the last 2 days our ex-battery hen has been lethargic, her behaviour has changed (she usually comes to the coop door when I let her out and follows me round the garden but she has not moved much), she is not as alert and her poo has been watery and white. She hasn't been eating and her crop...
  19. N

    Clear, watery poop

    My 8 month old girl, Red, has had watery diarrhea for a week now. She has been in isolation for 7 days with no improvement. Red: *Has grit *Only eats a little crumple each day. *Drinks a lot of water *Does NOT have an impacted crop *Has lost weight. * She will not drink water with probiotic...
  20. Qquails899

    Quail drinking a lot of water

    I just dewormed my quails and now one of them is acting very weird. She is more active than before, but she drinks a lot of water and her droppings are very watery. I also saw water coming out of her beak a few times. She has been like this for like 5 days and I don't know what to do. Please help!
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