
  1. Pearlescent

    Turkey Caruncles and Wattle variations??

    I’ve been noticing that as they grow, my turkeys caruncles and wattles are looking significantly different, they are all hens (as far as I know) and the only one I have doubts about is my big gray one (Golden Narraganset I believe) she has very large wattle and caruncles, just wanted to confirm...
  2. loyalcrowlist

    Polish hen's wattles are different sizes.

    My Polish hen, Tax Evasion, came to me when someone dumped her and her friend in my backyard, I assume because we were the closest people with chickens. They weren't in good shape and had scaly leg and I still put vaseline on because they both seem to have dry skin issues. Anyway, I have no idea...
  3. Lspears218

    Mystery bumps/bites on Roosters comb?

    Hi all- My black australourp has a ton of bumps/bites on his comb/wattles. I thought it could be mosquito bites being that I live on a bayou, but if that were the case why don’t any of my other hens & Roos in the flock have them? Is this something to be concerned with or is it just mosquitoes...
  4. bbycarrot

    Fowlpox or something else? New waterer?

    Hi, all! Today I noticed my barred rock had a weird wart looking thing on her wattle. My husband and I set her down to get a phone to take a picture and within a few minutes the dark scab had already fallen or been pecked off. I attached a photo of what it looks like. We put some iodine on it...
  5. bbycarrot

    Swollen wattle

    Hi there! I recently discovered one of our hens has a swollen wattle, or to be more specific the location in between her wattles. It wasn’t like this in the morning. She is acting normal and it doesn’t seem to impact her breathing. She’s not fiddling with it and it doesn’t feel like it’s full of...
  6. tanchick

    Blister on Wattle Fowlpox?

    Hi guys Posting here to see if anyone can help diagnose I noticed today a blister on my hens wattle. She’s otherwise acting her normal self and it isn’t a peck wound as I only have 1 other hen and they’re kept separate. She does have other diagnosed health issues such as arthritis and high...
  7. R

    wattle and egg problems… advice would be much appreciated!

    hi all! so i noticed recently that one of my hens, opal, has a large mass on her wattle. i looked it up and didn’t see anything that matched her specific condition. her wattle appears to be red and healthy, she’s eating and drinking just fine. her energy levels are high and she is acting like a...
  8. L

    Bump on roosters wattle

    My family rooster has this hard bump growth on his wattle and we aren’t sure what it is. It’s not painful, he doesn't flinch or cry when we investigate it, and it seems to peel off by itself. Does anyone know what’s happening to our little guy?
  9. Chixmixopolis

    3.5 week old chick with beak bump. Located where a wattle would form. Can anyone identify and advise?

    Rhode Island Red growing like a weed. 3.5 weeks now. Good natured. No issues but noticed this little bump. It's hard, located under bottom beak like where wattle would grow and on one side, her left, only. Does not ooze, although I touched, bot squeezed. Could not be dry Fowl Pox from what I've...
  10. L

    Frostbite wattle 9 year old Rooster dubbing needed ?

    In all the years we’ve had chickens (at least a decade) we’ve never had to deal with frostbite. Our 9 year old favorite rooster has frostbite on his wattle and comb. The comb is minor damage. The wattles were extremely swollen and once we warmed them up why’ve been hot to the touch. He’s been...
  11. C

    Hen swollen wattle and strange color and Closing one eye

    When I came home tonight my young hen was standing in her pen with her eyes closed I called her and she didn’t move so I went in to get her. when I picked her up she didn’t make any noise, open her eyes or move. she lowered her head as if she was asleep and when I brought her in the house she...
  12. mahanarama

    malformed wattle on one side - Niederrheiner rooster

    I’m wondering if anyone can identify what seems to be a birth defect on my rooster - doesn’t seem to have any negative effects other than aesthetic. One side of his wattle doesnt hang down and seems scrunched up, attached to his face. It has always been this way, so I assume is a birth defect...
  13. Harmoni

    Roo wattle bleeding, pecking at it himself

    I made the mistake of trying to rehome my roo. I brought him to someone who had other roos. Long story short, I brought him back home with me. He fought one of the roos and his wattle got cut. I had the bleeding under control until bed tonight. I went to close up the coop and there was blood all...
  14. bacibeau

    Are My Chicks Starting To Get Frostbite?

    Hey everyone!! I have two buff orps and three speckled sussex that are about 7 months old now all pullets. Temperatures around here have been getting as low as 29F at night. They sleep in a coop with the door shut, a little window screen to ventilate, and no heat source. We loaded the coop floor...
  15. sophiasflock

    My hens tongue is through the skin under her beak

    My year and 2 month old hen has a injury. This has never happened to me before and I tried to research about it, I didn’t get much help. Her tongue pierced through the soft skin under her beak in between her 2 small wattles. The end that is poking out is hard and will not move at all. I tried to...
  16. P

    Swollen and purple wattle

    This is Jenny! In the last day we have noticed her wattle become very swollen and dark purple she is eating and drinking and being her usual erratic self she seems perfectly herself any idea?
  17. L

    Hen or roo guesses? Wattles started coming in.. i

  18. C

    6 week partridge plymouth rock gender??

    This is a partridge plymouth rock at approximately 6 weeks. I’ve had horrible luck with chicks turning into roos and the fact that this one has a comb starting freaks me out. However, it’s mostly yellow and I don’t really see any wattles forming yet so those seem like good signs. What’s your...
  19. Catbutts

    Brown ashy comb?

    My 10 months old hybrid got a brown comb like in the picture. She lay am egg and roam around normally like my other hen. Also, she lost her feather around the chest are (The part where the pointy bone around the chest is). So I just wondering, is she molting or sick. ;( Ps. I live in a hot...
  20. WattletonsScrambledore

    Australorp Chicken Gender

    I have a black australorp that I am a little worried might be a male. The chicken was born the last week of July this year. The last picture is from this week. The other two are from last week. The chicken seems to be more red and none of our other chickens have red on them. (We have a mixed...
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