white egg

  1. Tahai

    anyone working on a white-egg laying Easter Egger? (or other white-layer cross)

    Hi All - I have been searching and searching for a Chicken breed or cross that lays a good amount of white eggs and is suited for cold weather and coop raising that is NOT a leghorn. From all the threads I've read, it seems that many others are looking for the same thing. I don't understand...
  2. P

    What breed chicken is this? Please help!

  3. WalnutTree

    Breed of white egg layers?

    So my ladies Goose (black&white) & Valdora (dark blue) were bought from a local feed store from the random white egg layers bin about 4 months ago as day old chicks. I'd really like to know what breeds they are! Goose: Goose looks almost like a Exchequer Leghorn or a Mottled Ancona but I'm...
  4. Austinb1395

    Does Anyone know if this is a leghorn or a Barred Rock egg?

    Besides my Rhode Island Reds my Comet Lays reddish/orange eggs well. Either my white leghorn or barred rock started laying . What chicken do y’all think later it?
  5. Paulownia

    Rhode Island Red laid a white egg?

    Our RIR chickens are 15 months old and one of them laid a white egg today. Has this happened to anyone else? I read it could be because of molting but I also read that molting doesn't usually start until 18 months. Would love some insight from anyone knowledgeable in this. :-) thank you!
  6. BigBlueHen53

    Pullet Surprise!

    At 18 weeks and 2 days, one of my Brown Leghorn pullets has blessed me with my first white egg! I'm so tickled! I've pictured it between the other two eggs I got today for comparison purposes. My older flock consists of EEs and BOs. And - it was in one of the nests, with the golf balls, so...
  7. J

    What is this egg...

    Our girls have been consistently laying since September . We have 3 buff orphingtons and 3 sex links. They all lay various shades of brown. I'm not sure who layed it but I found this white, bumpy egg today. Is this a concern or just one of those weird eggs you find? They have access to plenty...
  8. T

    White Star (hybrid leghorn)

    Can someone explain to me what the rooster in the photo is. I can't understand even his comb type. The photo is from DOMINANT POULTRY. Is it a cross of white leghorn X white hamburg?
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