white rocks

  1. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

    White Rock and Pastel Egger Hatching Eggs

    Pastel Eggers My flock lays various shades of lovely soft, pastel colored eggs ranging from greens to blues. You will get a lovely variety of color both in the coloration of your chicks and their eggs. Spice up your flock by adding some of these to your flock! $24.00 for 1 Dozen Hatching Eggs...
  2. T

    The mother of the commercial red sex links.

    Hello, everyone! We know for sure that the father of the RSL is a rhode island red rooster. This poll is about the mother of the commercial red sex links of the big companies. I know for sure that the maternal stock of the sex links has the following characterists: produces brown shelled...
  3. Silkie Jax

    Newbee to BYC and Silkie Hatching

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? New to owning my own but I fell in love with them working at a friends barn. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 12 = 3 Roo and 9 Hens (3) What breeds do you have? Silkies, White Rocks, Australorps and...
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