wild bird

  1. horselove

    When to treat subcutaneous emphysema (ruptured air sac) in wild finch?

    Yesterday I found a finch (adult female) unable to properly fly but otherwise appearing healthy, I kept her on the porch for safety and monitoring, and this morning she had a large air bubble, approximately the size of her skull, on the back left of her neck. This evening the bubble had expanded...
  2. ElGoose

    Young seagull (?) injured wing - vets closed currently

    Found an injured young bird that looks like an adolescent seagull - I don’t think the whole wing is broken, it looks like 3 feathers specifically have been injured 😢 we managed to capture it and we’ve taped the feathers with vet wrap just to keep them in a good place. What can we do? It settled...
  3. TheBirdBabe

    Escaped pet or wild dove?

    This dove has been sneaking around my chicken coop lately. Today I tried to get a closer look & she ended up going IN the coop! She let's me get close (doesn't much appreciate me picking her up) which other doves around won't do.. but I think she's mainly looking for food. I caught her because...
  4. TheBirdBabe

    Is this a case of mites?

    This afternoon a wild bird appeared in front of our windows. Our house is only 100 yards or so from our chicken coops. It looks sick. 😭 I was going to put it out of it's misery, but by the time I got around the house to it, it was gone. 😔 What are your thoughts?!
  5. Nattyice

    California scrub jay ?

    Hey people how is your day, I need some help I received a gift from my friend and gave me a scrub jay he cannot survive in the wild anymore since it was small my friend found him fallen from a nest when he went camping? What I am concern is that these a big birds and i can't figure out what...
  6. wolf-deer88

    Wild birds

    Well, my cat disturbed a barn swallow nest. She got one baby bird and two managed to leave the nest. I located one, it's fairly old but still dependent on its mother. Can mama get her babies back? Or should I interfere?
  7. S

    Wild Birds

    I’ve read a few different blog posts about not having bird feeders for wild birds if you plan to keep chickens due to the avian flu possibility. I’m wondering peoples opinions on this. Could I possibly keep a feeder away from where the coop and run is? We cut down to only one feeder, partially...
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    American Robin
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    Red-breasted Nuthatch seen in my yard!
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    Hooded Merganser
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    Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon)
  12. Bird_Lover_17

    (Unofficial poll) wild birds: what is the most ANNOYING pest

    Hi! So, I but up my bird feeders already :oops:. Not Suet yet, just peanuts and a TINY bit of seeds. Of course the first thing to visit my feeder was a deer:barnie So for all peeps who feed wild birds, what's the most annoying feeder pest??
  13. Kaida


  14. SniperGoose

    Flightless mourning dove found

    Today my father mentioned to me that he'd seen this mourning dove walking around in front of our barn for the past few days. He said it didn't seem to be able to fly. I didn't want one of our cats, or another predator to get it, so I went out to find it. I managed to catch it and I brought it...
  15. A

    I caught a finch, could be wild or one of my lost ones.

    There is a finch that always comes to mine trying to get in the cage. It's quite friendly whenever i comr outisde as it doesn't bother flying away. I decided to make a trap to see if it was one of mine who escaped or a wild one. How could i tell?
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