wild birds

  1. kimspangrude

    Wild birds in the barn - what is a safe deterrent?

    🦅🐦 We have a big problem every winter here in Western Colorado with wild birds trying to over winter in our barn. Our chickens sleep in the barn in their coop and go out to their fenced in run through their electronic door that opens automatically in the morning. The barn is big, and the coop...
  2. SunflowerDays

    Broken bottom beak can’t eat!! Duck -

    Hello all, I am in a desperate situation. There is a wild mallard with a heavily broken beak. She also has a duckling, which is why I haven’t taken her to the vets or contacted the wildlife centre as I think catching both will be beyond impossible and extremely distressing. Plus I think they...
  3. PandemicChicken

    Potential human contact with waterfowl - how to prevent/disinfect for avian flu & contaminated shoes?

    So my family and I visited the ocean harbor and saw waterfowl (mainly wild ducks) in the water and some seagulls flying around. For context, there are 2 cases of avian flu in my county and both flocks were euthanized. We don't think we accidentally stepped in fresh bird poop, but could have...
  4. MetroMutt

    Wild robin obsessed with my chickens?

    The last few weeks a robin that seems young has been hanging around my chickens, it seems young as it keeps doing what I call "baby chirps" and is very fluffy/round even though it has adult plumage! If we are indoors it will sit next the the run and pick around in the grass by them, sometimes it...
  5. H

    Muscovy duck potential "angel wing"

    My name is Hayder. I do not own any birds now but we used to own chicken, ducks and pigeons when I was a boy/teen. Although it feels like a long time ago but they certainly left their impression and i always loved birds. I wanted to join this online community to get better education about...
  6. Fritzen

    Scrub jay eggs!

    There’s a little nest in my hibiscus... Look inside and you see...... Babas!!!!! Saw the momma recently, seems to be a scrub jay nest. Three little eggos! She did a good job! I’ll be checking on the nest every other day to see if some peeps have hatched. Once they have, I’ll try to take...
  7. mschickiemama

    Are wild birds dangerous to chickens?

    I signed up to volunteer with baby birds this spring at a wildlife center and I'm wondering if they could spread anything to my chickens because I definitely don't want that. What should I do
  8. Bird_Lover_17

    Do you put up bird feeders in the winter?

    I'm just curious. I do put up feeders, and I'm obsessed. I bought another feeder today :oops: .
  9. Bird_Lover_17

    (Unofficial poll) wild birds: what is the most ANNOYING pest

    Hi! So, I but up my bird feeders already :oops:. Not Suet yet, just peanuts and a TINY bit of seeds. Of course the first thing to visit my feeder was a deer:barnie So for all peeps who feed wild birds, what's the most annoying feeder pest??
  10. Bird_Lover_17

    Bird Watcher Chat!

    Hi everyone! I wanted to make this chat so that birders can talk about Wild birds. I also included a poll asking what your favorite corvid is. I live in Upstate NY, so the birds I mentioned may be different where you are, in that case just add a comment of what bird it is, and where it is found...
  11. glll

    Finally found a safe way to keep wild birds out of duck feed!

    I have FINALLY come across an idea that works perfectly to keep wild birds from eating all of my ducks' food! I have an abundance of wild birds that love to finish the feed before the ducks even get a chance to eat. I was going to buy an automatic feeder (treadle feeder) but since I only have...
  12. glll

    Ways to keep wild birds away from duck feed??

    So I've gathered that my duck feed is eaten more by wild birds than the ducks! I keep the ducks' food and water in their coop but I leave the door open so they can enter and exit to eat and drink throughout the day, however, this means that the wild birds that come to my backyard do the exact...
  13. Al Gerhart

    Virulent Newcastle Disease or VND, Lots of Anguish, Little Solutions Offered

    Wow, what a disaster for the backyard chicken community in California. Just got through reading the SOB post (save our birds) and what struck me was a lot of anger and heart break and little discussion on what is best for the backyard chicken community. And I know this is a sore point for...
  14. Fluffychickensflock

    Wild bird take over!

    i have had a couple tiny, wild birds but now every time i walk out about a fifty follow me and eat the chickens treats! I don't know how it is possibe! I never even knew we had so many birds:eek:! Anyway could do anything to make sure that the chickens don't catch anything from these birds? :barnie
  15. Sakiza

    Looking for Exotic Birds in Upstate NY

    Hello! We have a small hobby farm with a 5 acre pond and an in work aviary! We are looking for wild ducks and other exotic fowl. Please let me know if you have anything available! Guinea Geese Duck Peafowl Pheasant
  16. Smuvers Farm

    Wild Birds *Caught* in Run....

    We're finding wild birds in our run. Our run has 1/4 inch hardware cloth walls, and bird netting on top. This is what I found yesterday, although it WAS NOT tangled up in the netting until I went to feed the chickens, and it was trying to *escape* from me: Pic by P.I.C. We have a maybe 12...
  17. rakers

    How do I keep wild birds out of my run?

    Hi All, I'm a longtime member but haven't posted in years. I have a problem that I hope you can help me with. Over the past year wild birds have been getting into our chicken run - they eat the chicken feed and drink the water (and poop in it). There are enough of them that they end up eating...
  18. kesrchicky16

    Not my turkeys but they like free food!

    So I have chickens and ducks but these wild turkeys have adopted out house as home base and sleep in the neighbor's tree.
  19. sevenpines

    Hello from the good ol’ “Show ME” state.... where yesterday, my good chicken-friend showed me LICE o

    Hello from the good ol’ “Show ME” state.... where yesterday, my good chicken-friend showed me LICE on my chickens!!! One was stepping very carefully, and then losing balance. Upon inspection, I see crawlies on her.... whitish to tannish transparent creatures and what my friend said are egg...
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