
  1. MandyMusshafen

    Is this normal?

    Is this normal? And if not what do I do to help? This is a bantam cochin chick about a week or so old, mailorder from Ideal as one of 8 hatchery choice bantam cochins. Could be frizzle. Any help is appreciated!
  2. sylvaniaduckmom

    Pekin’s Wing Tips

    Hi all - I have a 2 1/2 year old Pekin duck, Winnie, and her wing tips have almost always had trouble coming in. I’m wondering if there could possible be a reason for this, or if anyone else has experienced this? And if there is a solution? This is a year round situation for her. She’s...
  3. V

    Does anyone know the breed and possible gender of my chicks :)

    Does anyone know the breed and possible gender of my chicks :) I have little three chicks but no idea of their potential breed or gender (unless it’s too soon to tell) . If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated ♥️ . I’ll add some photos. The little yellow/white one struggled at...
  4. Pamuk

    Duck's Wing Twitching and Fanning Out. Can someone tell me what this means??

    Hello all! My duck's wings do this every few days and she shakes her head and opens her mouth as if she wants to vomit and nothing comes out. Her tongue even sticks out for a while when she's doing this vomiting motion. It really scares and worries me. This happens every few days and it lasts...
  5. MotherOfCharlie

    Quail hatchling with a funny wing position

    Hello wise ones. I have a lovely little quail. I think it was shrink wrapped. I noticed it piping 2 days ago, when it still hadn’t emerged today, I broke it free, carefully of course. Something isn’t right. At first I thought it was wry neck, but it feeds well and easily. I’m feeding it...
  6. D

    Broke wing, passed away

    Hi, I have had ducks for a few years now. My female Rouen I have had is part of my original flock (4 years). On Sunday I noticed she had a broken/sprained wing as it was hanging down, I caught her and examined it, she didn’t have any visible break but she also didn’t have any strength in it so I...
  7. Cloverr39

    Are weird wings genetic?

    My roo has wings that sort of stick out and look messy. I think some of his primary feathers are going over his secondary. I just hatched out his first chicks and the oldest (around 9-10 days) has wings that stick out. I do have 1 hen with wings that always stay a little bit open. Like she can't...
  8. Artizen Farm

    Greetings from the MS Delta

    Hi, all! I have a 13 acre spot where I have been raising Silver-laced Wyandottes and White Embdens.
  9. S

    Female pekin duck flicking and twitching her wings constantly???

    Hey im going to try to attach a video of what she's doing. But she will do this for hours on end. Her feathers also seem to be so thinned out and not smooth. It looks like she's plucked out so many feathers and it's making me worried. She's not my duck. But she shares a stall with my goose and...
  10. S

    Female pekin duck flicking and twitching her wings constantly???

    Hey im going to try to attach a video of what she's doing. But she will do this for hours on end. Her feathers also seem to be so thinned out and not smooth. It looks like she's plucked out so many feathers and it's making me worried. She's not my duck. But she shares a stall with my goose and...
  11. Hannahnic14

    What's up with this chicks wings?? (Not urgent)

    I didn't want to post this is the emergencies/disease/illness thread bit if it belongs there please feel free to move it! This 5 day old bantam cochin is getting wing feathers and they're growing in kinda funny, they stick out away from the body instead of laying flat. Any opinions? I've raised...
  12. MartinFamilyHomestead

    HELP!! injured hen

    We have a hen who is just over a year old. about a month ago she started limping and his left foots middle toe(idk if that’s what they are called on ducks) is swollen. The bottom size of it you can see where it looks like she stepped on something. We figured infection. Cleaned it up sprayed with...
  13. Silkiemama72

    White residue on less than year old Silkie Chicken

    Hi! I’ve had chickens for a few years but this is my first time raising silkies. I’ve got three, one rooster and two adorable girls. We got them from a local breeder in May. My black silkie, Judy has some crusty/crunchy white residue on the tips of her wings. Not sure what it is. All of my...
  14. Maddog_photog

    Slo Mo Flappers from the ‘20s

    Took this vid about 20 minutes ago of my Swedish Sweethearts in the pool. I thought it was cool being a video in slo-mo of Goose flapping his wings..!
  15. T

    Ducks eating each other's feathers??

    I have two pekin ducks, both around two months old. The smaller one is often the one who leads the larger one, but I find that the smaller one always nibbles and plucks out feathers from the larger one's wing. The smaller one plucks the feathers out to the point where the other duck even starts...
  16. L

    My bantam chicken wing - help or advice needed

    Can anyone tell me why my chickens wing goes strange like this? it keeps sticking out and not laying down with the rest of her feathers
  17. MamaDuck1985

    Wing feathers injured

    Our Pekin duck has disfigured wing feathers and a strange discoloration that almost looks like mildew in places. She is not being picked on by the flock. She has access to a pond and has clean, dry bedding. The other ducks look healthy. We initially thought the discoloration might be genetic...
  18. Clappmeg

    Silkie Chick: Slipped Wings?

    Hi all, Can you take a look at a few photos of my silkie chick and tell me what you think of it's wings? They stick out a good amount and point away from it's body. It's much more docile and calm than it's siblings. I'm hoping there's not something wrong..? Thank you! ull]2216846[/ATTACH]
  19. MamaDuck1985

    Duck wing feathers

    Our Pekin has had discolored wing feathers for a while now. We thought she was just molting, but they have looked beige like this for a few months now. It’s on both wings. She is eating and laying regularly. She has daily access to a pond. Everything seems normal except the large wing feathers...
  20. Sammjochan

    Wacky wing on my 4 week old male american buff gosling

    Hello everyone! I have a quick question about my 4 week old American Buff Gosling. We got them 3 weeks ago, and they are very well and happy, but my male gosling (Liam Geesan) has, what I think, is an under developed wing. I heard about angel wing, but I don't beleive that is the problem...
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