woods coop

  1. K

    Woods Coop Materials List?

    Hello all, We're 90% sure we're going to build our ladies a Woods style coop. There are several folks who've done excellent articles or ongoing threads about how they've decided on final designs and gotten things built, etc., but I'm wondering whether anyone has a concise list of lumber and...
  2. genxjanette

    Woods Fresh Air Coop

    We’re building an 8x12 Woods Fresh Air Coop. This is our progress so far. I want to thank everyone who has built this type of coop and posted here. We never would have gotten this far without this resource. We have 8 chicks waiting to move in. More updates to follow.
  3. Coopin Is a Habit

    Metal Roof In Wisconsin Winters - Insulation? Foam caps? Plywood? Or will just purlins do?

    Title pretty much says it all. Do I need to have vapor barrier on plywood, purlins, then foam closure strips, and then roof? Or will birds do just fine with just the metal roof on purlins. It will have very good insulation as it is a Woods Open air coop. Thanks in advance for any answers!
  4. Coopin Is a Habit

    Woods Open Air Coop Scaled Down (Can I do a 4 x 10?)

    Hello everyone! I am completely new to chickens and coop building as well as having minimal building experience. I am operating on a budget and have acquired a lot of free lumber to build a coop for my 8 ladies who grow significantly every day. I decided that Woods' Open Air Poultry House is the...
  5. Woods Open Air Coop. Scaled to 6x10

    Woods Open Air Coop. Scaled to 6x10

    I have been doing a lot of research here in BYC about building this Woods' house. Probably the best article (so far) is by Howard E. When searching for articles, use the TAG option of search. For search terms, type "woods" or "open"; you can select terms like woods coop, woods house, or open air...
  6. La Coupè

    La Coupè

    I have to give all credit for inspiration to this build to @WthrLady with the Ooodalolly at DunRovin Station build. I even bought the book that was recommended, Fresh Air Poultry Houses: https://www.amazon.com/Fresh-Air-Poultry-Houses-Open-Front-Healthier/dp/097217706X. I have four ISA brown...
  7. Billylynn

    Prince T Woods coop and deep litter method

    Wondering if anyone with a Woods coop is using the deep litter method? Didn't know if there would be any moisture issues with that method. Some, not all, videos mention moisture issues as they go to finally clean out the coop. Didn't know if this is a management issue or a method issue.
  8. 8' x 16' Woods Open Air Coop

    8' x 16' Woods Open Air Coop

    Our coop is based on the K.D. Woods design.
  9. DoozyWombat

    Building a Woods Coop for DLM in the Shenandoah Valley

    I am just getting started building my first coop, in the northern Shenandoah Valley (Clarke County.) I will probably make lots of mistakes, but if more experienced folks want to help me spot mistakes before I make them, that would be fabulous. The plan is for an 8x12 coop using the Woods...
  10. A Grade Eh Canadian Woods Coop

    A Grade Eh Canadian Woods Coop

    I had thought about getting some backyard chickens for my acreage a few years ago and then for whatever reason decided that I didn't want the hassle, especially in the winter. Then this spring the idea crept back into my little head and I decided that I wanted to have a little flock of about a...
  11. Countrymanfowl

    Woods Coop in Canadian Winter a Good Idea?

    I am currently in the process of reading the below book on Woods Coops. http://gnipsel.com/files/chickens/mfaph.pdf I am considering having one built on my property to house a number of chickens instead of using the plastic sheds I currently have. They have very poor ventilation and I'm...
  12. MiaS

    Woods question - again :)

    Can anyone tell me, is the sand front portion of a Wood's coop just to allow the birds to dust bathe or is there another practical reason for dividing the floor space in this style of coop?
  13. brendave

    My 6x10 Woods Coop

    My DH surprised me for my birthday last April with a chicken coop bought from Sam's Club and an order for 3 chicks from a hatchery. I have always wanted chickens but I until recently, couldn't have them. We had moved from a neighborhood that didn't allow chickens to 5 acres and I had talked...
  14. B

    Woods Coop

    My Amish made coop arrived yesterday!! I love it. It’s 8x12 and sits perfectly in our yard. I need to redo a few things like the high windows strap for opening. But my main question going forward is what run would look best with this coop? The 2 roof lines make it challenging. The run will be on...
  15. B

    Lime whitewash

    so ive decided to go the lime option. Since my first coat is so sloppy, is it ok to do a second coat? Will it wash off the first?? Thank you!
  16. MiaS

    Woods coop underway!

    Well, I guess I've made my thoughts of raising a half dozen chickens real as my 6 x 10 Woods coop is underway! So far I've got my PT 2" x 6" and PT plywood floor built, and all of my outside walls prefabbed and ready to panel. I've gone with the windows placed and sized as per book elevations...
  17. B

    Woods coop foundation

    Hi all, Just finished our foundation for my 8x12 woods coop that is coming this week. It is built into a slight incline. My question is should I put drain tile across the front? Will that small shed roof deposit enough water to worry about? I’d like to avoid gutters if possible. As you can see...
  18. MiaS

    Woods Coop for Cold Weather

    Hi all! Been doing a bunch of research on coop design and now have come across the Woods style which I'm liking more and more. I've bought the book but so far have only skimmed it. I have a few questions, particularly for those who are fans of these coops and/or for those who have one in a cold...
  19. JagZilla

    Modified Stoddard Southern Coop in Central Mississippi

    I picked up 4 pullets at Tractor Supply this past weekend (2 production Reds, and 2 Buckeyes), with intentions of building up to a suburban backyard flock of 12-16 laying hens in the next couple years. Although I've never owned chickens before, I've been thinking about it for a few years. In...
  20. Dogface208

    Woods style coop brooder question

    I've decided on a Woods style coop for my future bird barn. I want to have an "introductory brooder" in the main coop that I can put larger chicks in when it's time, but I'd like to have it on the floor under the roosts. In the off chance I am introducing some chicks in winter, will the air...
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