worms in chicken poop

  1. F

    Fly larvae or worms?

    Found one single dropping with these little white larvae. Does this look like fly larvae or worms? I clean the run/coop daily so there wasn’t a ton to compare, but I didn’t see these on any other droppings, inside or outside of the coop. I do have pour on Ivermectin and feel comfortable...
  2. S

    Quick question!

    Hello all, I recently got a chicken that is very active and eats a lot but I saw that she has pooped brown runny poop sometimes and just now she pooped about 3-inch white worms, I'm putting diatomaceous earth in her food. Would this be good enough or should I do more?
  3. J

    Are these worms in my chickens poop?

    Hi, I posted a couple of hours ago. Just need to know if you guys agree that these could be worms, if anyone know what type they could be that would be beneficial as well My dog also plays with the chickens, I’ll be getting some for her as well 😢 on Amazon right now ready to check out some...
  4. Twilighttwist

    Need help identifying and treating worms in sick chicken!

    We have a sick chicken (our sweet Olive Egger) that stopped laying eggs a few days ago and I noticed she wasn’t eating or drinking much. I also saw a few small thin worms in her poop. I started her on safeguard yesterday. She gets 1ml per day. She is doing on day two and pooped a bunch more...
  5. J


    Is this what I think it is? A worm? If so treatment recommendations please? We have 3 coops but they all free range together. I know which coop this came from, they were the only ones out to be able to poop on the porch step (it wasn’t there prior). Do I need to treat all 3 coops? Also what are...
  6. Afrodigh

    Worms after a respiratory infection?

    My hens have had a respiratory infection (I think) for close to a week. I took the sickest one to a vet and was given antibiotics for the whole flock as well as meloxicam to help with symptoms. They’ve had low energy, coughing, congestion, and swollen eyes. I am on day 6 (out of 7) of...
  7. mvdct

    Hopefully a simple check. Does this look like large roundworm to you?

    Hi BYC, Hopefully a simple post. Do these pictures look like they have a large roundworm (ascaridia galli) in them to you? (final image above from Damerow) Thanks
  8. Ashleys backyard farm

    Worms in my chickens poop!

    I clean my chickens coop once a week and while cleaning out the poop I noticed worms! 🤮 This is my first time dealing with this and I don’t know what kind they are. Someone please help! What are they and what do I do??
  9. T

    Lining or worms…once more CAUSE?

    Guys I need your help here. I posted another article last month for one of my newest birds (3mo cockerel). He and his sister had been battling mysterious frequent shedding of intestinal lining since they were 2mo and still living in a clean room in my house. After antibiotics and time they...
  10. T

    3mo cockerel expelling something in droppings (worms or lining??)

    History: About a month ago my pair of chicks (1 pullet and 1 cockerel) started dropping feces with lots of what appeared to be shed lining. They were just under two months old at the time and living in my house. It varied from cherry to orange colored stringy stuff some had drops of blood. I...
  11. ChickenChaser13

    Worms Found in Poop?

    Hello everyone I would love some insight on the worms I found in my chicken poop. I have four 8 week old BCM chicks that stay in a large cage in the coop with their broody mom during the night and then free range with the others during the day. I was cleaning out their cage and upon examining...
  12. S

    Worms and hurt chicken

    Hi! One of our chickens has been lying on her Left side for 4 days. We separated her from the flock (total of 19 chickens) and have her in a box with water and feed. She can’t stand on her feet. She looks healthy otherwise. What could be the issue? Also, we discovered that a few chickens have...
  13. E

    Hen - Lethargic, not eating, watery poop

    Hi All - I have an almost 3 yr old hen, until a couple of days ago was very healthy. I noticed her just laying down in the run yesterday morning, no obvious signs of illness. Nothing respiratory, eyes and beak clear, crown red (normal) no injury. Then noticed runny poop and she seemed sleepy...
  14. madsnbot

    Possible mites and worms?

    So I have two problems with my chickens! of course. Problem #1, earlier today I picked up one of my silkie chicks to check it for PB(I got two silkie chicks from a breeder a few days ago) and I saw a little white bug crawling on her! At first i thought it was mites but mites are usually...
  15. Jrbd82


    Chicken left this right at the back door yesterday. I’ve never worked them before as was told by a chicken farmer if 25+ years it wasn’t necessary- but this convinces me to go ahead. I bought valbazan (for goats) quite some time ago per a post on here. I need help in how to administer this and...
  16. ChickeNelson


    Is this worms or something else? If so, what type?
  17. N

    clear worms, help identify plz! photo

    Hi, First time in years finding worms don't know what they are. they were all in one clump in a hard to reach place in the coop. My best girl was acting sick and died a couple of weeks ago and now I think this might've caused it, everybody else seems fine, sorry for the photos. They are tiny...
  18. Countryhippie

    Deworming Chickens

    Hello! I have read so much mixed information about deworming chickens. I am still a beginner to all things chickens, so I hope someone can help answer my questions. A quick background on my chickens: I have four hens that are about 9 months old. My hens have a run in which they stay in most...
  19. Boo Kitty

    Newbie ~ Need Help Please ~ 3 Issues

    We were given a young rooster early summer, he's lived with us without any issues or concerns. Dec 20th I bought 3 laying hens from a breeder. Everyone integrated well, no bullying. So here's the problems - biggest concern 1st. 1 - Since the girls have been home, 1 of them has had 2-3 watery...
  20. B


    Hi, please could someone let me know if this is worms? Found on the poop deck this morning 😧. We have small flock (6) of very free-range chickens that we hatched this year (plus one tiny chick as one insisted that she wanted a baby chick 🙄). They have not been wormed.. thinking I need to go...
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