
  1. J

    Are these worms in my chickens poop?

    Hi, I posted a couple of hours ago. Just need to know if you guys agree that these could be worms, if anyone know what type they could be that would be beneficial as well My dog also plays with the chickens, I’ll be getting some for her as well 😢 on Amazon right now ready to check out some...
  2. Chickenandgreens

    Found worms… looking for guidance

    So I thought my flock had coccidiosis based on symptoms and talking with you guys, I treated with coild for the outbreak and the bloody poops went away. Well today I went out and found a large worm in one of the poops were my younger pullets sleep. I know I need to treat for worms now and based...
  3. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Molting Hen Is Acting Poorly - Treatment Needed?

    My 4.5 y/o EE, Darla, is going through a pretty extreme molt. She's at the bottom of the pecking order and always pretty awkward, but is acting even more confused and flustered than usual, and is otherwise very low energy. This is normal for her during molts. However, I noticed the following...
  4. Twilighttwist

    Need help identifying and treating worms in sick chicken!

    We have a sick chicken (our sweet Olive Egger) that stopped laying eggs a few days ago and I noticed she wasn’t eating or drinking much. I also saw a few small thin worms in her poop. I started her on safeguard yesterday. She gets 1ml per day. She is doing on day two and pooped a bunch more...
  5. WARosie

    Looks like worms?

    Hello I have a hen who was broody and sitting on eggs up until about 9 weeks ago, then started laying a few eggs again which started out well and then became thin. I started her on Calcium citrate 3 days ago to see if that will help. Yesterday she laid a soft shell egg with a thicker membrane...
  6. P

    De-wormer - gapeworm

    Does anyone have any recommendations as to what de-wormer I can use to treat gapeworm? I need one that can be added to water ideally and that is available to purchase in the UK. I've tried looking for safeguard water soluble de-wormer as I've seen it recommended but I can't find it anywhere? I...
  7. Browniethechicken

    Bloody watery Poop!?

    One of my hens just pooped in front of me and it’s bloody and watery. I don’t know which hen as they were clustered together in front of me eating treats. What does this mean? What should I do? They are all one year old. I keep the coop fairly clean and they are well taken care of. They have a...
  8. P

    Is this gapeworm?

    Hi there, Over the past couple of weeks I've noticed a few of my chickens stretching their neck out as though gasping for air. Initially I thought nothing of it as I read that it can often be just rearranging the crop after eating and I'd always noticed it after they'd eaten. Then tonight while...
  9. E

    Sick goose

    Hello, My white Chinese goose is lethargic. She doesn't like to lay down and just hangs in the pool. She doesn't have interest in food except for peas. I am giving her diatomaceous earth. I'm not sure what is wrong but she is not her normal active self. The other birds are fine. We have had a...
  10. 4UrbanHens

    Worms still in poop after de-worming!

    Hi all - I just de-wormed my chickens using safeguard 3ml to a 1 gallon water and changed it daily. I did this for 3 days and repeated on day 10 to kill any remaining young worms. The withdrawal period just ended and I noticed tiny worms in one of my hens poops again. What should I do? Should I...
  11. LizFl

    Help, is this poop something to be worried about?!

    One of my hens just pooped this, is it worms? should I deworm?
  12. C

    Worms? Tuberculosis? Other? What are these worm-like things? What’s going on here?!

    I’ve been trying for a while to get to the bottom of my hen’s health issue(s). I’m baffled. Symptoms in Buff Orpington hen (rescue, roughly 4-5 yrs old): Watery poop with white streaks or dark green mass (new symptom, past few days) Worms or worm-like matter in some of the watery poop (new...
  13. Ashleys backyard farm

    Worms in my chickens poop!

    I clean my chickens coop once a week and while cleaning out the poop I noticed worms! 🤮 This is my first time dealing with this and I don’t know what kind they are. Someone please help! What are they and what do I do??
  14. Shimmerpuppy

    Sickie chickie

    Hi everyone, I have a sick hen, her comb and wattle are very light colored, she's listless, I'm not certain she is eating or drinking (I have food and water available.)Her poop is very runny, like egg whites, with a green slimy slug of poo in it. I suspect that she has some worms. I have added...
  15. LizzzyJo

    Poop pics - are these worms?

    Should I de-worm? Thank you!!!
  16. 3

    Worms? Egg issues?

    Hello. I have 3 adult hens who I have had to treat yearly for roundworms. This has been confirmed by fecal float in the past though I did not take a sample in this year because the only vet around me that will test a sample requires me to bring the chicken in for an exam as well which is quite...
  17. G

    Chicken poop! White runny! Help!

    Need some help..here’s the details on the chicken in question. 2 year old lavender Orpington Hasn’t been laying Very lethargic White stringy poop (doesn’t look like worms but not sure 100%) Eats/drinks very little Giving nutri-drench and electrolytes Eats some apples, blueberries Very...
  18. K

    Sick chicken- sour crop?

    I have a 3 year old (this spring) golden comet that has been sick for about 2 days now. She has been walking around slightly upright with her head kind of tucked back into her neck. I noticed yesterday late afternoon water leaking from her mouth so I checked her crop and it felt squishy and airy...
  19. F

    Egg broke and was sticking out of vent, now chicken is lethargic !

    Hi guys. I’ve been asking a few questions the last few months on her about my hen who’s been having a lot of problems, and I really appreciate the help so far. Last night she tried to lay a very thin egg (she had an infection in her oviduct, this is her second attempt at an egg since I treated...
  20. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Can someone check my math? Safeguard aquasol for small flock

    I'm skeptical of my math abilities and I'm worried about massively overdosing my flock due to miscalculation (x the unforgivingly high concentration of safeguard aquasol). I bought a small portion of safeguard aquasol, which is otherwise very expensive because it's typically used for...
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