*^»~Lingering Loyalty~«^* A Parrot Role-Play



Crossing the Road
8 Years
Aug 14, 2015
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(All credit goes to @HeavensHens88 and @Flufferes on the banner.)
(Summary at the end)
Two siblings, separated by ambitions. The older, Huon, did not wish to succeed his father as leader of the flock. While the younger, Pandani, wished only too much to Lead. Huon, having always been the less outgoing sibling, refused Leadership only once, when he was told he must attain the position, being one of the best guards and fighters in the flock. Pandani asked more times than there are leaves in a summertime forest, and she was disappointed each time, every one of them worse than the last. It went back to when they were chicks. Pandani was always the more ambitious one, dreaming of being leader, while Huon, being more peaceful and less likely to fight, preferred the Healer's nest. Tradition foretold that the first born, in this case Huon, would be the next ruler of the Flock. When they were chicks, they played every second they were together. Until Pandani learned she could never be Leader. They grew father apart, although they still played. Pandani asked again. This time she was bluntly told no. They grew farther apart. Another two times asking, she was screeched at. It was as if they lost contact with each other altogether. When Huon was asked if he would be Leader, he refused. When he was told he would take the role of Leader, he nodded his head sadly and agreed.

Pandani watched, anger glistening in her eyes, as she saw her brother grasp the role she had wanted since they were young. He didn't even want it. He wanted to heal others when he had the power control them. She had whispered, "I'll seek revenge. Revenge upon him. Revenge upon our parents. Revenge upon the Flock." a look of maliciousness flashed in her eyes as she held her head up, "Revenge upon the entire forest. They will regret every act they've taken against my role as leader."

Huon sighed sadly, he looked into his father's eyes, "As long as I live, and for as long as you live, I will strive to be the greatest Leader the Flock of the Towering Eucalyptus has ever seen. Even though it is not the role I wish to take, I will make you proud. I'll make the Flock proud. I'll make our ancestors proud." a look of hopefulness gleamed in his eyes as he held his head up, "I'll make the forest proud."

In the end, tradition prevailed, Huon was made leader. Furious, Pandani took off and gathered followers from the forests of Tasmania, who believed she was the rightful leader. Growing colder and crueler by the day, jealousy continued to consume Pandani. While Huon was only just beginning to enjoy his role as leader of the Flock. His was the biggest, all Tasmanian parrots could live in Huon's flock. While Pandani's Flock consisted only of cockatoos.

Huon's flock lived peacefully, undisturbed by his sister's for many years. But little did he know, Pandani was planning something. Something that would alter the forests of Tasmania forever.

(The story is set in Tasmania and basically, Huon doesn't want to be leader and his sister Pandani does. Huon is the firstborn of the former leader, and tradition says that means he needs to be the next leader. They've both repeatedly told their father their wishes for their entire lives leading to this point. Huon is eventually made leader, so Pandani is super jealous and flies off. She collects cockatoos, tells them her story and asks them to join her until she has a full flock.)

Flocks: Flock of the Deadly Nightshade and Flock of the Towering Eucalyptus

Flock of the Towering Eucalyptus:
The larger of the Flocks, it consists of every species listed below. They live in large eucalyptus trees, hence their name, and make nests out of ferns, twigs and lined with their soft feathers that fall out. A newly made Tyro (See below for ranks) is made a special nest from the most comfortable twigs, softest leaves and then lined with one plucked feathers from the tail of each living family member (Mother, Father, Sibling(s), Aunt(s), Uncle(s), Cousin(s) etc..), their closest friend and their new Trainer.

Flock of the Deadly Nightshade;
The smaller of the Flocks, it consists only of cockatoos listed below. They live in the same trees, just farther away from the enemy Flock. Their nests are made out of stiff twigs, soft leaves and lined with ferns. The same custom of Tyro ceremonies is applied, except the Mother and Father give two feathers and the rest only give one.
Both Flocks eat berries, insects, nuts, seeds, flowers and buds.

Parrot Species:

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo - The two siblings.

Gang-gang Cockatoo - Gray body with red head and fuzzy looking crest. Females are all gray.

Galah - White top of head, pink chest and gray back.

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo - Classic cockatoo, white with yellow crest.

Other Parrots:
Rainbow Lorikeet - Blue head, bright orange beak and chest, blue belly, green back.

Musk Lorikeet - Green with red and blue face, yellow fronted wings.

Green Rosella - Yellow chest and belly, red band over nose, blue cheeks, black wings.

Eastern Rosella - Red head with white face and black mask, green chest and belly, yellow, black and blue wings.

Swift Parrot - (Endangered so there can't be too many in the RP) Green with blue head, red cheeks and green body.

Blue-winged Parrot - Green with yellow stomach, blue on the front of the wings and a blue stripe that goes across face from eye to eye.

Orange-bellied Parrot -
(Endangered so there can't be too many in the RP) Yellow with white fronted wings and face and an orange lower belly.


Leader - The head of everything, nothing is done without the Leader knowing. If something is done behind the Leader's back, it is punished. If something happens on the border, a good Leader rushes straight to it. They are highly respected and a show of disobedience or disrespect can demote you or, if severe enough, have you exiled from the Flock.

Leader's Mate - Same privileges as the Leader, and almost equally respected because they are the most trusted by the Leader. Are mostly in charge of sending out the squads to defend the borders or find food.

Second in Command (Second for short) - The Second is a lower rank than the Leader and Leader's Mate, but more involved in the activities of the Flock and the squads than the Leader's Mate. They are still highly respected by all lower than him/her. When the leader dies, the Second does not take the position, unless they happen to be the first born of the Leader, but they continue their role and now serve the Leader's first born chick until they die, or retire to become an Advisor. If no other parrot in The Council (see below) had been a Second, then the now retired Second becomes the Head of The Council unless there is a parrot voted wiser.

Healer - Respected even higher than the Leader for their vast knowledge and gift of healing, if disrespected severely enough, you will be exiled from the Flock. If a chick is to become a Healer, it is destined to. A chick must be chosen by the ancestors of the Flock to become a Healer, whether the chick wants to be one or not. A Healer Tyro has the gift of healing given to it when it is hatched, even if the chick doesn't know it, and the Leader and current Healer are sent a dream as to which chick will become the Healer Tyro. They must keep this a secret until the day the chick is to be made a Tyro, when they, for the first time, tell the chick and it's parents the chick's destiny. A Healer Tyro is respected slightly more than a Lead Guard, meaning even a newly made Tyro can give orders to other, older Tyros or even the highest ranked Fighter or Guard.

The Council - The Council is a group of retired Fighters, Guards, Seconds and sometimes Leaders. They are they Leader's Advisers and are given immense respect. It is considered very rude and disrespectful to interrupt when they tell a story, or ignore their advice.

Guard - Separated into four groups: Rookie Guard, Intermediate Guard, Advanced Guard and Lead Guard. Rookie Guards are the newest Guards, they take orders by all higher than them without question. They do what they're told and almost never complain, as it is shown as a sign of weakness and they could be demoted back to a Tyro. Rookies can not be given a Tyro. Intermediate Guards are higher ranked than Rookies, they as well take orders from everyone higher than without question. They can complain on occasion, but only if the task they deal with is worth it. Intermediates can be given a Tyro, although it is rare. Advanced Guards are higher ranked than Rookies and Intermediates, they take orders from all ranked above them. They rarely complain as they are proud to have reached a high position. Advanced Guards are given a Tyro once they have been awarded their new status for at least one month. Lead Guards are the highest ranked Guards, they take orders from only the Healer (and Healer Tyro), Leader, Leader's Mate and Second. They are allowed to give orders to everyone else. And never once complain for they fear it could disrupt their image as strong and respectable. They are often given Tyros before the lower ranked Guards are. There are only two Lead Guards, a male and a female, it is allowed for them to be mates but it isn't often, as it means they have to step down from their roles to incubate the clutch (both the Mother and Father take turns sitting on the egg(s)). A Guard may take a Fighter mate, although they usually take a Guard mate because they know them better. A Guard is responsible for defending and guarding the Camp. Guards may be given up to two Tyros.

Fighter - There are three ranks: Rookie Fighter, Advanced Fighter and Lead Fighter. They are basically the same as the Guard. A difference is that all three ranks may Train a Tyro. Fighters are responsible for defending the border trees, rather than the nesting tree. They are allowed to take a Guard mate, but often take a Fighter mate since they know them better. Fighters may also be given up to two Tyros.

Trainer - A Trainer is a Guard, Fighter, Healer or Second training a Tyro to become either a Fighter, Guard or Healer. If the Second was a Fighter before they became Second, they train the Tyro to become a Fighter and if the Second was a Guard before they became Second, they train the Tyro to become a Guard. A Healer trains the Healer Tyro in the ways of medicine and healing the Flock. The Leader, although very rare, may train a Tyro if they wish to. Since the Leader must train as a Fighter and a Guard before they attain their current position, it is up to the Leader's Tyro to train as one or possibly train as both.

Tyro - A Tyro is a young chick that is just about a year old. They train under a Fighter, Guard, Healer, Second and sometimes the Leader. A Tyro can choose if it wishes to be a Guard or a Fighter. It, however, can not choose whether it wants to be a Healer or not (see above for Healer). When first made a Tyro, a big partylike ceremony is held that goes on through the night and a special nest is put together by the Council (see above Flock Description).

Hen - A Hen is a female Fighter or Guard sitting on eggs or raising chicks. Food is brought to them so they can feed the chicks. They aren't the most respected until they go back to their regular duties (except by the chicks, all chicks must respect any hen and do what they say, even if they are not her own), but they are treated better than the leader as to properly raise the young.

Chick - A Chick is a parrot younger than three months old. Chicks often want to explore, although they can't as they would fall out of the tree. A chick must respect all higher than them, and are punished if they fail to do so.

Form to Join:

Type of Parrot (Cockatoo or True Parrot):

Mate (if any):

@PeepersMama @ChickenCowboy02 @Flufferes @HeavensHens88
Last edited:
Name: Huon
Age: 7 years
Gender: Male
Flock: Eucalyptus
Personality: Caring and slightly submissive normally, but stern and assertive in "leader mode".
Type of Parrot (Cockatoo or True Parrot): Yellow-tailed Black
Description: Normal YTB
History: In the first post.
Family: Pandani
Mate (if any): Non yet.
Chicks: Non yet.
Rank: Leader
Username: vachick15

(I'll make more later. :p)
Age: 36 parrots can live as long as humans
Gender: male
Flock: deadly nightshade
Personality: Nigel, I don't know how to grace this role bare with me.
Type of Parrot (Cockatoo or True Parrot): Sulfur crested cockatoo
Description: https://www.bing.com/images/search?...0-0&sk=&cvid=1A5EED12138D4141B5DB1367604DA2B1
History: NIGEL!
Family: no family. Nope nada
Mate (if any): no way. This weird poison dart frog likes him though.
Chicks: nay
Rank: Lead Guard if that is ok.
Otherwise just a guard.
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Name: Coryn
Age: 1 year
Gender: female
Flock: Flock of the Deadly Nightshade
Personality: friendly and happy. Has nothing to do with evil or plotting. Just born unlucky.
Type of Parrot (Cockatoo or True Parrot): Sulfur crested cockatoo cause she needs to have a head boppin dance party
Description: whadd'ya think?
History: she has a normal family. They may be followers of this mess with Pandani, but Coryn was just born into this. Pity her!
Family: needs a mom and a dad
Mate (if any): nay
Rank: She is a Tyro training to be a fighter.
Age: 36 parrots can live as long as humans
Gender: male
Flock: deadly nightshade
Personality: Nigel, I don't know how to grace this role bare with me.
Type of Parrot (Cockatoo or True Parrot): Sulfur crested cockatoo
Description: https://www.bing.com/images/search?...0-0&sk=&cvid=1A5EED12138D4141B5DB1367604DA2B1
History: NIGEL!
Family: no family. Nope nada
Mate (if any): no way. This weird poison dart frog likes him though.
Chicks: nay
Rank: Lead Guard if that is ok.
Otherwise just a guard.
(*is in extreme awe* Very much accepted. XD)
Name: Coryn
Age: 1 year
Gender: female
Flock: Flock of the Deadly Nightshade
Personality: friendly and happy. Has nothing to do with evil or plotting. Just born unlucky.
Type of Parrot (Cockatoo or True Parrot): Sulfur crested cockatoo cause she needs to have a head boppin dance party
Description: whadd'ya think?
History: she has a normal family. They may be followers of this mess with Pandani, but Coryn was just born into this. Pity her!
Family: needs a mom and a dad
Mate (if any): nay
Rank: She is a Tyro training to be a fighter.
(I should probably just remove the description. XD Accepted.)
I'm gonna apologize now ifI get slow on replies :lol:
*digs up the ancient forms* OH WAIT I CANT

Name: Blade
Age: 7 years
Gender: Male
Flock: Eucalyptus
Personality: Quiet and serious; earned any respect he's given up to this point and has gained a reputation as a serious fighter; much more mature than most parrots his age.
Type of Parrot (Cockatoo or True Parrot): Rainbow lorikeet, black "lacing" on the end of his breast feathers (to put it in chicken terms)
History: As a chick, he was unloved and rejected, tossed from the nest too early because there were already so many hatchlings in it. He was found and raised by a cockatoo - a particularlly dark-spirited one. She raised him as her own, teaching him how to fight and how to survive, and stirring up hatred in him for other parrots. One night, he discovered a patrol of cockatoos from the Flock of Deadly Nightshade out sitting guard. he approached them to greet them, and was attacked. They would have killed him, but he was rescued by the Flock of Towering Eucalyptus. He was their prisoner for awhile, and herefused to have anything to do with them. Eventually he grew to trust them enough to tell one of the oldest Council members who he had thought he was for his whole life, and the name of the cockatoo who had raised him. Turns out everyone in the flock knew who she was. She had been exiled from both flocks at one point and was using him as a pawn to get revenge. Now he's cool and doesn't hate anything.
Family: Yeah they kinda failed
Mate (if any): Not yet
Chicks: Nope
Rank: Advanced fighter
Username: PeepersMama
Name: Leaf
Age: 8
Gender: female
Flock: Towering Eucalyptus
Personality: kind and stuff
Type of Parrot (Cockatoo or True Parrot): Rainbow Lorikeet
History: a good one
Family:if somebody wants to make one.
Mate (if any): maybe she will like Blade or something...
Chicks: nada
Rank: Advanced Fighter
Username:AMERAUCANAS4REAL this is my third and final character. I'll try to limit myself this time and not get drowned in confusion.

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