▸Model Chicken Contest◂ - (Winners Posed) *Real Prize*

Model Chicken Contest Entry
Name: Zelda (Barred Rock), Henny Penny (Ameraucana), Goodie (Welsummer); Lily and Tawny (Ameraucanas); Tootsie (Welsummer); Betsy (Barred Rock)
Breed: 2 Barred Rock (6 months), 3 Ameraucanas (2.5 years old); 2 Welsummers (6 months)

Just hanging out on the deck.
Model Chicken Contest
Name: Lily
Easter Egger (or Ameraucana?)

Lily is modeling a chicken in flight -- hard to capture

Here she is fleeing the scene of the 7 chicken photo shoot -- "I'm outta here"

Model Chicken Contest Entry
Name: Bert
Breed: unknown, gifted to us a chick
Gender : rooster
Picture(s): 1,2

What do you mean ? Do I know how to pick rocks ?


You're looking for the barbeque sauce ????

Model Chicken Contest Entry
Name: Rudy
Breed : father Bert, unknown, mother buff orpington
Gender : rooster
picture : 3

What do you mean ? I look like my dad ?

Model Chicken Contest Entry
Name: Lucky, Rudy, Peek a Boo
Breed : rooster, father Bert, mother buff orpington, pullets are red sex link , ameracauna
Gender : pullet, rooster, pullet
picture : 4

Rudy hanging out with his favorite friends ...........

PS, the signature is not updated. We have 44 birds currently.
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@emvickrey I'm not sure if you were to
Asking about my hatching eggs but I will be selling hatching eggs in the spring from my blue/splash pen. They aren't laying yet.

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