...~♥~The Hunted~♥~A Wolf and Wild Horse RP ~♥~... Chat Thread!!!


Chicken crazy
6 Years
Mar 19, 2013
With chickens somewhere.......
This is the Hunted Wolf and Wild Horse RP chat thread. This is where you can chat about stuff out of the RP. If you would like to join The Hunted RP click on the link below.

Well right now the Crystal herd doesn't have a top male of female leader because something happened to them (and because nobodies made a top leader for that herd yet). I have something planed for that but I was wondering if you would like to make a horse to be the new top male leader of that herd.
Well I would but I don't want anymore horses it's going to get confusing for me I have know idea how you can keep up with all of the herds and packs I'm sorry :(

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