⭐ Kiki's Year Long 🌶️

Stuff isn't trash to me.
Trash trash...like real garbage should not be laying all over anyone's house.

You don't have trash laying around.
If you do...you should pick it up.
That's what we've been trying to teach and tell the Godson. I wasn't joking when I said that he keeps literal bags of garbage.

And if you have ten plus dead cats laying around, that you don't even know are there, rotting under trash...you might as well just burn your house down now and get it over with.
Thank goodness Godson doesn't have any pets.
And if you have ten plus dead cats laying around, that you don't even know are there, rotting under trash...you might as well just burn your house down now and get it over with.
There was this guy who would come to the store when I was a cashier. He smelled the whole place up of cat piss. Nasty. I bet he had a hundred dead cats in his house.
I’m waay too excited!! I was creeping eBay seeing what my hot air balloon mugs are worth and I find this!View attachment 2477732
It has geese and a hot air balloon!! I haven’t bought anything for myself in a long while.
If you want a pair of really nice coffee cups with a pic of a flying American Avocet on them. Let me know and I will make it happen.
What in the world did you need for the chickens?
Some cheap towels for the crate mostly.
Dawg...watch these hoarder shows.
Every single one of these nutters has a million excuses.
:lau I’ve seen them before and I will never end up like those nutters! There’s piles of stuff everywhere currently especially the dining room/hall and it has been stressing me out sooo dang much! :lau it is not my stuff btw. :th
Just watching this show is stressing me out but I can't stop watching it just yet.
That’s exactly why I haven’t watched it in forever. :lau
What the heck even is that??
I’m waay too excited!! I was creeping eBay seeing what my hot air balloon mugs are worth and I find this!View attachment 2477732
It has geese and a hot air balloon!! I haven’t bought anything for myself in a long while.
And it's not too pricey, either! And it's cute!

(Also, I tried making a simple pysanky egg, and now my fingers are blue-green).

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