⭐ Kiki's Year Long 🌶️

beautiful tomatoes, are they heirloom?
Nope. They are the discontinued Northern Exposure tomatoes. @WhatTheDuckingDuck reminded me that tomatoes can be cloned. I can't get seeds for them anymore so they are growing in my living room this winter. They are an F1 hybrid and cannot be reproduced by open pollinated seeds.
Thanks, Elk! :hugs
Someone is spending too much time in the Games forum.
Nope. They are the discontinued Northern Exposure tomatoes. @WhatTheDuckingDuck reminded me that tomatoes can be cloned. I can't get seeds for them anymore so they are growing in my living room this winter. They are an F1 hybrid and cannot be reproduced by open pollinated seeds.
That I did.
Did you blow away yet?

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