⭐ Kiki's Year Long 🌶️

I see a black boy club forming.
Golden boy 💛
We have done both. The most important thing is that they see them after they pass. We’ve also brought them home and let them see before we buried them.
At one point we had rescued & adopted 10 dogs. Over the last 17 months it has been very hard (I've shared in other threads in here) but, the most important thing I did for our fur kids was to always allow them to see, sniff, and watch as I respectfully put them in a gravy and when the rest of them are down being around... Then I start to bury the remains. It's not something that gets easier over time. And when Saydie-Brin (she was the Alpha female of the pack and 12+ y/o when we had to put her to sleep) Bear & Sher-bear, our Great Pyrenees siblings hung around... Layed down and didn't leave the area until I had finished burying her... They even went up to the spot sniffed around d for a good couple minutes and then went out to the back of the big back yard for a while before coming inside.... When ya get dogs & other pets that are in similar ages then they will age-out at nearly the same time.

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